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“Walk The Dark Side — Become A Spookster!
As a test of faith, Spooked Storytelling drops WEEKLY.
Please support the amazing team harvesting stories from the Shadowlands!
— Glynn”
Dad and the three caskets
Spooked's own Annie Nguyen shares her family’s ghost story. When her father got the call from his siblings and cousins back in Vietnam, asking him to help them find their ancestors’ missing caskets, he got on the first plane out of California. But when he got there, he realized they needed to call on higher powers to help them locate the long-lost grave sites.
BIG love and thanks to Poppa Nguyen, for sharing your story with us!
Produced by Annie Nguyen, original score by Renzo Gorrio, artwork by Teo Ducot
Translation by George Q. Nguyen - please note the translation was condensed for clarity.
Season 6 - Episode 24
dismal falls
There are some places, deep in the woods, far away from civilization, that are magical. Chuck is hiking deep in the Appalachian woods when he stumbles upon one of these places: Dismal Falls. But Dismal Falls isn’t all fairies and rainbows. It’s a place of dark magic.
Thanks, Chuck, for sharing your story with us!
Produced by Greta Weber, original score by Clay Xavier, artwork by Teo Ducot
Season 6 - Episode 21
ROmeo & juliet
A pair of star-crossed lovers encounter the paranormal in fair Wisconsin, where we lay our scene.
Thank you, Kelsey Brennan & Andy Truschinski, for sharing your story with Spooked!
Produced by Zöe Ferrigno, original score by Nicholas Marks
Season 6 - Episode 9
corporal cummings
It’s 1967. Jerry has been drafted and just landed in Vietnam. He keeps meeting another young soldier, Cummings… and every time they run into each other, something terrible seems to happen.
This episode does contain scenes of war and combat violence, sensitive listeners please be advised.
Thanks, Jerry, for sharing your story with us! Learn more about Jerry on his website and Facebook.
Produced by Zoë Ferrigno, original score by Daniel Riera
Artwork by Teo Ducot
Season 6 - Episode 5
Bill is home from college, on his way to meet his girlfriend, when his car swerves off the road…
Thank you, Bill Love, for sharing your story with us!
Produced by Annie Nguyen, original score by Leon Morimoto
Artwork by Teo Ducot
Season 6 - Episode 4
flora and the fox
When Flora heads to China to spend time with family for the summer, she realizes her young cousin is acting weird. Almost like he’s someone… or something else entirely.
Thank you, Flora, for sharing your story with us!
Produced by Annie Nguyen, original score by Doug Stuart
Season 6 - Episode 3
Green demon
When Austin’s dad starts having night terrors, the family thinks it’s just nightmares — but Austin thinks something else is going on. He soon discovers that there is an actual demon plaguing his father… and Austin must confront it.
Thank you, Austin, for sharing your story with Spooked!
Produced by Zoë Ferrigno, original score by Leon Morimoto
Season 6 - Episode 2
Fright at the museum
Jen is about to start an internship at a museum. But this isn’t a typical museum… it’s built inside two old, historic mansions. By this time, the original owners of these two old homes are long gone -- or are they?
Thank you, Jen, for sharing your story with the Spooked!
Produced by Zoe Ferrigno, original score by Leon Morimoto
Season 6 - Episode 1
a murder of crows
Story 1: The Head
We all know the old wives’ tales: don’t walk under a ladder or you’ll have bad luck; don’t step on the crack or you’ll break your mama’s back. Dan Cope is about to discover another, more sinister omen… with deadly consequences.
Thank you, Dan, for sharing your story with us!
Produced by Anne Ford, original score by Maryam Qudus
Story 2: A Murder of Crows
Mike is pretty sure he’s going crazy. Every time he sees a crow, it seems like it’s trying to tell him something: to watch out, to beware. What are they trying to warn him of?
Thank you, Mike, for sharing your story with the Spooked.
Produced by Alyia Yates, original score by Lauryn Newson
Season 5 - Episode 11
friends on the other side
Sometimes, spirits reach out and ask us for help. And sometimes, they reach out to give us what we need, too.
Story 1: Night Nurse
Dennis is a nurse, a helper. But when spirits of former patients reach out to him, he’s not sure if he can care for them.
