At The Inner Foundation, we invest in solutions that strengthen mental health—and we know that real progress requires addressing the broader systems that shape mental well-being. Women’s health is a critical part of this equation. For too long, it has been underfunded, under-researched, and underserved. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce our investment in EsterCare, a health tech company pioneering a digiphysical model that integrates digital with in-person care. From menstrual health to menopause, EsterCare’s comprehensive approach ensures proactive, evidence-based care that supports both physical and mental health— because the two are inseparable. EsterCare’s dual approach supports both individuals and workplaces, ensuring women have access to quality care while enabling organizations to build healthier, more resilient teams. By embedding its services into corporate ecosystems, EsterCare is empowering individuals, reducing absenteeism, and strengthening workplace well-being. Addressing the women’s health gap isn’t just about care—it’s about unlocking economic potential. McKinsey Health Institute and the World Economic Forum estimate that closing these gaps represents a $1 trillion opportunity and integrating mental health into the equation is essential to realizing it. We’re excited to co-invest alongside Impact Invest, Vera Invest, and other visionary angel investors. Investing in female health equity isn’t just necessary—it’s a high-impact opportunity to ensure women’s health and mental health are fully integrated into every facet of care. 📖 Read more here: 📖 Read DI article: #FemaleHealthEquity #MentalHealth #ImpactInvestment #HealthTech #WorkplaceWellbeing #TheInnerFoundation #EsterCare Lydia Graflund, Helena Graflund Lagercrantz
The Inner Foundation
Ideella organisationer
Investing in innovative solutions to improve inner health and strengthen diversity, equity and inclusion
Om oss
People around the world today feel lost, lonely, disconnected and excluded. The social climate crisis is fundamental and requires a radical shift. The Inner Foundation invests in innovative solutions that improve inner health and strengthen diversity, equity and inclusion in society – uniting public, private and non-profit efforts to make sustainable human development happen. The Inner Foundation, founded by Annika Sten Pärson and Pär-Jörgen Pärson, aims to be a significant force for good by operating as an impact investor, grant-giver and thought leader, focusing on improving the state of mental health and fighting for diversity & inclusion. With a long-term commitment, The Inner Foundation has initially invested in for profit organisations such as Meela, an initiative that aims to personalize mental health care for women, Nudge Labs, which focuses on well-being and stress reduction in the workplace, and other NGOs such as StrongMinds, treating depression at scale in sub-Saharan Africa and 1825-Therapy Center for Young Adults, a Stockholm-based mental health clinic for young adults that the government health care system is failing to adequately support. Within the area of diversity, equity and inclusion, The Inner Foundation supports First Close Partners, a fund-of-funds investing in underrepresented venture fund managers on a global scale.
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- Bransch
- Ideella organisationer
- Företagsstorlek
- 2–10 anställda
- Huvudkontor
- Stockholm
- Typ
- Ideell organisation
- Grundat
- 2022
- Specialistområden
- mental health, diversity, inclusion, equity, inner health och social crisis
Kungsgatan 30 (15th floor)
Stockholm, SE
Anställda på The Inner Foundation
Pär-Jörgen Pärson
Annika Sten Pärson
Founding Partner and Executive Chair of The Inner Foundation. Board member & social impact Investor. Business & Non-profit. Mental Health Advocate.
