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ease 1 of 5 2 of 5 3 of 5 4 of 5 5 of 5 4 / 5
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User Reviews

  • Works a great deal better than MinGW installers.
    1 user found this review helpful.
  • Excellent project. When can we expect an update to GCC 4.7.x series?
  • Really raised the bar!
  • I store the Keepass database on dropbox so I can easily sync between multiple computer
  • fast, powerful and can be used in many ways. but gui needs a design refresh.
  • After a new installation of windows one of the first tools i always install
  • very good project
  • Good work, thanks!
  • Not perfect, but very good and dispo in 64bits for Windows.
  • Good work:) Thanks
  • This package is freaking awesome -- but has anyone built an update to 4.7.0? Using the TDM installer, we only get 4.6.1 as of now...
  • The only custom GCC/MinGW build I've run across that supports both 32 and 64 bit, includes the Objective-C runtime and includes OpenMP support. Just as icing on top, its all packaged into an easy to use self-installer. Other builds aren't even an option anymore in the face of this.
  • LTO for us lowly Windows users, better installer, often more current GCC version (not right now - mingw is actually ahead at the moment), useful patches applied... Overall, very great project.
  • Excellent job TDM. I'm using your builds several years now.
  • TDM-MinGW is updated to the new GCC before MinGW, and the installer is more convenient than MinGW. Plus there are x64 version.
  • fine!
  • I install this TDM GCC/MinGW32 Build and then install the Code::Blocks ide, and choose the GCC (for C++). Simple yet latest Compiler to work with the Wonderful Code::blocks ide.
  • Truly a safe dev compiler suite for C/C++.