Big love to Dennis for sharing his story with the Spooked!
Produced by Chris Hambrick, original score by Dakim
Story 2: All Dogs go to Heaven
It’s confirmed: all dogs do go to heaven.
Thank you, Kristin Kent, for sharing your story with us!
Produced by Zoe Ferrigno, original score by Moises Nunez.
Season 5 - Episode 6
Season vi News & Paint it Black
You’ve waited. You have kept the faith. And at long last… it is RISEN. Spooked Season VI returns 9/3/21!
And just to give you a taste of what’s in store, we’re sharing a story with you from the catacombs that’s never been widely released...
“Paint it Black”
The most down-to-earth family you will ever meet brushes up with evil forces. Brian, Christian, Mary, and Bridget Mahovlic share what happened to them when they came face-to-face with something demonic.
Thank you to Brian, Christian, Mary, and Bridget Mahovlic for sharing your story with Spooked!
Produced by Eliza Smith, original score by Leon Morimoto
Be afraid.
don’t wanna fright no more
S5E18 Story:
"Don’t Wanna Fright No More" - When singer/songwriter and former frontwoman of the Alabama Shakes, Brittany Howard, comes up against a hostile spirit in her home, she has to decide: who’s going to get to stay? Brittany... or the ghost?
Big thanks and big love to Brittany for sharing her story with Spooked!
Produced by Chris Hambrick, original score by Leon Morimoto
Artwork by Sanaa Khan
Season 5 - Episode 18
the haunting of radio centro
S5E13 Story:
"The Haunting of Radio Centro" - Everyone who works at Radio Centro knows it’s haunted. But Guillermo, the host on the station’s paranormal show “Tell it Tonight” is about to discover that he has psychic powers that make him susceptible to the station’s haunts.
Thank you, Guillermo, for sharing your story with Spooked!
Produced by Fernando Hernandez, original score & translation by Renzo Gorrio
Artwork by Sanaa Khan
Season 5 - Episode 13
S5E8 Story:
“Petrony” - David’s family has owned the same plot of farmland in North Carolina for over 300 years. As he gets older, he starts to realize that some family members have never really left...
Thank you, David, for sharing your story with the Spooked. Big love to you & Petrony!
Produced by Greta Weber, original score by Jordain Wallace
Artwork by Sanaa Khan
Congrats to our Spooked Theme Song Remix winners, Paul Kleinschmidt & Celeste Yglesia!
Season 5 - Episode 8
teacher’s pet
S5E3 Story:
“Teacher’s Pet” - Kristen Cortez is a new teacher in beautiful Los Gatos, California. From her classroom window, she can see rolling, golden hills. Redwood trees. The sun is almost always shining. And yet… something lurks.
Thank you, Kristen, for telling us your terrifying tale!
Produced by Zoe Ferrigno, original score by Richard Haig
Artwork by Teo Ducot
Season 5 - Episode 3
take me home
S5E1 Story:
“Take Me Home” - You are on your smoke break at Walmart. You look down and see a box: inside is a ceramic lamb with a note around its neck asking you to take it home. Do you: a) burn it; b) throw it in the trash, or c) take it home?
Thank you, Corey, for sharing your story with Spooked!
Produced by Chris Hambrick, original score by Lauryn Newson
Artwork by Teo Ducot
Season 5 - Episode 1
the fog
S4E4 Story:
“The Fog” - Blair can’t see his hands in front of his face. He can’t see the ground beneath his feet. He’s not in the dark: he’s in a thick cloud of fog. And then a stranger’s voice emerges from the mist, guiding him… can he trust her?
This story comes to us from Australia, the original Upside Down.
Thank you, Blair, for sharing your story with Spooked.
Produced by Greta Weber, original score by Lauryn Newson
Artwork by Sanaa Khan
S4E1 Story:
“Isabelle” - Betsy keeps seeing a young girl at night in her room. She stands at the end of Betsy’s bed and stares at her. She comes back, over and over: night after night; year after year. Betsy knows she wants something, but she has to figure out what.
