Alexis McCabe Egmar

Alexis McCabe Egmar

Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sverige
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👉 The women I work with are ambitious, driven, and highly capable—but often feel lost in…




  • Coachutbildning Sverige AB

    ICF Level 1 Diploma in Coaching according to the standards of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Completed 64 hours of rigorous training, including 6 hours with an individual coach, 8 hours of mentor coaching, and over 20 hours of coaching practice. Successfully passed a live coaching session evaluated by ICF-certified and approved assessors to attain the diploma.

    The diploma is one of the pre-requisites to receive accreditation as ACC which I am currently pursuing.

  • Aktiviteter och föreningar:College of Business Senator 2007-2009, USAC Study Abroad Program at the Université de Pau et des Pays de L’Adour 2007, Alpha Gamma Delta Member 2005-2010

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