Stephen E. Smith

Stephen E. Smith

ผู้ติดตาม 12K คน คนรู้จักมากกว่า 500 คน


28 years as an international educator, I have taught English as a Foreign Language (EFL)…

บทความโดย Stephen E.





  • กราฟิก Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Mahidol University
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    Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

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    Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

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    Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

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    Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

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    Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

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    Indianapolis, Indiana Area

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    United States

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    Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

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    Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

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    Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

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    Bangkok, Thailand

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    Bangkok Metropolitan Area

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    Bangkok, Bangkok City, Thailand

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    Fukuoka, Japan

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    Fukuoka Metropolitan Area

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    Fukuoka, Japan

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  • กราฟิก University of Florida - Warrington College of Business

    University of Florida - Warrington College of Business


    กิจกรรมและสังคม:Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity (Life Member), Vocal Eyes: UF Textbook Recording Project for the Print Impaired, Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society

    Certificate (minor): Latin American Studies

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    Due to my work and personal time constraints, my course of study was not completed within the time allowed by the university, leaving only a 6 credit independent study research project to be completed.

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  • กราฟิก Alpha Kappa Psi

    Regional Manager of Expansion - West & International of the Alumni Chapter Region

    Alpha Kappa Psi

    - 2 ปี


    Works closely with the Director of Alumni Development at the Heritage Center (AKPsi's headquarters) to focus resources on those geographic locations and student chapter bases best suited for alumni chapter expansion; guides colonies through the process of becoming a chapter; and identifies target markets and works with interested alumni to build additional alumni chapters.

  • กราฟิก Alpha Kappa Psi

    Section Director - Area I & International of the Alumni Chapter Region

    Alpha Kappa Psi

    - 2 ปี


    Serve as the primary point of contact for the alumni chapters in Area I (west coast of Canada, the USA and down through to Texas) as well as the international alumni chapters (currently ASEAN and London) as it relates to their day-today operations, including reviewing minutes, disseminating procedural reminders, and overseeing task management as it relates to standing requirements of the fraternity.

  • กราฟิก Alpha Kappa Psi

    ASEAN Alumni Chapter - Founding President

    Alpha Kappa Psi

    - ปัจจุบัน 9 ปี 10 เดือน


    Currently serving as the founding President of the 2nd ever alumni chapter outside of the USA for AKPsi Professional Business Fraternity. The ASEAN Alumni Chapter covers the 10 countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) The chapter's 88 founders represent represent 10 countries, 4 decades of brotherhood, and 55 student chapters.

  • กราฟิก Alpha Kappa Psi

    Greater Gator Alumni Chapter - Founding Vice President

    Alpha Kappa Psi

    - 1 ปี 1 เดือน


    Served as the founding Vice President of the 1st ever student-chapter-specific alumni chapter of AKPsi Professional Business Fraternity. The Greater Gator Alumni Chapter serves all Alpha Phi Chapter alumni worldwide of the University of Florida as well as other AKPsi alumni who are supporters of the Gators.

  • กราฟิก Alpha Kappa Psi

    Regional Manager of Alumni Relations

    Alpha Kappa Psi

    Volunteer coordinator of alumni relations with the primary focus of helping student chapters better communicate with their alumni, maintaining more up-to-date alumni records, and searching for lost alumni. Secondary focus used to include supporting alumni chapters, their expansion, and their programming, but this function was transferred to the Alumni Region in 2014.

    Western Great Plains Region (formerly Westcentral Region) (2010 - 2016)
    Atlantic Gulf Coast Region (formerly Southeast…

    Volunteer coordinator of alumni relations with the primary focus of helping student chapters better communicate with their alumni, maintaining more up-to-date alumni records, and searching for lost alumni. Secondary focus used to include supporting alumni chapters, their expansion, and their programming, but this function was transferred to the Alumni Region in 2014.

    Western Great Plains Region (formerly Westcentral Region) (2010 - 2016)
    Atlantic Gulf Coast Region (formerly Southeast Region) (2010 - 2017)
    Mideast Region (2012 - 2014)


  • Silver Distinguished Service Award, Second Degree

    Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity

    Presented at the 2013 New Orleans Convention for outstanding service to the Westcentral, Southeast, and Mideast Regions as Regional Manager of Alumni Relations.

  • Silver Distinguished Service Award, First Degree

    Westcentral Region of Alpha Kappa Psi

    Presented at the 2011 Principled Business Leaders Institute in Reno, Nevada for Service to the Westcentral Region of Alpha Kappa Psi as Regional Manager of Alumni Relations.


  • English


  • Spanish


  • Japanese



  • Mahidol University, Faculty of ICT Alumni Association


    - ปัจจุบัน
  • JETAA (Japan Exchange & Teaching Program Alumni Association)


    - ปัจจุบัน

    Thailand Chapter of JETAA - currently under discussions (2020)

  • Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity


    - ปัจจุบัน

    Currently: Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation Board of Directors ASEAN Alumni Chapter Hong Kong Alumni Chapter Greater Gator Alumni Chapter

  • AJET - The Association for Japan Exchange & Teaching


  • University of Florida Alumni Association

    Life Member

    Currently Thailand contact


กิจกรรมอื่น ๆ โดย Stephen E.

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  • ขอให้ช่วยแนะนำตัว
  • ติดต่อ Stephen E. โดยตรง


บุคคลอื่นที่ชื่อ Stephen E. Smith

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