Stand-up comedian Samay Raina’s popular YouTube show India’s Got Latent has gained widespread acclaim, with its contestants often going viral—sometimes for controversial reasons. Recently, Priyanka Halder, a participant on the show, found herself at the center of online criticism after sharing details about her personal life.
Who is Priyanka Halder?Priyanka Halder, a 33-year-old actress from West Bengal, currently resides in Mumbai and has appeared in numerous television projects. Her acting credits include episodes of Crime Patrol and the series Utha Patak 4 and several other shows. Halder, who completed her education up to Class 12, married at a young age and became a mother at 18. Her husband, employed by the Indian Railways, is based in Nagpur.
During her appearance on India’s Got Latent, Halder revealed she is married and has a 15-year-old son, a disclosure that quickly sparked controversy on social media.
Why is Priyanka Halder Being Trolled?Halder participated in the show as a model for her friend, a costume cutter, in a segment judged by comedian Bharti Singh, her husband Haarsh Limbachiyaa, and singer Tony Kakkar. During the act, Halder wore a red bodycon dress, which her friend Adil altered into a cut-out style on stage. While the performance initially received attention for its creativity, Halder’s personal revelation about being a married mother fueled a backlash online.
The clip of her act went viral, with many netizens labeling it “inappropriate” and accusing Halder of “cheating” on her husband. Some speculated that her story about being married and having a son was fabricated to attract attention and stand out on the show. Others suggested the segment was scripted, claiming Halder’s narrative was crafted to gain traction with filmmakers.
While Halder faced significant criticism, she also received support from many who questioned the harsh judgment and objectification she endured. Her defenders argued that her marital status and family life had no bearing on her performance and called out the trolling as unwarranted.
As the debate continues, Priyanka Halder’s appearance has sparked conversations about societal double standards and the scrutiny faced by women in the entertainment industry. Priyanka is facing trolls on social media.
Netizens were quite impressed with Haarsh Limbachiyaa and Bharti Singh's entry as guests on the show. Tony Kakkar was also a part of the episode. While Tony sang for Samay and his fan, the comedian gave a hilarious dance performance leaving everyone in splits. Haarsh's witty comments made the episode the best. Fans were all in for compliments for Haarsh and Bharti.