On 18 June 2015 the
British Institute of Interior Design (BIID) awarded the well-known
CEO of the campaigning organisation Anti-Copying In Design (ACID) Dids Macdonald OBE
with a Fellowship. This was in recognition of her untiring work on
behalf of the design industry over many years. Dids started out as an
interior designer before moving on to product design.
Interesting though that
factoid is, I barely gave it a thought at the time. Not until I came
across a recent query about copyright and interior design posted on a
forum, did I start to ponder the question: how exactly is interior
design protected?
We all know that architectural plans and works of architecture are explicitly covered by copyright, but that definition surely cannot be extended to include soft furnishings or wall coverings, which in no way constitute the fabric of the building in which they are installed. Admittedly, the patterns on fabrics and wall coverings (Designers Guild comes to mind) may well be protected by copyright (as artistic works) but that would not extend to the complete interior design scheme. The design drawings for an interior design would certainly qualify as artistic works assuming they evidenced sufficient originality - an easy hurdle to overcome. But does that mean that section 17(3) of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 would then apply to the finished room or interior space. Here's what the Act says:(3) In relation to an artistic work copying includes the making of a copy in three dimensions of a two-dimensional work and the making of a copy in two dimensions of a three-dimensional work.
If that is interpreted
too broadly, we could see a garden or most everyday objects becoming
copyright works if they originate from a design drawing which itself
is subject to copyright. This was an issue extensively explored by
the House of Lords in British Leyland Motor Corp v Armstrong Patents Company Ltd [1986]
albeit in
the context of the 1956 Copyright Act.
what about works of artistic craftsmanship? We know from caselaw, for
example Lucasfilm, Interlego
and the much earlier 'Popeye' case (King Features
Syndicate Inc. v. O & M Kleeman Ltd. [1941]) that for an
object to be considered a work of artistic craftsmanship it must have
a quality of art which the maker intended it to have, although the
actual artistic quality itself is immaterial. Clearly an interior
designer will go about fulfilling his or her commission in an
artistic frame of mind, but can the assemblage of a number of items
such as fabrics, wall coverings and soft furnishings, which have been designed and
produced by someone else, really constitute artistic craftsmanship? In
Shelley Films Ltd v Rex Features Ltd [1994], a film set was found to
meet this criterion. But contrast that decision with Mr Justice Lloyd's obiter
dicta in Creation Records in
which he dismissed a collection of unrelated items as having the
character of an artistic work. So does copyright really protect the
totality of a design for an interior? And would the delayed repeal of
section 52 CDPA make any difference? Probably not because that section applies
to the making by an industrial process of articles derived from
artistic works, which has little relevance to interior design.
Design Right
Design right came about
specifically to deal with the sort of articles which, due to their
practical or utilitarian nature and industrial form of manufacture,
are ineligible for copyright protection. It is not really necessary
to go into the detailed differences and quirks of UK registered and
unregistered design right or the EU near-equivalent, community design
right; suffice it to say that the legislation for all of these rights
talks about articles and products as distinct physical entities, not
as an assemblage of many items and features which may individually be
subject to design right. The decoration and furnishing of a space is
not analogous to a complex product made up of several components, like a Dyson vacuum cleaner. And
furthermore design right only restricts the making of a
similar product to substantially the same design, so it wouldn't, for
instance, prevent an interior from being photographed and reproduced
in Hello magazine. So does design right help interior designers
protect their work? Possibly not.
What about Trade Mark Protection then
Surely I must be
joking. Well no, not if you assume that Apple were serious with their
application for trade mark registration for the interior layout of their Apple Stores,
and which the Court of Justice of the European Union did not treat as
a joke either. But this form of IP is hardly a practical solution in
the everyday work of an interior designer.
Is there really an Issue here?
I imagine it matters to
interior designers, and quite probably to Dids Macdonald and ACID
too. But is there a need for additional legal clarity in this area?
And if there is, in which area of IP law should the solution be
found? There is a substantial difference between copyright with its
lifetime plus 70 years worth of protection as compared to design
right's maximum term of 25 years (and significantly shorter for
the unregistered variety), not to mention the actual types of
reproduction etc which are protected. It as hard to say how public
policy might best be served. And how would such rights be enforced?
If you are so taken with the decor in your local Nando's that you go
home and reproduce their interior design in your living room, will
anyone know or care?