Antiteizam se definira kao aktivno suprostavljanje teizmu, odnosno teističkim vjerovanjima. Ponekad se za njega koristi sinonim militantni ateizam.
Antiteizam se često navodi kao jedna od ideoloških struja francuske revolucije, odnosno temelja službene ideologije u komunističkim državama 20. vijeka koje su prakticirale državni ateizam.
- Hitchens, Christopher (2001). Letters to a Young Contrarian (ISBN 0-465-03032-7). New York: Basic Books.
- Maritain, Jacques (1953). The Range of Reason. London: Geoffrey Bles. Electronic Text
- Note: Chapter 8, The Meaning of Contemporary Atheism (p.103-117, Electronic Text) is reprinted from Review of Politics, Vol. 11 (3) July 1949, p. 267-280 Electronic Text. A version also appears The Listener, Vol. 43 No.1102, 9 March 1950. pp.427-429,432.
- Barker, Dan Evangelistic Atheism: Leading Believers Astray in Freethought Today, 1993
- Browne, Janet, The Power of Place, Volume 2 of the Biography of Charles Darwin.(Alfred Knopf, 2002)
- Segal, David, Atheist Evangelist, article in the Washington Post Thursday, October 26, 2006; Page C01
- Witham, Larry, By Design (Encounter Books, 2003)
- Wolff, Gary, in The New Atheism, The Church of the Non-Believers reprinted in Wired Magazine, November 2006
- Wright, N. T., The Last Word (HarperSanFrancisco, 2005)