Income Tax Calculator FY 2024-25
Income Tax Comparison
Pre-Budget 2020-21 | Post-Budget 2020-21 | |||
Particulars | Old Regime | New Regime | Old Regime | New Regime |
Gross Total Income | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Deductions | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Tax Payable | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1. How to use calculator
The below steps have to be followed in order to calculate the total tax payable using the income-tax calculator:
- Select the Financial Year (FY) for which you wish to calculate the tax payable
- Select your age bracket as this will determine the income-tax slab you fall in
- Choose the appropriate response – if you are a salaried employee or not
- If you have selected Yes, enter your salary details such as basic salary, House Rent Allowance (HRA), other allowances and perquisites
- Enter the amount of exemptions on salary income (other than HRA) which are not allowed under the new tax regime (e.g., Education allowance, Hostel allowance, Leave travel allowance, etc.)
- Enter the amount of exemptions on salary income (other than HRA) which are allowed under the New Regime (e.g., Gratuity, Leave encashment etc.)
- For HRA exemption, where applicable, enter the amount of rent paid by you (if any) for the entire FY and select the option for the city you reside in
- Enter the amount of professional tax paid, if any, and click on ‘Next’
- Fill all the details in the ‘Income from House Property’ section (if applicable).
- Click on “+ ADD #2 PROPERTY DETAILS” to add details of the second property (if applicable)
- Click on ‘Next’ to proceed further
- Enter the details of savings/ time deposit interest received and of any other income in the ‘Income from Other Sources’ section and click on ‘Next’
- Enter the details in the ‘Deductions’ section under Section (u/s) 80C, 80CCD(1B),80CCD(2), 80D, 80E, 80EEA, 80EEB, 80TTA and 80TTB , wherever applicable
- Click on ‘Calculate Tax’ and your taxable income and tax payable shall be computed...
- Tax slabs under old v/s new tax regime for individuals up to 60 years of age for FY 2024-25
Old tax regime:
Income range (INR) Tax rates Up to 2,50,000 NIL 2,50,001 to 5,00,000 5% 5,00,001 to 10,00,000 20% Above 10,00,000 30% Proposed tax rates under new tax regime (to be made effective from FY 2024-25):
Income range (INR) Tax rates Up to 3,00,000 NIL 3,00,001 to 7,00,000 5% 7,00,001 to 10,00,000 10% 10,00,001 to 12,00,000 15% 12,00,001 to 15,00,000 20% Above 15,00,000 30% While calculating the tax payable under new tax regime, as per section 115BAC of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (Act), certain deductions and exemptions shall not be available. Few of the exemptions / deductions not allowed in the new regime are provided below:
- Leave Travel Allowance (‘LTA’)
- Interest on housing loan (self-occupied)
- Chapter VI-A deductions (80C, 80D, 80E etc.) except for employer contribution to National Pension System (NPS) (80CCD(2)) and deduction in respect of employment of new employees (80JJAA)
- A tax rebate of INR 25,000 for resident individuals with total income up to INR 7,00,000 is available under new tax regime. Under the old tax regime, a rebate of INR 12,500 for resident individuals with total income up to INR 5,00,000 is available.
- Where the total taxable income of an individual exceeds INR 50,00,000 an additional surcharge on tax liability is levied as below:
Income (INR) Surcharge rates (Old regime) Surcharge rates ((New regime) 50,00,001 to 1,00,00,000 10% 10% 1,00,00,001 to 2,00,00,000 15% 15% 2,00,00,001 to 5,00,00,000 25% 25% Above 5,00,00,000 37% 25% - Health and education cess of 4% is levied on the amount of income-tax plus surcharge.
- Income tax calculation for Sr. Citizens
The slabs mentioned above applies to senior citizens as well with the only exception being:
- The maximum income not chargeable to tax (i.e., the basic exemption limit) is INR 3,00,000 in case of resident individuals of the age 60 years and above but less than 80 years and INR 5,00,000 in case of resident individuals of the age 80 years and above. (The increased basic exemption limit will be available to senior and super senior citizens only under the old tax regime and not in the new tax regime)
- 4. How is income tax calculated on new slabs?
An indicative example is shown below.Income range (INR) Tax rates Tax amount (INR) Up to 3,00,000 NIL NIL 3,00,001 to 7,00,000 5% 15,000 7,00,001 to 10,00,000 10% 30,000 10,00,001 to 12,00,000 15% 45,000 12,00,001 to 15,00,000 20% 60,000 Total 1,50,000 Above 15,00,000 @ 30%
In case of an individual with salary income of INR 20,00,000, the taxable income considering INR 50,000 worth of standard deduction will be INR 19,50,000. On this taxable income of INR 19,50,000, the tax on income above INR 15,00,000 will be at 30% (i.e., INR 4,50,000 * 30% = 1,35,000). The total tax (before cess) will therefore be INR 2,85,000 (150,000 as per table above + 1,35,000). The final tax with cess @ 4% will be INR 2,96,400. - 5. How to calculate income tax for 2024-25?
The taxes will need to be computed as below:- Gross total income has to be determined under the below heads of income:
- Salary
- House property
- Business and profession
- Capital gains
- Other sources
- The eligible deductions and exemptions are to be reduced from the gross total income to arrive at the net taxable income. In case you opt for the new tax regime, the deductions and exemptions (except for standard deduction and employer contribution to NPS and certain other deductions) will not be available.
- The total tax shall then be calculated on the net taxable income as per the rates prescribed
- You may use the tax calculator above for calculating your taxes
- Gross total income has to be determined under the below heads of income:
- 6. What is the 80C limit for FY 2024 25?
Deduction under section 80C of the Act is available only under old tax regime. Further, the limit for the same is INR 1,50,000 - 7. What is the tax date for FY 2024-25?
Due date for filing of tax return for FY 2024-25 is on or before July 31, 2025. Further, a belated/revised return can also be filed by December 31, 2025. Additionally, Finance Act, 2022, also brought in the option to file an updated return whereby an individual may file his updated/ original tax return within 24 months from the end of the relevant Assessment Year (AY) subject to various exceptions and circumstances (provided under section 139 (8A) of the Act). - 8. Is 80C in new tax regime??
Deduction under section 80C is not available if you opt for new tax regime - 9. Is standard deduction allowed in new tax regime?
As per Union budget 2024, standard deduction of Rs 75,000 is allowed under new tax regime. The said changes were made effective from FY 2024-25 onwards. - 10. How much tax will I pay if my salary is 25000 per month?
Taxes on salary of Rs 25000 per month (Rs. 3 lakhs annual) will be Nil. - 11. How to calculate tax as per Budget 2024?
Please refer Point 5 above.
- 4. How is income tax calculated on new slabs?