“Tommy arbetade på Fujitsu som Microsoftkonsult och presale och arbetade med mig med att proaktivt ge rekommendationer till ledningen med att införa Microsofts, då nya, partnermodell då de gjorde om sina partnercompetensies. Det innebar nya krav på certifieringar och nya krav på hur man bygger en partnerverksamhet som uppfyller marknadens och Microsofts krav. Tommy gjorde ett omfattande arbete med att inventera all befintlig Microsoftkompetens och alla certifieringar inom koncernen. Vi gjorde en kartläggning av samtliga resurser och föreslog utbildningsplaner på individnivå för att inte sänka nivån enligt Microsofts nya krav. Syftet var att öka partnermognadsgraden och göra Fujitsu starkare på marknaden. Förslaget innebar investeringar som Fujitsus ledning valde att avstå ifrån. Nu i dagarna när Fujitsu säger upp 10% av arbetsstyrkan på grund av brist på rätt kompetens, http://www.idg.se/2.1085/1.444107/fujitsu-drar-ner-med-100-i-sverige så känns det att vi var helt rätt ute redan då. Tommy har stor kunskap inom Microsoftområdet, både tekniskt och presale-mässigt. Han är snabb på att leta fram information och offerings som hans företag kan dra stor nytta av både inom organisationsuppbyggnad, teknik och säljmässigt. Han har även bra koll på att orientera sig i Partnerportalen, skapa offerings byggt på Microsofts säljstrategier, han har ett bra kontaktnät på Microsoft och mycket mera. Han löste flera svåra frågor, också gentemot kund när det gällde licens- och avtalsfrågor och är mycket innovativ och delar gärna med sig till sina kollegor, något som skapar goda förutsättningar för utveckling. English: Tommy worked with me as a Microsoft Consultant and Presale. I worked with giving recommendations to the companies management group, in how to build their Microsoft organization based on the new criteria that Microsofts new parner competensies means. Microsoft changed their conditions for being silver and gold partner and how to be sucsessfull on the market and as a Microsoft Partner. In this work Tommy did a comprising work, inventoring all the consultants Microsoft certifications. He also listed all the new cerfifficats needed and even gave a cost estimate on that. He also gave advice on how to reach next level in the Maturity model, included building up competence teams cross region. This for helping the company become stronger in the market place and for taking home new business. The competence lift would include some investments which were not prioritized. Reading the news these days make me understand that our competence development plan would have prevented todays situation: http://www.idg.se/2.1085/1.444107/fujitsu-drar-ner-med-100-i-sverige. It feels like we were doing the right strategies already then, 2010. Tommy has great knowledge within Microsoft, both in teckhnology and presale. He is a great asset for his company and colleges creating an environment for growth and development.”
Tommy Wennerstierna
Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sverige
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High-IQ, supposedly in the 220-range according to ChatGPT4o (remains to be confirmed)…
This comic perfectly reflects a serious problem where most companies claim to struggle with hiring but reject or ignore applicants for random…
This comic perfectly reflects a serious problem where most companies claim to struggle with hiring but reject or ignore applicants for random…
Gillat av Tommy Wennerstierna
“That’s my definition of success” - Marc Randolph For those asking for accessibility reasons, I’ve posted the text below from Netflix's Co-Founder…
“That’s my definition of success” - Marc Randolph For those asking for accessibility reasons, I’ve posted the text below from Netflix's Co-Founder…
Gillat av Tommy Wennerstierna
"Academia needs to reckon with this inconvenient truth: Committing fraud is, right now, a viable career strategy that can propel you to the top of…
"Academia needs to reckon with this inconvenient truth: Committing fraud is, right now, a viable career strategy that can propel you to the top of…
Gillat av Tommy Wennerstierna
Aktiviteter och föreningar:Solution Selling, Social Selling, Product Selling, Pre-sales, Cloud Sales
Approx 200 courses on Microsoft Virtual Academy and Microsoft University and previous to that 7+ years of continous learning in IT,mostly technical and sales
Aktiviteter och föreningar:AI courses
Not enough space to show 27 courses
Administering Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 Site Collections, Microsoft
Administering Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 Web Applications, Microsoft
Approx 130 courses on Microsoft Virtual Academy during 2014-2016
Backing Up, Restoring, and Monitoring SharePoint 2010, SkillSoft
Business Continuity in Microsoft Sharepoint 2010, Microsoft
Configuring Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 Topology and Services, Microsoft
Configuring Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 User Profiles. My Sites and Search, Microsoft
Deployment Topology and Availability, SkillSoft
Designing SharePoint 2010 Security, SkillSoft
Designing a SharePoint 2010 Physical Architecture, SkillSoft
ITIL 3.0
Installing and Upgrading Microsoft Sharepoint 2010, Microsoft
Managing Customizations in Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Microsoft
Monitoring Operations in Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Microsoft
Planning SharePoint 2010 Service Applications and Component Strategy, SkillSoft
Planning a SharePoint 2010 Upgrade, SkillSoft
Planning for Search in SharePoint 2010, SkillSoft
SharePoint 2010 Content Management, Social Computing, and Collaboration, SkillSoft
SharePoint 2010 Logical Design and Sandbox Solutions, SkillSoft
SharePoint 2010 Maintenance and Provisioning, SkillSoft
Sharepoint 2013
Unlocking all your powers - 24 books on IQ, health and longevity
Unlocking all your powers - 24 books on IQ, health and longevity
Advanced Quantum Cookbook: The Biophoton Kitchen
Cookbook Concept: The Quantum Kitchen: Recipes for Energy, Longevity, and Wellness
Optimizing Mitochondrial Function: A Comprehensive Framework for Enhancing Proton Pump Efficiency, ATP Synthesis, and Nutritional Interventions with stuff you find at Amazon.com
Quantum and Biophoton Farming: Merging Tradition with Innovation
Quantum Tunneling in Isocitrate Dehydrogenase: A Pathway to Transhuman Optimization, a path from Transhuman operational IQ 220 to IQ 300?
