सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः





पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

पृथुः, पुं, (प्रथते विख्यातो भवतीति । प्रथ + “प्रथिम्रदिभ्रस्जां संप्रसारणं सलोपश्च । उणा० १ । २९ । इति कुः सम्प्रसारणञ्च ।) त्रेतायुगे सूर्य्यवशीयपञ्चमनृपः । वेणनृपस्य दक्षिणकरमथनाज्जातः । प्रजारञ्जनात् आद्ये राजापाधिं प्राप्तः । यथा, -- “अथ ते ऋषयः सर्व्वे प्रसन्नमनसस्ततः । गतकल्मषमेवं तं जातं वेणं नृपोत्तमम् ॥ ममन्थुर्दक्षिणं पाणिं तस्यैव च महात्मनः । मथिते तस्य पाणौ च सञ्जातं स्वेदमेव हि ॥ पुनर्ममन्थुस्ते विप्रा दक्षिणं पाणिमेव च । स्वकरात् पुरुषो जज्ञे द्वादशादित्यसन्निभः ॥ तप्तकाञ्चवर्णाङ्गो दिव्यमाल्याम्बरावृतः । दिव्याभरणशोभाङ्गो दिव्यगन्धानुलेपनः ॥ शिखण्डी च हविर्द्धानमन्तर्द्धानाद्व्यजायत ॥” अरेणाभूराज्ञः पुत्त्रः । यथा, अग्निपुराणे । “अयोधस्तस्य पुत्त्रोऽभूत् ककुत्स्थो नाम वीर्य्य- वान् । ककुत्स्थस्य अरेणाभूस्तस्य पुत्त्रः पृथुः स्मृतः ॥” अग्निः । इति मेदिनी । थे, १० ॥ (प्रियव्रत- वंशोद्भवस्य विभोः पुत्त्रः । यथा, विष्णुपुराणे । २ । १ । ३८ । “भुवस्तस्मात् तथोद्गीथः प्रस्तारस्तत्सुतो विभुः । पृथुस्ततोऽभवन्नक्तो नक्तस्यापि गयः सुतः ॥” तामसमन्वन्तरे ऋषिविशेषः । यथा, मार्कण्डेये । ७४ । ५९ । “ज्योतिर्धामा पृथुः काव्यश्चैत्रोऽग्निर्वलकस्तथा । पीवरश्च तथा ब्रह्मन् ! सप्त सप्तर्षयोऽभवन् ॥”)

पृथुः, स्त्री, (प्रथते विस्तारमेतीति । प्रथ + कुः सम्प्रसारणञ्च ।) कृष्णजीरकः । इत्यमरः । २ । ९ । ३७ ॥ (एतत्पर्य्यायो यथा, -- “कृष्णजीरः सुगन्धश्च तथैवोद्गारशोधनः । कालाजाजी तु सुषवी कालिका चोपकालिका ॥ पृथ्वीका कारवी पृथ्वी पृथुः कृष्णोपकुञ्चिका । उपकुञ्ची च कुञ्ची च बृहज्जीरक इत्यपि ॥” इति भावप्रकाशस्य पूर्ब्बखण्डे प्रथमे भागे ॥) त्वक्पर्णी । हिङ्गुपत्री । इति मेदिनी । थे, १० ॥ (पर्य्यायोऽस्या यथा, -- “हिङ्गुपत्री तु कवरी पृथ्विका पृथुका पृथुः ॥” इति भावप्रकाशस्य पूर्ब्बखण्डे प्रथमे भागे ॥) अहिफेनः । इति शब्दरत्नावली ॥

पृथुः, त्रि, (प्रथ + कुः सम्प्रसारणञ्च ।) महत् । इत्यमरः । ३ । १ । ६० ॥ (यथा, आर्य्यासप्त- शत्याम् । ११७ । “उल्लसितभ्रूधनुषा तव पृथुना लोचनेन रुचि- राङ्गि ! । अचला अपि न महान्तः के चञ्चलभाव- मानीताः ॥”) निपुणः । इति शब्दरत्नावली ॥

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

पृथु पुं।




सुषवी कारवी पृथ्वी पृथुः कालोपकुञ्जिका। आर्द्रकं शृङ्गबेरं स्यादथच्छत्रा वितुन्नकम्.।

पदार्थ-विभागः : खाद्यम्,प्राकृतिकखाद्यम्

पृथु पुं।




सहस्रवेधि जतुकं बाल्हीकं हिङ्गु रामठम्. तत्पत्री कारवी पृथ्वी बाष्पिका कबरी पृथुः॥