Zakaria Hersi
Investment Manager | Angel Investor, Ex-Truecaller
Vincent Touati-Tomas
Marketing Advisor for Startups and Asset Managers
The Inner Foundation omdelade detta
This week I was invited to the EIB Institute’s Foresight Roundtable on Systemic Investing in the Brain Economy, convened by Shiva Dustdar, Harris Eyre, Paweł Świeboda, and the Brain Capital Alliance at the European Investment Bank (EIB) in Luxembourg. Leaders across finance, biopharma, venture capital, philanthropy, and policy gathered to explore how we align capital with the growing needs in brain health. Over one in three people worldwide are affected by brain conditions, with an annual economic impact ranging from $2.5 to $8.5 trillion in lost productivity alone —a number that continues to rise. Despite brain health being fundamental to economic resilience, investment remains fragmented, limiting the ability of solutions to scale. Thomas Östros opened the session by outlining the EIB’s commitment to health and life sciences, emphasizing the critical role institutional capital plays in funding innovation. Public-private collaboration is critical to shaping financial mechanisms that support innovation at scale, bridging the gap between groundbreaking research and real-world impact. At The Inner Foundation, we are firm believers in entreprenurship. Founders are already pioneering transformative solutions—from AI-driven diagnostics to neuro-inclusive design and digital therapeutics—but capital structures have not evolved to match the scale of innovation. The challenge is not a lack of solutions, but a lack of coordinated investment that connects funding to impact. Now is the time to ensure investment strategies reflect the urgency of the challenge—scaling brain health solutions within the brain economy. Thank you to EIB Institute, NeuroCentury, and Brain Capital Alliance for driving this critical discussion, and great to see friends from the Future Mental Health Collective contributing to the conversation! #BrainHealth #TheBrainEconomy #SystemicInvesting #MentalHealth #StrategicPhilantrophy #CollectiveImpact
The Inner Foundation omdelade detta
We’re thrilled to share that we’ve successfully closed our financing round and are welcoming The Inner Foundation as new owners! The Inner Foundation is dedicated to improving mental health, making them a perfect fit for our mission at EsterCare as many of the mental health issues women have are related to women's reproductive health issues. Huge thanks to Annika Sten Pärson and Zakaria Hersi for your trust and support - we’re so happy to have you on board alongside our already existing investors! Let’s keep building a healthier and more equal future together! #EsterCare #Womenshealth #TheInnerFoundation #Anticimex #Healthinnovation Article in DI:
Proud to see our Executive Chair and Founding Partner, Annika Sten Pärson, nominated as one of Sweden’s leading female investors by DI Digital, alongside a group of women driving real change in the investment landscape! 📢 At The Inner Foundation, we believe that diversity, equity, and inclusion are not just values—they are essential drivers of progress. Yet, the numbers speak for themselves: a fraction of Swedish venture capital goes to female-founded companies, despite their strong performance. Venture capital firms with a female managing partner are three times more likely to invest in female-led businesses, yet women remain underrepresented in the spaces where critical investment decisions are made. This needs to change. This nomination is both a testament to how far we've come and a reminder of the work still needed to achieve true equity across the industry. Congratulations to all the trailblazing women on this list—let’s continue driving impact, together! Voting is still open—if you have a second to spare: Dagens Industri
Founding Partner and Executive Chair of The Inner Foundation. Board member & social impact Investor. Business & Non-profit. Mental Health Advocate.
Hedrad över att vara nominerad som en av årets kvinnliga investerare av Dagens Industri – och att få stå sida vid sida med en rad imponerande kvinnor som medvetet och strategiskt investerar för att lösa våra mest angelägna samhällsutmaningar. Jag är också stolt över att det arbete vi driver genom The Inner Foundation uppmärksammas – där vårt fokus ligger på att investera i lösningar som stärker unga vuxnas mentala hälsa. För oss är mångfald och inkludering inte en sidoeffekt, utan en central och självklar del av vår strategi. Även om listan är hoppingivande, är det tydligt att det är mycket arbete som återstår. Kvinnlig representation är fortsatt låg inom såväl entreprenörskap som investeringssfären; en beskuren del av svenskt riskkapital går till kvinnligt grundade bolag, trots att de presterar bättre än genomsnittet. Dessutom visar data att riskkapitalbolag med en kvinnlig partner är tre gånger mer benägna att investera i kvinnligt ledda företag – ändå är kvinnor kraftigt underrepresenterade där de avgörande besluten fattas. Något vi behöver ändra på. Det handlar inte bara om att öka andelen kvinnliga investerare – det handlar om att skapa en bredare representation och en investeringskultur där mixade team ses som en självklar framgångsfaktor. Att samla människor med olika erfarenheter och perspektiv driver innovation, stärker konkurrenskraften, leder till mer hållbara organisationer och en rättvisare fördelning av kapital. Den här listan är en viktig påminnelse om både de utmaningar vi står inför och den kraft som finns i de kvinnor som varje dag driver utvecklingen framåt. Tack för nomineringen – låt oss fortsätta att förändra spelplanen, tillsammans! Jessica Schultz, Heidi Lindvall, Hellen Wohlin Lidgard, Sabina Wizander,Kerstin Cooley, Katja Bergman, Evelina Anttila, Ashley Lundström, Lena Apler, Susanna Campbell, Susanne Najafi, Sophia Bendz, Agate S. Freimane, Tove Larsson, Jeanette Andersson, Mala Valroy, Kajsa Gatenbeck, Anna Storåkers