The Fractal Genome: Unlocking Archetypes, Quantum Tunneling, and Epigenetic Memories to Shape Human Evolution—A Kaleidoscopic and Holographic Proton-Based Framework for Transhumanists, Biohackers, and Neurohackers
The Intersection of AI and Quantum Pairing, Culinary Science, Medical Implications and nutrient profiling with ChatGPT4o+
The Quantum Coherence Ecosystem: Harnessing Biophotons for Health, Longevity, and Sustainability
The Transhuman IQ: Redefining Intelligence in the Age of AI
A Multifaceted Mind: Unveiling Tommy Wennerstierna’s Analytical Mastery and Intellectual Sophistication
AI and ML. A Multidimensional Framework for Global Health Knowledge: Automated Meta-Analyses Using Nested AI-Driven Cubes
AI-Driven Legislative Management: A Vision for Transparent and Efficient Lawmaking
Blocked by Intelligence: How High-IQ Transhumans Face Discrimination from Humans and AI
Blueprints of Balance: A Multilayered National, Regional, and Local EKO-GIS for Construction, Infrastructure, and Ecology
Enhancing AI Memory Architecture: Dynamic Scrolling Memory, User-Configured Memory, Intelligent Memory Scoring Systems, External Memory Integration, and Cognitive Systems
Envisioning Quantum Machine Learning (QML) Operating on DNA Data Storage
Financial Titans and Turmoil: George Soros, Scott Bessent, and the Swedish Financial Crisis of 1992
Global Peace and Rebuilding: A Vision for a Multipolar World, by Tommy Wennerstierna
Hypothetical Meta-Cognitive Evaluation of Advanced Cognitive Architectures for Biohacking and Neurohacking Optimization of Tommy Wennerstiernas brain
Innovating a new paradigm in recruitment.
My latest paper is about innovating a new paradigm in recruitment.
https://tommywennerstierna.wordpress.com/2024/11/23/transforming-recruitment-a-candidate-centric-paradigm-for-career-investment-and-empowerment/ -
Inventing the Future: A Plan for an Alternative Libertarian Renewable Energy Grid
Inventing the Holistic Downstream Analysis Framework: A Multidimensional Approach to Health, Biomarkers, and Cognitive Optimization
Inventing the Personal Business Cloud (PBC), Cloud-Based Micro-Enterprise Platform
Language, Cognition, and AI in a Multilingual World
Leveraging AI for Self-Assessment and Personality Testing
Marketing in a new era - 2025
Moving full blog to Substack from WP
Never work with or for WordPress. Never buy their services.