Thank you, Betsy, for sharing your story with us! Betsy is a #Spooked listener and reached out to us to share her story. If you have a frightening tale you'd like to share, email us: [email protected]
Produced by Annie Nguyen, original score by Leon Morimoto
Artwork by Sanaa Khan
Happy Friday the 13th, Spooksters! A whole new season of Spooked has risen.
A whole new season of Spooked returns Friday the 13th of March. Expect all sorts of scary. And if you haven't learned by now... please, don't turn out the lights!
Be afraid.
Season 2
Spooked Season 2 is coming to a close. But now that you’ve heard these stories, you can never unhear them. Our episodes may be done… for now… but the stories will haunt you for a very, very long time.
S2E15 Story:
"The Night Whistler" - Cheryl and her kids move into a new home, and notice a mysterious presence. First they pretend it doesn’t exist. Then, they try to befriend it. And finally, they run from it.
Cheryl’s memoir is Hot Dog Wars, Family Skeletons, and a Ghost.
If you are feeling unnerved, if you have a sinking feeling that something is not right, take our advice, turn and run. Do not go back and investigate.
S2E14 Stories:
"La Posada" - What happens when great-great-granddaughter of one of America’s most famous ghosts goes looking for answers?
Find out more about the ghost and the life of Julia Staab in Hannah’s book American Ghost.
"You’re Gonna Get Scratched" - Alex, Ryan, and AJ break into an abandoned house… and realized the place was never truly vacated.
This story was produced by Josh Swartz and the rest of the team at Endless Thread. Endless Thread is a podcast from WBUR and Reddit that tells stories found on the so-called “front page of the internet.” The Endless Thread team includes Ben Brock Johnson, Amory Sivertson, Josh Swartz, and Paul Vaitkus. You can visit their website or subscribe to their show here for more.
If you are feeling unnerved, if you have a sinking feeling that something is not right, take our advice, turn and run. Do not go back and investigate.
S2E13 Stories:
"The Basement" - When one of Daniel’s kids started seeing ghosts, he was scared. When two of his kids started seeing ghosts, he was petrified.
"Under the Stairs" - Mido discovers that the former tenants of her apartment left some breadcrumbs behind.
Skagway is a tiny, remote town in Alaska. The population of living souls hovers around 1,000. And by all accounts, there maybe just as many souls stuck behind, haunting the place.
S2E12 Stories:
"Frances" - Cori suspects she’s got a second roommate who she can’t see, and who may very well be contacting her from beyond the veil.
"Lydia" - The wait staff at the Red Onion Saloon help uncover the sad story of their notorious ghost, Lydia.
Holy Ghost
When evil takes hold, some people duck and cover, some people run for their lives, but others pick up a cross and fight back.
S2E11 Stories:
"The Exorcism" - When Sara falls into a near-coma, her grandmother calls on a coven of witches to ward off the evil forces ensnaring her.
This story was produced by Katya Apekina and Sara Finnerty.
Katya Apekina is a writer. Her novel The Deeper the Water the Uglier the Fish is out Sep 18. You can find her other work or see about events on her website.Twitter: @katyaapekina Instagram: @katyaapekina
Sara Finnerty is a writer and the nonfiction editor at Entropy magazine. She lives in Los Angeles. Find her at www.sarafinnerty.com and @sarafinn.
"The Healing" - Paul Templer almost died as a child, but he was saved by a seemingly magical woman. Now, he’s hoping to save someone very special to him from the same fate.
Ghost Town
Turns out Snap’s home state is hella haunted.
S2E10 Stories:
"The Mine" - Gold miner Shannon Poe has been in a lot of scary situations. He’s run headlong towards a cougar, fallen out of trees, and been caught in a shootout. But nothing quite compares to what he experienced in an abandoned gold mine last fall.
"The Mission" - An empty old church. An open door. A sight no one will believe.
Jenni Prange Boran is a screenwriter living in Tacoma, WA. She is currently compiling a book of paranormal stories from her personal experiences. You can find her on Twitter at @jenprange.
Cover it with darkness, and night, and shadows, and lies… hush. But some secrets are like seeds. Welcome to the garden.
S2E9 Stories:
"Libby" - Jennifer and her daughter Taylor both know their family home is haunted… but they don’t want to share that secret, even with each other.
Thanks to Bells Atlas for sound design.
