The Andar1an

Sustainable Engineering

8 minute read Published: 2023-12-02
Sustainable Engineering

This morning after a solid back crack and a delicious brunch with my partner, I began to reflect on my progress building Jammin. My introspection's tend to be overly critical, however, I have recently come to an understanding that I was not Measuring What Matters. When I decided to commit fully to Jammin about 1 year ago, I made an estimate that I should reach MVP in about 3 months (which seemed reasonable). 3 months came and went, and it often felt like I had nothing to show for my work.

Sustainable Geopolitics

6 minute read Published: 2023-12-01
Sustainable Geopolitics

With the approach of the COP28 summit - and the understanding of how many oil lobbyists will be present - geopolitics has been at the forefront of my mind. I don't claim to be an expert; I frankly never will for anything in my life, it does not fit with my mental model for continuous learning. Geopolitics is an incredibly complex topic - table stakes can include armed conflict - but I would like to expand my thoughts from sustainable capitalism, as I enjoy playing with the concept of supersymmetry pertaining to systems and processes that I see everywhere.

Sustainable Capitalism and the Present Dangers of Large Language Models

16 minute read Published: 2023-11-23
Sustainable Capitalism

If we reflect on humanity through a systems design lens, we can make a simple generalization that three core components govern our world:

  • Society: component for social governance.
  • Economy: component to govern resource transactions.
  • Environment: nature in all its wild splendor and horror.

Time to Investigate Self-Hosting and On Premise with Oxide

3 minute read Published: 2023-11-12
Self Hosting

This morning I learned of a new startup called the Oxide Computer Company ( in a Tech Radar article. While I am still in the early stages of research, the potential of this company is profound for me, and what I have seen so far is exciting!

Jammin Update 1: Progress to MVP

8 minute read Published: 2023-09-05
Music Garden

Last weekend, as I sat in Toronto's Music Garden under a beautiful willow along the harbourfront - I found myself unable to ignore the nibble of the writer bug. The topics always at the forefront of my mind related to the development of my product - Jammin. At the end of 2014, I began iterating on concepts for a Social Music Discovery app that I named Jammin. Core needs for social music discovery revolved around how a user discovers and shares music.

The Future of Distributed Systems at Jammin Music

6 minute read Published: 2023-04-30
Distributed System

Wasmtime - a runtime I am hoping to use to build Jammin - is approaching preview 2 completion. The runtime allows one to leverage WebAssembly (WASM) and WebAssembly System Interfaces (WASI).

For my journey to build Jammin Music, I struggled with the fact that WASM, WASI, and Rust are not conventionally wise choices for getting a minimum viable product (MVP) off the ground - the benefits of the future are weighed against development time and the current state of the art - but we no longer live in a conventional world.

Baby Steps

5 minute read Published: 2022-12-26

As we approach the New Year, I wanted to reflect on my career journey over the past decade. I decided to share this because the media often portrays the pursuit of dreams very glamorously, and I want to feel connected with others going through the struggle of creation as I am.