Students walking and talking on campus

Equity in Mental Health Funding

Health equity is the ability for everyone to have a fair and just opportunity to thrive and be well. This includes removing systemic barriers as described by the social determinants of health, a set of conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live and age that influence health inequities. Given the direct link between student wellness and academic success, student mental health support serves is integral in reaching the university’s goals of producing more degrees and eliminating gaps. UC is inviting all stakeholders to develop programs and services to meet student’s needs by ensuring each campus provides prevention, early intervention, treatment and recovery services via the Equity in Mental Health Funding Plan.

The University of California has developed an Equity in Mental Health Funding Plan, which supports universal prevention, early intervention, and treatment services for students. The plan uses an allocation methodology that takes into account the base level of support required at each campus, an Equity Index (i.e., accounting for the mental health needs of underrepresented and food- and housing-insecure students) and enrollment levels.

The monies for the Equity in Mental Health Funding initiative were made available via The Budget Act of 2021 (California Assembly Bill 128), which includes $15 million in ongoing funds to address student mental health needs at the University of California.

UCSC has been allocated the following funding amounts for the initiative:

UCOP provided instructions to the Vice Chancellors of Student Affairs at each campus to proceed with initiating a process to develop a funding plan for this funding. To this end former interim Vice Chancellor Baszile convened a committee to support the activities. The role of the Committee is to develop a rubric to review and evaluate funding proposals, initiate a funding call to eligible units, to assess proposals that are submitted and to make recommendations that will be approved by Chancellor Larive and Associate Vice Chancellor Register (Budget, Analysis, and Planning).  

Please note that at the campus level, we offered a funding call to highlight the cross-divisional and highly collaborative spirit of this initiative.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Last modified: Nov 04, 2024