"No Voy a Tener Nietos" - Maria’s mother always wanted a son. And when Maria had a son, of her own, her mother didn’t get enough time with him. So when she died, she made sure to came back to be with her beloved nieto.
Something in the Walls
What happens when an uninvited guest makes their way into your home, and they won’t leave?
S2E8 Stories:
"The Visage" - A man is hired to do remodel work on a notorious haunted house. But something inside the house doesn’t want anything to change.
"Decorations" - Nic doesn’t know who keeps hanging paintings on his walls. All he knows is, something sinister is at work.
They say that evil forces will sometimes prey on the smartest people in the room. That means, of course, the teenagers.
S2E7 Stories:
"The Mammoth Mountain Poltergeist" - When Tom Ross was a teenager, he took a ski vacation with his aunt and uncle. Little did he know, there was something waiting for them at the chalet.
Check out Jenny Ashford’s book, The Mammoth Mountain Poltergeist, which she wrote about Tom’s experience.
"The Moonshiner’s Daughter" - Growing up in rural Tennessee, Alex felt at ease, even though she and her dad were in the middle of nowhere. Until one day, when she saw a trespasser on their property.
You love the place. It smells like cookies. The landlady is a little crazy, but it’ll work out fine. Right?
S2E6 Stories:
"The Perfect Tenant" - Steven LaChance and his kids were starting over. They had a new house, and they were ready for a new beginning. The only thing was, their landlady was a bit… different.
Be sure to check out Steven’s book, The Uninvited, and find get more information about his work on his website, stevenlachance.com.
"Ghosty" - Little kids say that they see scary things all the time: Monsters under the bed, clowns in the storm drains. And if their parents know better, they dismiss their kids’ claims. But when Ilda saw a ghost, she wasn’t playing pretend.
This piece comes to us from Mitchell Johnson.
Stephanie Arnold is pregnant with her second child and she’s really excited. Until the premonitions begin.
S2E5 Story:
"37 Seconds" - Stephanie told her doctor that she was going to die before her pregnancy was over, and he wouldn’t listen. She told her husband, and he wouldn’t listen. She tried to tell her friends—they wouldn’t listen either. But she knew for sure that death was coming for her.
Be sure to check out Stephanie’s book, 37 Seconds.
On Spooked, there are no cute woodland creatures—no bunnies, no doves, no kittens, no puppies. In this episode, hear stories about the animals at the bottom of the food chain: vermin.
S2E4 Stories:
"The Birds" - As a little boy in Richmond Virginia, raising pigeons, Ray Christian made a friend with the same hobby. But there was something mysterious about Ray’s new pal.
"The Taxidermist" - When Tracey started doing taxidermy, she assumed all her subjects would be dead. Until she met a squirrel who didn't seem quite right.
An American sniper shooter takes over an empty house in Baghdad and encounters the one threat he is powerless against.
S2E3 Story:
"The Iron Gate" - When Dallas Sanchez was stationed in Iraq, he saw danger every single day. But one night on patrol, when his small kill team took over a house in Baghdad, an unseen force had a message for them: Get. Out.
When a man dies, sometimes, his soul lingers behind. And it clings, not to a house, not to a grave, but to another person.
S2E2 Stories:
"Restless" - The Curse of Mr. Smith: Mr. Smith wasn’t dead yet, but that didn’t stop him from haunting Randi’s family home. And when he finally did die, things got a whole lot worse.
"The Angel of Death" - When Ron was working at Overbrook, one of New Jersey’s oldest and most notorious asylums, he knew the place was… off. Little did he know that he would see something there that would change his life forever.
The Wraith
Teresa can see dead people. And she’s not afraid… until she meets... HER.
S2E1 Story:
"The Wraith" - As a kid, Teresa could see dead people. Family members, friends. Until one day, she met a stranger who had come back from the other side with a message for her.
Teresa Moorleghen is the founder of Coastline Pilates in Santa Cruz. She still sees dead people.
Illustrations for Spooked Season II are courtesy of Sanaa Khan: @pencil.stabber. Our theme song is composed and performed by Pat Mesiti Miller.
the trespassers
When it comes to the supernatural: don’t poke the bear. Don’t kick the hive. Don’t mess around. Because, when it comes to the supernatural: you’re gonna get what’s coming for you.