Rösta på Sveriges viktigaste kvinnliga investerare 2025
The Inner Foundation is looking for a Chief of Staff to work closely with Founding Partner & Executive Chair Annika Sten Pärson in shaping and advancing the organization’s mission. In this pivotal role, you will drive strategic planning, oversee project management, foster partnerships, and refine and refine operations to maximize impact. As a catalytic hybrid finance investor, we channel resources where they are needed most — investing in changemakers working on solutions that strengthen inner health and diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. With a special focus on emerging adults, our portfolio spans Europe, North America, and Aub-Saharan Africa. As Chief of Staff, you will ensure our processes align with our mission and effectively support meaningful, lasting impact. The ideal candidate is a proactive, strategic thinker with experience in strategy consulting or investment banking. They excel in navigating complex global contexts, have exceptional communication and problem-solving skills, and share a deep commitment to creating impactful, lasting change in inner health. Does this sound like you? Learn more at website: #theinnerfoundation #recruiting #emergingadults #mentalhealth #hybrid
Sweden has taken a historic step by launching its first national strategy for mental health and suicide prevention, "Det handlar om livet" (It’s About Life). This 10-year framework sets a clear direction to improve mental well-being, reduce suicide, and ensure support for all who need it. Beyond the strategy, Regeringskansliet with Jakob Forssmed, Camilla Waltersson Grönvall, Lina Nordquist och Leonid Yurkovskiy presented a concrete action plan for its implementation. Highlighting three important government decisions: 🪯 The "Det handlar om livet" strategy sets a 10-year direction with four goals and seven sub-goals to strengthen mental health and suicide prevention. 🖋️ The 2025-2026 action plan outlines key ongoing initiatives that support the strategy’s vision, goals, and sub-goals. The government plans to continue supporting this work through additional mandates and inquiries. 🗣️ Folkhälsomyndigheten and Socialstyrelsen have been tasked to coordinate implementation, collaborate with other agencies, and follow up on the strategy in dialogue with stakeholders at all levels. At The Inner Foundation, we see this as a promising move toward mobilizing society as a whole. With unified direction and a government prioritizing mental health and suicide prevention, there is a strong foundation to engage public actors, private enterprises, civil society, and individuals alike. Our hope is that this strategy will catalyze cross-sector collaboration, unlock new funding streams, and bolster a more cohesive ecosystem for mental health support. While the strategy emphasizes children and adolescents, we also believe it is vital to include emerging adults—a group often underserved, yet navigating significant mental health challenges. By addressing their needs alongside broader efforts, we can ensure a truly inclusive approach. The introduction of this strategy reminds us of the importance of bold action and collective effort. Let’s work together to amplify impact and create a society where mental health is a shared priority, and no one is left behind. Learn more about the strategy and its goals here: #MentalHealth #SuicidePrevention #EmergingAdults #DetHandlarOmLivet #Collaboration #CollectiveImpact Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner, Hjälplinjen, Olivia Wigzell, Björn Eriksson
En ambitiös agenda för förändring kring psykisk hälsa och suicidprevention
When our founder Annika Sten Pärson co-founded 1825 - För unga vuxnas psykiska hälsa in 2019 and assumed the role as Chair of the Board, it was in response to a glaring need: young adults were falling through the cracks, underserved by support systems not designed to meet their unique challenges. The urgency was undeniable, and 1825's mission became the catalyst for founding The Inner Foundation. Over the past five years, 1825 has been on a journey—navigating challenges, learning through experience, and constantly evolving to better support young adults’ mental wellbeing. Today, the organization is poised to take its next strategic step forward, with a strengthened team and a clear focus on its mission. As part of this transition, Emma Claesson will assume the role of Chair of the Board, bringing her strategic expertise and deep dedication to mental health. Caroline Stiernstedt Sahlborn will step in as Secretary-General, further complementing the leadership team. Together, they are well-positioned to guide 1825 as it takes on this new strategic phase. Annika will remain on the board, continuing to support the organization’s mission and contributing her experience to this next chapter. We’re proud to continue supporting 1825 as it advances its mission.
