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European School Education Platform

Terms and conditions of use

To ensure the best possible experience for all registered users and visitors alike, we have established basic guidelines for participation and listing content on the European School Education Platform and a code of conduct for eTwinning. By registering, you agree to follow these rules and guidelines.

Terms and conditions for postings on the platform

Registered organisations located in and offering courses taking place in Erasmus+ programme countries can create and publish postings on certain sections of the platform. ‘Postings’ refers to on-site course announcements published on the professional development area and any postings published on the networking area.


These terms and conditions are in addition to the platform’s general disclaimer.


Disclaimer: information for all users


As a platform user, please read this information carefully:

  • Postings are made by independent organisations. The European Commission accepts no responsibility or liability with regards to their content, delivery or management.
  • No listings are pre-approved by the European Commission, National Support Organisations (NSOs), the Erasmus+ National Agencies (NAs), or the platform's administrators.
  • Choosing a listing (e.g. an on-site course) from the database does not guarantee that schools/organisations will be awarded an Erasmus+ grant.
  • It is not necessary for a listing to be included in the platform for it to be an eligible Erasmus+ activity. The eligibility of Erasmus+ activities is defined solely by the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.


All user-generated content, including eTwinning content, in the European School Education Platform is provided as-is. The European Commission does not endorse any views, opinions or advice expressed by visitors to this website. Although the use of the website requires all users to comply with these terms of use, some inappropriate user-generated content may still be submitted and displayed. We reserve the right to edit, move, or delete any content that violates the terms of use or community guidelines, without notice.


Basic terms and conditions


  • Platform use is free of charge both for posters and for individuals searching for postings that match their criteria.
  • Anyone can create and publish a listing. The only technical requirement to add a listing is to register an individual account and have this account associated to an organisation.
  • The platform takes no responsibility for any ratings or comments submitted about the content.
  • The European Commission reserves the right to modify the platform, and therefore the course catalogue or the networking area, or to modify these terms at any time and without prior notice.


Specific terms and conditions


Course catalogue

The course catalogue in the professional development area of the platform is intended for advertising on-site courses for participants in staff mobility activities supported by Erasmus+ (Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals). The Commission reserves the right to remove published courses that are clearly ineligible for Erasmus+ funding, however the Commission cannot guarantee that all courses published in the platform are eligible for Erasmus+ grants. The eligibility of Erasmus+ activities is defined solely by the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.


If you are a course provider, please read the Quality standards for courses under Key Action 1.


Please note that, currently only the platform administrators can publish online courses in the course catalogue.


Partner finding (Erasmus+ postings)

The partner finding section within the networking area is for finding partners for Erasmus+ activities and projects in school education and vocational education and training. These can include:  


  • Key Action 1 – Learning mobility of individuals:
    • For organisations wanting to send and/or host participants in staff mobility (job shadowing and teaching assignments) and pupil mobility.
  • Key Action 2 – Partnerships for cooperation:
    • Project ideas and partner search announcements for cooperation partnerships and small-scale partnerships.
  • Jean Monnet



Find out more about Erasmus+ application deadlines, conditions, and procedures on the Erasmus+ website.


Acceptable use policy


If you are publishing a listing, please read this carefully:

  • Posters are responsible for providing accurate and relevant information in their postings, including updating the information when necessary.
  • It is forbidden to post or send any material, images, videos, or other contribution to this platform that posters do not have permission to use.
  • It is forbidden for posters to impersonate any person or entity or otherwise misrepresent themselves.
  • It is forbidden to manipulate the content or any parts of it (including titles, description, metadata, dates, contact information, etc.) in any way that may mislead readers or conceal relevant information from them, including providing any false or distorted information to improve visibility in the search results.


Breach of the terms and conditions


Failure to comply with this acceptable use policy constitutes a material breach of the terms and conditions, which users are obliged to agree to when using the platform, and may result in any or all of the following actions at any time, without prior notification:


  • Editing of information entered by the user, in order to ensure compliance.
  • Immediate, temporary, or permanent removal of any user comments or replies at our own discretion if they are abusive or if they appear to be false or duplicates.
  • Immediate, temporary, or permanent removal of any listing or material uploaded by the user to the platform that is considered inaccurate, inappropriate, or irrelevant for the objectives and target audience of the platform.
  • Immediate, temporary, or permanent withdrawal of the right to use the platform.
  • Issue of a warning to the user.


The decision of the appropriate consequences for violating these terms and conditions will be made on the basis of the severity of the violation and the user's history on the platform. A decision on the permanent removal of a right to use the platform may only be justified if the user concerned has already been warned, in the context of a previous violation of these terms and conditions, that their rights may be permanently withdrawn in case of further violation.


In the case of removal of any of your posts in whatever form, withdrawal of your right to use the platform, or denial of access, you are entitled to request the reasons behind the decision. Requests should be sent through the helpdesk contact form


Any request considered abusive, especially because of its repetitive nature, will not be answered. In such cases, you will be informed that the request has been deemed abusive and that no further answer will be provided.


You may address your comments on a decision regarding withdrawal of your rights to use the platform by contacting EAC-ESEP@ec.europa.eu within two weeks of the decision being made.