"Kapu" – If the sign at the mouth of the cave says “kapu,” forbidden, you better take heed. Don’t go searching for trouble.
Produced by Greta Weber and Annie Nguyen, original score by Lauryn Newson.
"The Nunnery" – Natalie and Alice are au pairs in a town that no one seems to want them in and that doesn’t seem to even exist.
Produced by Ant Adeane, original score by Jacob Winik.
S3E20 Story:
"Lopaka" – Lopaka and his adopted father don’t get along. That is, until forces from beyond the veil intervene.
We travel to Hawaii to bring you this very special Spooked tale.
Thank you, Lopaka Kapanui for sharing your story with us. Want more stories from Lopaka? Check out the "Mysteries of Hawaii" on his YouTube Channel and website. There's even more ghostly goodness on his blog, Ghosts Next Door.
Produced by Annie Nguyen, original score by Leon Morimoto
Artwork by Sanaa Khan
You know the most haunted places. The houses, the castles, the hotels. And you know the most haunted objects. The mirrors, the necklaces, the dolls. In this episode, we take you to the Stanley Hotel and introduce you to Robert the Doll.
S3E15 Stories:
"Room 324" – A film producer visits one of the most iconic haunted places in the world: The Stanley Hotel. He doesn’t believe in ghosts at all. But he’s about to question reality.
A big thanks to Daniel Noah for sharing this story with us. Daniel is the cohost of SpectreVision's Visitations Podcast.
Produced by Eliza Smith, original score by Davey Kim
“Robert the Doll” - Robert the doll is infamous. He can curse you and ruin your life if you disrespect him. But one man is determined to figure out how Robert got his powers.
Produced by John Fecile, original score by Renzo Gorrio
S3E12 Story:
"Santi" – When Maribel loses her little brother Santi, her very best friend in the world, she learns that love is sometimes stronger than death. We travel to Mexico for this very special Spooked tale.
Thank you, Maribel Placencia, from the bottom of our hearts, for sharing your extraordinary story. Big love to you and your family.
This story comes to us from our Spooked correspondent, Erick Yañez.
Produced by Nancy Lopéz
Original Score by Renzo Gorrio
Artwork by Sanaa Khan
portal - sna[p bonus
S3 Story:
"Portal" - Jennifer Percy was just a young graduate student researching PTSD, but the closer she got to understanding the inner workings of one soldier’s trauma, the more she lost her own footing in reality.
For more, check out her book: Demon Camp.
Producer: Nancy López
Sound Design: Pat Mesiti-Miller
Illustration courtesy of Teo Ducot.
Sharp tooth boy
S3E7 Story:
"Sharp Tooth Boy" - Bonnie Blagg and her two friends call for Bloody Mary in the mirror on her dresser during a middle school sleepover. Bonnie thinks nothing of it until a ghost boy with long, sharp, bloody teeth appears in her bedroom every single night after that.
Produced by Chris Hambrick
Original score by Leon Morimoto
Artwork by Sanaa Khan
Happy Friday the 13th!
Season 3 Episode 7
tales from the smokehouse
Cursed cat bones. Dead dogs. A haunted pond. Master storyteller Todd Narron is our tour guide as we explore the mysterious, spooky American South.
S3E4 Stories:
“Barbara Nichols Pond” - Ever since a little girl died a watery death, the kids in Johnston County steer clear of the pond. Years later, Todd thinks that she might just be avenging her untimely end.
Producer: Anna Sussman
Original Score: Renzo Gorrio
“The Cat Bone Curse” - Todd’s uncle was one mean son of a biscuit. But long after he’s dead and gone, his descendants worry that his meanness might rub off on them.
Producer: Anna Sussman
Original Score: Renzo Gorrio
Artwork by: Sanaa Khan
Thank you, Todd Narron, for sharing your stories with us! If you want more stories from Todd, check out his incredible books:
Country Stories of Ghosts and Bad Men &
Country Stories of Ghosts and Bad Men: Series 2 - The Dead Ones.
Do not miss out on these amazing stories!