Optimizing SDR, BDR, and Inside Sales for Success and Win-Wins
Portal-Data and Fractal Intelligence – A Framework for Recursive Insight Systems
Quantum Coherence in the Krebs Cycle: Exploring Quantum Biological Dynamics in Cellular Metabolism
Reinventing Intelligence: A Deep Dive into g-Factors, Optimization, and Transhuman Potential in the AI Era
Sweden’s Hidden Crime Epidemic: Biases, Statistical Gaps, and Emerging Threats
Synergistic Hacking: Biophotonics and Quantum Integration in Cellular and Cognitive Enhancement
The Core of Intelligence: A Subatomic and Cellular Perspective
The Quantum Neural Knowledge Ledger: Bridging Human Intelligence and Artificial Systems through Quantum, Biological, and Neural Integration
The Quantum-Biological Symbiosis: Bridging Human Consciousness and Artificial Intelligence in the Age of Transhumanism
The Round-Robin Constitutional Oversight and Audit Model” (RR COAM)
Proposal for constitutional amendment
The Sleep Navigator: A Simple Guide to Restful Nights
The Universal AI Knowledge Ledger: A Blueprint for a New Age of Verified Intelligence
A New Epistemological Blockchain Ledger Framework Secured by Quantum Computing and Photon Key Distribution, Combatting Misinformation, and Securing AI Data Quality
Proposed By Tommy Wennerstierna, November 2024. -
Toward 512k Virtual Memory Systems: A Paradigm for Expanding AI Context and Intelligence
Toward an AGI Framework for Comprehensive Health and Genetic Synthesis: Goals and Pathways
Towards a Dual-Memory Framework for Artificial Intelligence: System 1 and System 2 Integration for Advanced Cognition
Universal Basic Income 2.0 for the AI Age: Funding and Policy Frameworks
Xerxes Protocol + IQ 300-500 Model: Building a Transhuman Cognitive Ecosystem
2024年ノーベル平和賞受賞者 日本被団協 - 第2部
https://tommywennerstierna.wordpress.com/2024/10/13/2024年ノーベル平和賞受賞者-日本被団協-第2部/ -
Mastering Brain Optimization: The Complete Guide to Boosting IQ, Neurogenesis, and Cognitive Performance
N=1: Citizen scientist: Unlocking Personal Nutrition and Health through Mechanistic Analysis
Redefining IQ in the era of AI
https://tommywennerstierna.wordpress.com/2024/10/07/redefining-iq-in-the-era-of-ai-part-2/ -
Unlocking Physical Intelligence: The Complete Guide to Boosting Your Physical Quotient (PQ)
https://tommywennerstierna.wordpress.com/2024/10/06/unlocking-physical-intelligence-the-complete-guide-to-boosting-your-physical-quotient-pq-part-2/ -
Unlocking the Power of Execution: The Complete Guide to Boosting Your Execution Quotient (XQ)
https://tommywennerstierna.wordpress.com/2024/10/05/unlocking-the-power-of-execution-the-complete-guide-to-boosting-your-execution-quotient-xq-part-3-2/ -
Unlocking the Power of Judgment: The Complete Guide to Boosting Your Judgment Quotient (JQ)
https://tommywennerstierna.wordpress.com/2024/10/02/unlocking-the-power-of-judgment-the-complete-guide-to-boosting-your-judgment-quotient-jq/ -
Unlocking the Power of Organization: The Complete Guide to Boosting Your Organizational Quotient (OQ)
https://tommywennerstierna.wordpress.com/2024/10/04/unlocking-the-power-of-organization-the-complete-guide-to-boosting-your-organizational-quotient-oq-part-3/ -
Unlocking the Power of Social Connections: The Complete Guide to Boosting Your Social Quotient (SQ)
https://tommywennerstierna.wordpress.com/2024/10/05/unlocking-the-power-of-social-connections-the-complete-guide-to-boosting-your-social-quotient-sq-part-2/ -
Unlocking the Power of Understanding: The Complete Guide to Boosting Your Understanding Quotient (UQ)
https://tommywennerstierna.wordpress.com/2024/10/02/unlocking-the-power-of-understanding-the-complete-guide-to-boosting-your-understanding-quotient-uq-part-3-2/ -
The Metacognitive Odyssey: A Multidimensional Exploration of Intelligence, Self-Optimization, and Brainhacking
Project X
Investigative journalism and lobbying in and with the Swedish parliament led to changes and amendments in the Swedish constitution (Grundlagen) 2018, with the Swedish parliament voting two times as required before and after elections. The paragraphs are about audits being enabled for the h government auditors to raid and audit each other, including more strict background checks on selected highest-ranking auditors (General Directors and Judicial heads, the seven most high-ranking in the…
Investigative journalism and lobbying in and with the Swedish parliament led to changes and amendments in the Swedish constitution (Grundlagen) 2018, with the Swedish parliament voting two times as required before and after elections. The paragraphs are about audits being enabled for the h government auditors to raid and audit each other, including more strict background checks on selected highest-ranking auditors (General Directors and Judicial heads, the seven most high-ranking in the judiciary audits)
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Modersmåls- eller tvåspråkig nivå
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Grundläggande kunskaper
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Have you ever read a LinkedIn post about toilets? No? Neither have I. So buckle up – this is a first. Feel free to roll your eyes. Or not. We've all…
Have you ever read a LinkedIn post about toilets? No? Neither have I. So buckle up – this is a first. Feel free to roll your eyes. Or not. We've all…
Gillat av Tommy Wennerstierna
"Stef van Grieken, the co-founder of Cradle, an AI protein lab with offices in Amsterdam and Zurich, describes the pharmaceutical industry as…
"Stef van Grieken, the co-founder of Cradle, an AI protein lab with offices in Amsterdam and Zurich, describes the pharmaceutical industry as…
Gillat av Tommy Wennerstierna
Fact: The United States of America has followed the example of India, Pakistan and the Philippines and made English the official language this week.…
Fact: The United States of America has followed the example of India, Pakistan and the Philippines and made English the official language this week.…
Upplagt av Tommy Wennerstierna
Why Do Most Companies Fail at Retaining SDRs Beyond a Year? The Hidden Reasons Behind the Revolving Door Hiring SDRs (Sales Development…
Why Do Most Companies Fail at Retaining SDRs Beyond a Year? The Hidden Reasons Behind the Revolving Door Hiring SDRs (Sales Development…
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