Stiftelsen 1825 har under året fokuserat på att stärka och vidareutveckla sin kärnverksamhet för att främja psykisk hälsa och minska psykisk ohälsa bland unga vuxna. En ny generalsekreterare har rekryterats och det operativa teamet stärkts. Nu tas nästa steg i tillväxtresan genom att medgrundaren och styrelseordförande Annika Sten Pärson lämnar över ordförandeskapet till HR- och näringslivsprofilen Emma Claesson. Läs pressmeddelandet i sin helhet här:
The Inner Foundation omdelade detta
Ny nationell Hjälplinje öppnar idag När jag var ansvarig för Minds Självmordslinje var en av de tuffaste frågorna varför vi inte kunde ta emot alla samtal. Vi gjorde verkligen vårt bästa men behovet var större än de volontärer vi kunde erbjuda. Därför är jag glad att regeringen, med Jakob Forssmed i spetsen, nu har sett till att fler människor i kris får stöd genom en statligt finansierad Hjälplinje. Hjälplinjen erbjuder professionellt stöd via nätet och telefon med syfte att vägleda och stödja människor att må bättre. De ger skriftlig rådgivning via nätet på och stödsamtal via telefon på nummer 90390. Förhoppningen är att stödet ska leda till att personen antingen ska må bättre, ha en idé om vad den ska göra för att må bättre eller veta var den ska vända sig för mer hjälp. Efter att ha spenderat många timmar som svarare i Självmordslinjen vet jag att samtal hjälper. Samtal som kunde börja i gråt och oroliga ordströmmar och avslutas i lugn tystnad, eller kanske med ett litet skratt. Då blev man varm i bröstet. Nu kommer fler att få någon att prata med när livet känns svårt. Det är värt att fira!
The Inner Foundation omdelade detta
Jag är oerhört stolt och glad över att ta över ordförandeskapet för stiftelsen 1825 - För unga vuxnas psykiska hälsa från Annika Sten Pärson. 1825 är en fantastisk verksamhet som gör verklig skillnad för den grupp i samhället som utgör vår framtid. Jag ser nu fram emot att tillsammans med Caroline Stiernstedt Sahlborn och resten av teamet arbeta för att stärka 1825’s roll som en aktiv samhällsaktör och säkerställa att fler unga vuxna får den hjälp de behöver, på sina villkor.
Stiftelsen 1825 har under året fokuserat på att stärka och vidareutveckla sin kärnverksamhet för att främja psykisk hälsa och minska psykisk ohälsa bland unga vuxna. En ny generalsekreterare har rekryterats och det operativa teamet stärkts. Nu tas nästa steg i tillväxtresan genom att medgrundaren och styrelseordförande Annika Sten Pärson lämnar över ordförandeskapet till HR- och näringslivsprofilen Emma Claesson. Läs pressmeddelandet i sin helhet här:
What an incredible night and journey to witness. Huge congratulations to the För-Orten 2024 finalists, who will join the BLING incubator: Leyl Cumar, Abdi Ahmed Mohamud, and Jasmin Nasser! 💥 Celebrating 10 years of impact, last night marked how far BLING has come in redefining entrepreneurship - breaking down barriers for those without access to the networks, knowledge, or capital needed to succeed. As early investors in BLING Capital and followers of BLING’s journey, we’ve seen firsthand how their work creates opportunities for underrepresented entrepreneurs, bringing bold, scalable ideas into spaces where they can thrive. To support the next wave of changemakers and shape a new, more inclusive business state of mind, BLING’s incubator program needs funding. It’s time for investors to step up and help sustain this incredible progress. Deqa Abukar, Adnan Yousuf, Rami Almudafar, Annika Sten Pärson, Zakaria Hersi, Abdusaid Sawut
Yesterday, I attended BLING För-Orten event, where six amazing companies pitched, chosen from over 500 applications across Sweden. Huge congratulations to everyone who pitched and to the winners! Leyl Cumar Abdi Ahmed Mohamud Jasmin Nasser Fun fact: at the first ever event in 2018, I was on stage sharing my journey at Tensta Marknad with just 20 attendees. Yesterday, it was 900 people at Oscars Teatern—a testament to how far this movement has come and the importance of the community. Big congrats to Deqa Abukar Adnan Yousuf Rami Almudafar Amir Mazroui Sebdani Abdusaid Sawut Melody Farshin Hasti Barzanji The Inner Foundation Annika Sten Pärson