अवयव : हिङ्गुवृक्षनिर्यासः

पदार्थ-विभागः : अवयवः

पृथु वि।




अप्राग्र्यं द्वयहीने द्वे अप्रधानोपसर्जने। विशङ्कटं पृथु बृहद्विशालं पृथुलं महत्.।

पदार्थ-विभागः : , द्रव्यम्



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

पृथु¦ त्रि॰ प्रथ--कु सम्प्र॰।

१ विस्तीर्णे स्त्रियां गुणवचनोदन्त-त्वात् ङीप्।

२ आदिराजे वेनपुत्रे सूर्य्यवंश्ये नृपभेदेपु॰ तदुत्पत्तिकथा भाग॰

४ ।

१५ अ॰। अथ तस्य (वेनस्य) पुनर्विप्रैरपुत्रस्य महीपतेः। बाहुभ्यांमथ्यमानाभ्यां मिथुनं समपद्यत। तद्दृष्ट्वा मिथुनं जात-मृषयो ब्रह्मवादिनः। ऊचुः परमसन्तुष्टा विदित्वा भगवत्-कलाम्। एष विष्णोर्भगवतः कला भुवनपालिनी। इयञ्चलक्ष्मी संभूतिः पुरुषस्यानपायिनी। अत्र यः प्रथमो राज्ञांपुमान् प्रथयिता यशः। पृथुर्नाम महाराजो मवि-ष्यति पृथुश्रवाः”। तेन च भगवदवतारेण पृथिवीसमीकृता नानोषधीश्च मथिता दुहितृत्वेन कल्पिता च। तत्कथा उत्तरत्राध्याये दृश्या

१८ अ॰।
“एवं पृथ्वादयः पृथ्वीं द्रदुहुः स्वन्नमात्मनः। दोह-वतमादिभेदेन क्षीरभेदं कुरूद्वह!। ततो महीपतिःप्रीतः सर्वकामदुघां पृथुः। दुहितृत्वे चकारेमां प्रेमणादुहितृवत्सलः। चूर्णयन् स्वधनःकोट्या गिरिकूटानिराजराट्। भूमण्डलमिदं वैन्यः प्रायश्चक्रे समं विभुः”

३ महादेवे भा॰ आश्व॰

९ अ॰। चतुर्थमन्वन्तरे काव्ये

४ सप्तर्षिभेदे हरिवं॰

७ अ॰। काकुतस्थे अनेनसः पुत्रे

५ नृपभेदे

१७ अ॰। अजमीढबंश्ये पारपुत्रस्य

६ पुत्रभेदेहरिवं॰

२० अ॰। क्रोष्टुवंश्ये चित्रसू पुत्रे

७ नृपभेदे

३५ अ॰।

८ दानवभेदे

२६ अ॰।

९ अम्नौ मेदि॰।

१० कृष्ण-जीरके पु॰ अमरः

११ त्वक्पर्ण्यां

१२ हिङ्गुपत्र्याञ्च स्त्रीमेदि॰

१३ अहिफेने शब्दरत्ना॰

१४ महति त्रि॰ शब्दर॰

१५ विष्णौ पु॰।
“प्राणदः प्रणवः पुथुः” विष्णुस॰।



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

पृथु¦ mfn. (-थुः-थुः-थ्वी-थु)
1. Large, great.
2. Smart, clever. m. (-थुः)
1. The fifth monarch of the solar dynasty in the second age.
2. A name of Agni or fire. f. (-थुः)
1. A pungent seed, (Nigella Indica.)
2. A medicinal substance, commonly Hingupatri.
3. Opium. E. प्रथ् to be famous, aff. कु, and र changed to ऋ |

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

पृथु [pṛthu], a. (-थु or -थ्वी f., compar. प्रथीयस्, superl. प्रथिष्ठ) [प्रथ्-कु संप्र˚ Uṇ.1.28]

Broad, wide, spacious, expansive; पृथुनितम्ब q. v. below; सिन्धोः पृथुमपि तनुम् Me.48.

Copious, abundant, ample; अव्युच्छिन्नपृथु- प्रवृत्ति भवतो दानं ममाप्यर्थिषु V.4.47.

Large, great; दृशः पृथुतरीकृताः Ratn.2.15; अरोधि पन्थाः पृथुदन्तशालिना Śi. 12.48; R.11.25.

Detailed, prolix.


Smart, sharp, clever.



थुः N. of fire or Agni.

N. of Viṣṇu.

Of Mahādeva.

