Showing posts with label flotsam and jetsam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flotsam and jetsam. Show all posts

Friday, 24 July 2009

Flotsam and jetsam

Here’s some copyright news and flotsam and jetsam that has been washed up in the Internet’s surf this week:

On Thursday South Korea brought in a tough new ‘three-strikes’ anti-piracy law allowing authorities to cut off alleged infringers and to shut down websites (Korea Times).

HADOPI has been delayed yet again (Reuters).

Canada has launched a copyright consultation. Michael Geist has launched a website to discuss it.

The ownership of a famous yodel has been settled, the Guardian reports.

Are LexisNexis and Westlaw infringing copyright in briefs? (Legal Research Plus)

Public Knowledge have published a report saying that internet copyright filtering doesn’t work. Filters are systems for ISPs to automatically detect and block certain types of content, such as copyright-infringing content.

The American Library Association has created online tools to check if you’re within US fair use rules: the Fair Use Evaluator and the Exceptions for Instructors eTool. Anyone want to create a UK equivalent?

Michael Carroll at Washington College of Law has been speculating on the copyright implications of machines being authors.