Google is reportedly considering equipping its upcoming Pixel 10a with an older processor, potentially marking a significant departure from its traditional approach to mid-range phones. The budget-friendly device, scheduled for release in early 2026, might retain the Tensor G4 chip instead of featuring the newer Tensor G5 that will power the main Pixel 10 series.
According to internal documentation viewed by Android Authority, the Pixel 10a, codenamed "stallion," is currently in early development stages. The decision to potentially use an older processor appears to be driven by cost considerations, as the newer Tensor G5 chip is significantly larger and more expensive to produce than its predecessors.
If Google proceeds with this strategy, it would be the first time an A-series Pixel phone doesn't share the same processor as its flagship counterpart. This decision could have significant implications for the device's capabilities, particularly in AI features and camera processing, which heavily rely on Tensor chip capabilities.
While the final decision on the processor choice hasn't been made, the move raises questions about the device's competitiveness in the mid-range smartphone market, as the Tensor G4 chip will be nearly two years old by the time the Pixel 10a launches. The older processor might limit access to new features that will be introduced with the Pixel 10 series and its Tensor G5 chip.