Oct 7, 2024

Robin Sharma's 10 rules for a super life


How to live life to the fullest

While we all aim to have a happy and successful life, few can achieve it. To help one lead a "super life", leadership missionary-humanitarian-artist-author Robin Sharma recently shared his 10 important rules on social media.


"Keep your promises"

Matching your words and actions makes you a more trustworthy and reliable person. This is important, especially at the workplace as it will help you get more projects and lead to overall growth.


"Walk 10,000 steps daily"

Walking or exercising regularly is a great way to naturally destress and release feel-good hormones.


"Don't make small things big things"

Instead of dwelling upon small things and being bothered, learn to look at the bigger picture and be happy.


"Produce mastery, not mediocrity"

When doing something, give it your 100 per cent-- this will make you successful and feel more satisfied in the long run. Why be mediocre when you can be extraordinary?


"Read for an hour each evening"

Reading has many benefits like increasing your knowledge, your worldview, vocabulary, etc. So, cultivate the habit of reading to stay ahead of others in life.


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"Forgive those who've hurt you"

Live in the present moment and work on your future, instead of dwelling on the past. Learn to let go and move on in life.


"Start your day at sunrise"

Waking up early (preferably at sunrise), gives you an edge over others. It is a great time to meditate, pray, and plan your day.


"Do what frightens you"

Taking risks often helps you grow as a person, so "do what frightens you," says Robin Sharma.


"Be the best listener you know"

Most people love to talk about themselves, however only a few are good listeners. Learn to listen to others-- be it in your personal or professional lives-- and this will help you grow as a person.


"Use problems to make you stronger"

Instead of shying away from problems, learn to face them. You'll either find a solution to it and succeed, or learn a life lesson from your mistakes-- both of which will help you grow as a person.


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