N. of a king. [Pṛithu was the son ofVena, son of Anga. He was called the first king, from whom the earth received her name Pṛithvī. The Viṣṇu Purāṇa relates that when Vena who was wicked by nature and prohibited worship and sacrifice, was beaten to death by the pious sages, and when consequently robbery and anarchy prevailed in the absence of a King, the Munis rubbed the right arm of the dead king to produce a son, and from it sprang the majestic Pṛithu, glowing like Agni. He was immediately declared King, and his subjects who had suffered from famine, besought the monarch for the edible fruits and plants which the earth withheld from them. In anger Pṛithu took up his bow to compel her to yield the supply so much needed by his subjects. She assumed the form of a cow and began to flee chased by the King. But she at last yielded and requested him to spare her life, and at the same time promised to restore all the needed fruits, plants &c., 'if a calf were given to her through which she might be able to secrete milk.' Pṛithu thereupon made Svāyambhuva Manu the calf; milked the earth, and received the milk into his own hand, from which proceeded all kinds of corn, vegetables, fruits &c., for the maintenance of his subjects. The example or Pṛithu was afterwards followed by a variety of milkers-gods, men, Ṛiṣis, mountains, Nāgas, Asuras &c., who found out the proper milkman and calf from their own number, and milked the earth of whatever they wanted; cf. Ku.1.2.] -थु f. Opium. -Comp. -उदर a. big-bellied, corpulent. (-रः) a ram. -कीर्ति a. far-famed. -जघन, -नितम्ब a. having large or broad hips or slopes; पृथुनितम्ब नितम्बवती तव V.4.26. -दर्शिन् a. far-sighted.-पत्रः, -त्रम् red garlic. -प्रथ, -यशस् a. far-famed, widely renowned. -बीजकः lentils. -रोमन् m. a fish. ˚युग्म the sign Pisces of the zodiac. -शेखरः a mountain.-श्री a. highly prosperous. -श्रोणि a. having large hips.-संपद् a. rich, wealthy. -स्कन्धः a hog.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

पृथु mf( वीor उ)n. broad , wide , expansive , extensive , spacious , large

पृथु mf( वीor उ)n. great , important

पृथु mf( वीor उ)n. ample , abundant

पृथु mf( वीor उ)n. copious , numerous , manifold RV. etc. (628526 उind. )

पृथु mf( वीor उ)n. prolix , detailed Var.

पृथु mf( वीor उ)n. smart , clever , dexterous L.

पृथु m. a partic. measure of length(= पृथ) L.

पृथु m. fire L.

पृथु m. N. of शिवMBh.

पृथु m. of one of the विश्वेदेवाs VP.

पृथु m. of a दानवHariv.

पृथु m. of a son of अन्-एनस्MBh. Hariv.

पृथु m. of a वृष्णिand son of चित्रकib.

पृथु m. of a son of चित्र- रथBhP.

पृथु m. of a descendant of इक्ष्वाकु(son of अन्-अरण्यand father of त्रि-शङ्कु) R.

पृथु m. of a son of परHariv.

पृथु m. of a son of प्रस्तारVP.

पृथु m. of a son of रुचकBhP.

पृथु m. of a son of one of the मनुs Hariv.

पृथु m. of one of the सप्तर्षिs ib.

पृथु m. of a son of वटे-श्वर(father of विशाख-दत्त) Cat.

पृथु m. of a son of वेणMWB. 423

पृथु m. of a monkey R.

पृथु ( उ) f. Nigella Indica L.

पृथु m. = हिङ्गु-पत्त्रीL.

पृथु m. opium L.

