Today in Marrakesh |
“Listening to the refrain
“Marrakesh, come to
Marrakesh” in this famous early 80s song by Goombay Dance Band (which,
by the way, became extremely popular across Eastern Europe at that time) -
whether at the radio or courtesy of our neighbour's New Year's Eve Retro-Party
- reminded me that I could bring to 1709 Blog readers' attention the existence
of an article-by-article commentary (so far the most detailed) to the Marrakesh WIPO Treaty to
facilitate access to published works for persons who are blind, visually
impaired, or otherwise print-disabled.
Adoption of this new multilateral treaty at the Diplomatic Conference that took
place in Marrakesh, Morocco, in June last under the auspices of the World
Intellectual Property Organization was a remarkable success in the field
of the international copyright in 2013.
Today in Budapest |
Introduction to the Commentary stresses the importance of the Marrakesh
Treaty, which - together with the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances (BTAP) adopted
a year earlier (also analysed here) – seems
to have put an end to quite a troubled period (ie more or less the last decade)
in the international copyright relations, by contributing to a well-balanced
international regulation of copyright and, at the same time, rejecting badly
informed campaigns against certain indispensable elements of the existing
copyright norms (in particular the three-step test and TPM protection).
The Commentary also discusses why the Marrakesh Treaty has been rightly considered as
exceptional and unique and why it cannot be regarded as a model for future treaties on other limitations and exceptions.
Several papers on key copyright developments are now published on Dr Ficsor’s new website, on belief that the topicality of certain
issues call for swift publication (and what is swifter than the internet?): so do take a look!”