There is a need to protect rich heritage of the village: Locals

There is a need to protect rich heritage of the village: Locals
Keri: After visiting the centuries-old Ramnath site on Monday, the people of Mulgao urged govt to take steps to conserve it.
Over the past few days, people have started clearing the site to celebrate Mahashivratri on Wednesday. The celebration stopped after mining activities had resumed. However, the locals decided to celebrate the event this year. While cleaning the site, they found a laterite pillar post-like structure and a small shrine with stone sculptures of Shivlinga and Nandi.
Uday Parab, a local, said, “During my childhood, we would bathe in the sacred tank and worship Shivlinga and Nandi.”
Parab said that the resumption of mining in the area poses a growing threat to the environment. He added that there is a need to protect the rich archaeological and ecological heritage of Mulgao.
Varad Sabnis, an independent archaeologist, said the laterite rock cut could even be a pillar post.

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