पृथु ind. 128526

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

(I)--(Vainya) the son got out of Vena by the churning of his right arm by the sages to save him from falling into hell: is considered the ninth incarnation of Hari. The first king who introduced agriculture. फलकम्:F1:  भा. II. 7. 9; III. 1. २२; IV. १३. २०; I. 3. १४; M. 4. ४४; 8. 2-१२; वा. ६२. १२६-182; ch. ६३; Vi. I. १३. ३९.फलकम्:/F Pane- gyrised by the Gandharvas, and Siddhas playing on different musical instruments. For his coronation, presents came from Indra, ब्रह्मा, Yama, Rudra and other gods; praised by सूत, मागध and Bandin. Though these were dis- couraged, yet they continued to praise him for his righteous administrative policy. His sway extended to the Udaya hills. फलकम्:F2:  भा. IV. chh. १५-16 (whole).फलकम्:/F Due to scarcity of supply, people complained of hunger, when पृथु aimed his arrow and threatened to vanquish her. The earth let herself be milked. With स्वा- yambhuva Manu for the calf and his own palms as pail; he milked the essence of all plants. This was followed by the sages, gods, asuras and others. Hilly tracts were levelled, and different kinds of villages, cities and towns were orga- nised for the first time. फलकम्:F3:  Ib. IV. chh. १७-18 (whole) Vi. I. १३. 9, ४०-43.फलकम्:/F Consecrated himself to perform one hundred अश्वमे- dhas on the सरस्वती. When ९९ were over, jealous Indra ran away with the sacrificial horse. Advised by Atri, the king's son pursued him as the kite did रावण and recover- ing the animal, earned the title विजिताश्व. Again Indra stole the horse, and विजिताश्व pursued him and recovered it. पृथु saw marks of sin on the part of Indra behaving like [page२-382+ ४२] a miscreant and aimed his arrow at him. Persuaded by ब्रह्मा, he controlled his rage and became friendly to Indra. On advice from विष्णु, he cast off his enmity to Indra and embraced him. Asked of the Lord to be ever devoted to him. फलकम्:F4:  Ib. IV. १९ (whole); २०. 1-३१.फलकम्:/F On his return to the capital, the citizens accorded him a welcome. Made the middle country between गन्गा and यमुना his home. Advised his subjects, who praised him, to conduct themselves righteously. Was visited by सनत्कुमार with three other sages who taught him आत्मग्ञान। फलकम्:F5:  Ib. IV. २०. ३८; २१ (whole); २२. 1-४८.फलकम्:/F His queen Arcis gave birth to five sons, all rising to his ideal. He followed the path of the लोकपालस्, and his fame as of सोमराज reached the ears of women as that of राम the ears of the virtuous. फलकम्:F6:  Ib. IV. २२. ५३- ६३.फलकम्:/F Finding himself aged, he entrusted the kingdom to his sons and left with his queen to the forest. Launched on a course of severe penance until his last breath went out of his body. In the funeral pyre which the queen lighted for her husband's cremation, she threw her- self and ascended to heaven, praised by the wives of the gods. फलकम्:F7:  Ib. IV. २३ (whole).फलकम्:/F Thus पृथु, the lord of seven द्वीपस्, still thirsting to have more territory, renounced his kingdom and sought refuge with Hari. फलकम्:F8:  Ib. VIII. १९. २३; XII. 3. 9; X. ६०. ४१.फलकम्:/F A मन्त्रकृत् of the चाक्षुस Manu line. The first क्षत्रिय to be a राज. By him the earth became known as पृथ्वि. फलकम्:F9:  Br. II. ३६. ८३.फलकम्:/F His accession was the occasion of a प्रतिसर्ग when rulers were appointed over several classes of beings; got the grace of विष्णु and milked the cow-earth, got grains and eatables and made the earth flow with milk and honey; there was no need for the application of the अर्थशास्त्र maxims; he levelled the ground from Cape Comorin to the हिमालयस् and cleared the forests; फलकम्:F१०:  M. १०. १०-35.फलकम्:/F made it safe and secure; made the १६ gifts. फलकम्:F११:  Ib. २७४. १२.फलकम्:/F [page२-383+ २९]
(II)--a son of तामस Manu; फलकम्:F1:  भा. VIII. 1. २७; वा. ६२. ४१-71; Vi. III. 1. १८.फलकम्:/F a कश्यप and a मन्त्रकृत्. फलकम्:F2:  Br. II. ३६. ४७; M. 9. १५; १४५. १००; वा. ५९. ९७.फलकम्:/F
(III)--the son of Anenas and father of Visva- randhi (विश्वगन्धि ?). (विष्टराश्व-वि। प्।). भा. IX. 6. २०; Br. III. ६३. २६; Vi. IV. 2. ३५.
(IV)--a son of Rucaka. भा. IX. २३. ३५.
(V)--a son of Citraratha, of the वृष्णि tribe; sta- tioned by कृष्ण to defend the northern gate of मथुरा; was on the right detachment of कृष्ण's army; got killed in the Yadava contest at प्रभास. फलकम्:F2:  Vi. V; ३७. ४६.फलकम्:/F ^1 भा. IX. २४. १८; X. ५०. २० [3]; [५० (v) १२].
(VI)--the son of अनीनस् and father of पृष- दश्व. वा. ८८. २५.
(VII)--the son of Vibhu. Br. II. १४. ६७. वा. ३३. ५७.
(VIII)--a son of Supratika the elephant. Br. III. 7. ३४१.
(IX)--a son of शिवदत्त. Br. III. ३५. १२.
(X)--a son of Citraka. Br. III. ७१. ११४; वा. ९६. ११३; Vi. IV. १४. ११.
(XI)--a son of Suyodhana. M. १२. २९. [page२-384+ २५]
(XII)--a son of अश्विनी and अक्रूर. M. ४५. ३२.
(XIII)--a son of पार. M. ४९. ५५.
(XIV)--a son of पुरुजानु. M. ५०. 2.
(XV)--the सूत sprang from the sacrifice of; फलकम्:F1:  वा. 1. ३३-4.फलकम्:/Fa मन्त्रकृत्. फलकम्:F2:  Ib. ५९. ९७.फलकम्:/F
(XVI)--Father of Antardhi (अन्तर्धान) and वादि. वा. ७०. २१; Vi. I. १३. ९३; १४. 1; २२. 1.
(XVII)--the son of Vibhu. Vi. II. 1. ३८.
(XVIII)--a son of परावृत्. Vi. IV. १२. ११.
(XIX)--the son of सुपार and father of सुकृति. Vi. IV. १९. ४२.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

