‘Pay dues by March 15 or face electricity cut’

‘Pay dues by March 15 or face electricity cut’
Panaji: The Sanquelim subdivision of the electricity department has asked the residents of the area to clear their arrears before March 15 to avoid the disconnection of the power supply. Other subdivisions will send out similar notices to the public to enable the department to complete its accounting before the end of the financial year 2024-25.
The notice from Subdivision II of the electricity department in Sanquelim covers the Sanquelim municipal area, and Harvalem, Keri, Parye, Morlem, Kudne, Navelim, Amona, Pale, Velguem, Surla, and Karapur-Sarvan panchayat areas.
The assistant engineer of the subdivision asked consumers across all categories in the jurisdiction to clear their dues to avoid disconnection.

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