Mrs. hagstrom
S3E2 Story:
“Mrs. Hagstrom” - When supernatural forces come for her kids, Curtis’s mom stands strong. Mrs. Hagstrom may be the meanest Spooked ghost yet. Don't listen alone...
Curtis’s memoir is Shadow of Fear.
Producer: Anna Sussman
Original Score: Leon Morimoto
Artwork by: Sanaa Khan
THE Thin place
S3E1 Story:
“The Thin Place” - Martin is a paramedic. He has a gift for saving peoples' lives. He also has another, darker, gift--one that he doesn’t want to use.
Thank you, Martin, for sharing your story with us. Martin is a longtime Spooked listener.
Produced by: Eliza Smith
Original Score: Renzo Gorrio
Artwork by: Sanaa Khan
Spooked Season III is upon us! It’s bigger, badder, and scarier than ever. We’ve got new episodes with terrifying tales to keep you up at night...
The first episode drops next week, Thursday, 8/22/19. Don't listen alone...
We have come to the Final Act of Spooked. But don’t worry: we still want to believe. And we will be back.
S1E13 Stories:
"Cowboy Ghost" - Valerie is lost in a snowstorm in rural Montana. She thinks she might not be able to get out, when she sees two headlights coming to her through the storm. Help is on the way - she hopes. Valerie’s story comes to us from the book Trucker Ghost Stories, edited by Annie Wilder.
"Flesh-Eating Bacteria" - An apprentice mortician spends his first night alone with a body and finds out how the dead can possess the living. A true story by the writer and performer Kyle Bowen. Kyle Bowen is a real life graduate of the San Francisco college of Mortuary Science, and has worked as a mortician for over 15 years. He now writes and performs in Chico, CA.
"Big Al" - Before he went to medical school, Don Clark worked with developmentally-delayed patients in a group home in Philly. That job opened his eyes, and challenged everything he believed about life, and death.
They are alone, wandering, calling out for something, someone, some place that used to be here.
S1E12 Stories:
"Cat Scratch Fever" - A family moves to a new apartment, only to discover that they’re not the only ones living there.
"Invisible Children" - What happens when you spend your life savings on a dream house, and find out someone else’s family already lives there? Explore the full story in Kathleen Mcconnell’s book, Don’t Call Them Ghosts.
"Pastor’s Oil" - Glynn’s friend Jenny is sick. Up in her room, she’s shaking like there’s something inside of her. And Glynn is about to find out what.
Whatever you do, don’t answer the knocking at the door.
S1E11 Stories:
"Clown Zombie" – When a carnival in Mexico turns dark, young Oscar Mendoza finds out why he should not have laughed at the clowns.
This story first appeared on the podcast Real Ghost Stories Online. Check them out at RealGhostStoriesOnline.com.
"Polaroid Phantom" – We’ve got a ghost story with photographic evidence. See the pics for yourself: SeeingThingstheBook.com; more pics here.
It's a forgotten name whispered under your breath, an accident, that you can not take back… the summoning.
S1E10 Stories:
"Spirit on the Board" – A group of kids conjure a spirit while using a Ouija board. They can’t tell if he’s good or evil. This story comes to us from Andrea C.K., a Snap listener.
"The Seance" – When friends get together for a little fun, things get real, fast. To hear the original full-length version that first appeared on KCRW’s UnFictional, check out their webpage.
"Dollhouse" – Ali came home one night after foot surgery and was shocked. Her grandmother was waiting in the living room with a gift – a dollhouse. Check out Ali Standish’s website, Facebook, and Twitter.
Ever feel like there is something in the water? Something sinister, something dark, something more powerful than you?
"Devil’s Water" – Attempting to dig the family well in rural Michigan, Glynn's family comes up dry – until Daddy cuts a deal with the Devil.
"Hot Water" – What’s really out there, waiting for you in the dark? Three college girls went camping in New Mexico to relax. What they found will terrify you.
The Black Rose
It grows in the light of the moon and never dies.
S1E8 Stories:
"Great Aunt Rose" – When Christina McKenna’s cruel aunt comes back from the grave to make amends--she’s not sure if she can forgive. Read more about Christina’s childhood in Ireland in her book, My Mother Wore A Yellow Dress.
