Snoring, the involuntary and bizarre sounds that one makes while sleeping, could be a sleep disruptor not only for the one making them but also those trying to sleep around the snorers. The cacophonic sound could wake one in the middle of the sleep and may turn even healthy sleepers into insomniacs. Snoring happens when air passes through your airway when it is partially blocked.
According to Sleep Foundation, tissues at the top of the airway touch each other and vibrate, making you snore. While we all snore at some point or the other, including children who snore lightly, frequent and loud snoring should be addressed as it could also mean underlying disorders.
Snoring can be sometimes due to the body structure you have little control over. Men are more likely to snore than women. A narrow throat or a cleft palate can increase snoring risk. With age, people may start to snore more as the throat becomes narrower, and the muscle tone decreases. Excess weight around throat or neck can also at times lead to snoring.
Among the common causes behind snoring are obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), or blocked airways, and obesity, or even sleep deprivation.
If you or your partner has been snoring too much of late, here are some simple tips to consider:
Sleep on your side
Your sleeping position could greatly impact the likelihood of snoring. As per Sleep Foundation, people are more likely to snore when sleeping on their backs instead of when they sleep on their sides. Turns out snoring may have to do with the head position than body position, and turning the head to the right could make people snore less. So, a fix to this could be preferring the side position and using pillows to maneuver the
sleep position to your favour. This posture could allow air to flow easily and reduce snoring.
Clear nasal passage
Nasal congestion is one of the reasons why you are snoring too much. Try using nasal rinse with a salt water solution. In
Ayurveda, this is called Jal Neti. Hot showers before bed can also help to a great extent. People are increasingly using nasal strips which are basically adhesive strips placed across the top of your nose to gently lift the sides and this can increase airflow.
Lose weight
While losing weight is amazing for your overall well-being, it can also reduce snoring and improve your sleep. When you shed kilos, you will experience a slimming effect throughout your body. Slimming down can remove excess mass or tissues in the throat which could cut snoring.
Avoid large meals
Think before indulging in that large and spicy meal as this could translate into you snoring and disrupting the sleep of your loved ones. According to Medical News Today, eating large meals before bedtime or eating foods such as dairy or soy milk before you sleep, can make snoring worse. This could be because when you lie down on a full stomach, stomach acid can flow back into your esophagus, which could cause inflammation in your throat and a burning sensation.
Herbal remedies could come to your rescue when it comes to relieving snoring. Peppermint, tea tree oil and eucalyptus can help clear nasal passages naturally and prevent you from loud and uncomfortable snores.