Gunnar Optiks Intros Glasses For The Call Of Duty Obsessed

With the new Call of Duty game hitting shelves soon, Gunnar Optiks has released a limited edition pair of Modern Warfare 3 gaming glasses that promise to please the eyes of even the most obsessed gamers.

Well, that’s the claim, anyway. You see, Gunnar Optiks peddles special glasses meant for people who find themselves in front of screens all day. They’re said to reduce eye strain by filtering out artificial light, and their gaming-specific models are designed to keep players in the game for even longer than usual. Sounds perfect for those all-night frag sessions, right?

Skeptics may balk (I know I did), but TechCrunch has looked into Gunnar Optiks in the past and came away rather impressed.

For their MW3 edition specs, Gunnar Optiks went with what they call a “fighter”-inspired design, complete with a Call of Duty logo embossed in the frames. The glasses also come with a Call of Duty-branded pouch and carrying case, just to prove how hardcore you are.

The entire package will set you back $99, but the bigger is question is whether or not the game-related swag is worth a $20 premium over the more traditional models. I’ll leave that up to you to decide, but I’m fairly certain some players are already chomping at the bit for these things.


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