"Unicorn Prince" – Every year, Maria's aunt bought her a doll for her doll collection. But this year, the doll is unlike any Maria has ever seen. This story comes to you from our Spooked listener Maria Serratore-Gunter.
A friend in the forest
On the edge of Ireland in the deep forest, a young boy makes a new friend that no one in town has seen for years.
S1E7 Stories:
"A Boy Named Thomas" – Shane Dunphy spent years working with kids as a social worker. He’d seen it all until he met a little boy named Gregory.
For more, get Shane Dunphy’s book The Boy They Tried to Hide.
We’re asking you not to blink, not to look away – but to come face to face with the shadow man.
S1E6 Stories:
"The Cage" – A woman buys a medieval jail… and tries to make it her home.
Read more in Vanessa Mitchell’s book, Spirits of the Cage: True Accounts of Living in a Haunted Medieval Prison, co-written with Richard Estep. Vanessa’s also written a second book, in her own words. Secrets of the Cage, which delves deeper into the history of the prison, comes out soon.
The Cage Medieval Prison is still up for sale. For direct inquiries, contact Vanessa.
Find out more about Vanessa Mitchell and The Cage on Twitter and Facebook.
"Phantom Border Agent" – When Rocky Elmore became a Border Patrol Agent along the US-Mexico border, he knew it would be a scary job… just not this scary.
For more stories be sure to check out Rocky’s book, Out On Foot: Nightly Patrols and Ghostly Tales of A U.S. Border Patrol Agent, and his website.
If an entire village can become possessed, are you next?
S1E5 Stories:
"Indonesian Ghost Show" - When a TV crew shows up to film a ghost show their disrespect angers the gods.
Special thanks to Haryo Bhama, who was a producer on the popular Indonesian reality show, Masih Dunia Lain. Thanks, too, to Arzia Tivany Wargadiredja, who wrote an article for Vice about the show.
"Daikon" - Susan's dog Daikon kept giving signs that an intruder was haunting her old Victorian in New Orleans. Then one night in October, the intruder crossed the line.
How do you know you’re cursed? And if you find out that you are… how do you remove the spell?
S1E4 Story:
"La Bruja" - How do you remove a family curse? You have to call in la Bruja.
Nestor Gomez is a storyteller based in Chicago. You can find him on Twitter @soloyochapin and at his website.
There are some places where different worlds overlap. Welcome to the Borderlands.
S1E3 Stories:
"Border Boogeyman" - Back in the 90s, Rocky Elmore worked as a border patrol agent, just East of San Diego. He did night patrol—and out there, in the pitch black, he was never sure if he was completely alone.
Be sure to check out Rocky’s book, Out on Foot: Nightly Patrols and Ghostly Tales of A U.S. Border Patrol Agent.
"The Seer" - The trouble began in Sri Lanka, when Chandra’s aunt woke up one day and couldn’t move her arms or legs. The doctors had no answers, but a mysterious priest led the family on a quest to find the truth beyond medical science.
There are good reasons in some places that the signs warn to stay on the path. On Spooked we ignore the warnings, jump the fence, peek through the keyhole and open up the dark closet.
S1E2 Stories:
"Time Warp Saloon" - The neon sign blinks at the roadhouse bar. The jukebox plays an old tune as the bartender shouts, "Last Call." Just one more. Why not? What could it hurt?
This story came to Spooked from Jim Harold’s Campfire Podcast, hosted by Jim Harold, check it out at JimHarold.com.
"Love Letters" - Mark Spencer lived in the haunted house with the ghost of Ladell - and we are eternally grateful that he stuck around long enough to bring us his story.
There are times when you are supposedly all alone. And then you see her, him or it out of the corner of your eye… watching.
S1E1 Stories:
"Houdini’s Promise" - Can a pact between two brothers survive death?
"The Night Mother" - It’s the middle of the night. You’re not even 15, and you’re home alone with your little brother. You’re waiting for your mom to come home. What would happen if she didn’t make it?
Janet Larkin actually had several more encounters with the supernatural. Check out her book Surrounded By Ghosts.
"Voice In The Woods" - When the voice says "Stop" you stay perfectly still. And when the voice says "Run!" you had better run.
Illustrations for Spooked Season I are courtesy of Teo Ducot.