PṚTHU I : (VAINYA). A King of great virtue born in the line of Dhruva.

1) Genealogy. Descending in order from Viṣṇu-- Brahmā--Svāyambhuva Manu--Uttānapāda--Dhruva Śiṣṭi--Ripu--Cākṣuṣa Manu--Kuru--Aṅga--Vena-- Pṛthu.

Manu, son of Cākṣuṣa, got of his wife Naḍvalā eleven sons Puru, Kuru, Pūru, Śatadyumna, Tapasvī, Satya- vāk, Śuci, Agniṣṭu, Atiratha, Sudyumna and Abhimanyu. Of these the second son Kuru got of his wife Ātreyī seven sons named Aṅga, Sumanas, Svāti Kratu, Aṅgiras, Gaya and Śibi. Aṅga married Sunīthā. She delivered a very wicked son named Vena. Pṛthu was born to Vena. Pṛthu got six sons named Antar- dhāna, Vādī, Sūta, Māgadha, Pālita and Vijitāśva.

2) Birth and Coronation. Sunīthā, wife of Aṅga, was the eldest daughter of Yama. Vena was born of her. Vena, the grandson of Yama, because of hereditary traits from his grandfather, was very wicked even from birth. When Vena was crowned king by the maharṣis and he became the supreme lord of the world he an- nounced to the world thus: “Yāgas should not be per- formed; gifts should not be given; no kind of homa should be done. There is nobody but me to accept as Yajñapuruṣa the share of yajñas. I am the sole lord and consumer of yajñas.”

The sages were dumbfounded. They all approached Vena and impressed upon him the necessity of perform- ing a Yāga to propitiate Mahāviṣṇu. Vena who got angry at this request of the sages told them thus: “There is nobody greater than I and I have none to be worshipped. Who is Hari, your Yajñeśvara? (lord of the yāga). All such great powers who can bless and curse alike and such eminent deities and entities like Brahmā, Viṣṇu, Śiva, Indra, Vāyu, Yama, Varuṇa, Sūrya, Agni, Dhātā, Pūṣā, Bhūmi and Candra are merged in me, the king. Do understand this fact and obey my orders.”

Despite repeated requests Vena did not give permission to conduct a Vaiṣṇava yajña. The sages got angry and cried aloud “Kill this wicked man”, “Kill this wicked man”. Saying thus the sages killed Vena by Kuśa grass made sacred and powerful by mantras--Vena, who was spiritually dead because of his contempt of the gods even before. Then the sages saw dust rising in columns from all sides and asked the people the cause of the same. The people said “When they knew that there was no king poor people have turned themselves into rogues and are plundering the wealth of the rich. The swift movements of these running in haste are raising dust from the ground below.”

The ṛṣis conferred together and to get a son from the dead Vena they churned the thigh of the wicked king. Then from the thigh came out a short and black (as black as a burnt pillar) man with a compressed face who stood before the sages in distress and asked “What am I to do?” The sages said ‘Niṣīda’ meaning ‘sit down’. He thus became Niṣāda (an illiterate forest- dweller). He went to the mountain of Vindhya and along with him went all the sins of Vena. Niṣādas there- after are said to be those who have destroyed the sins of Vena.

Then the sages churned the right hand of Vena and from it came out a brilliant boy of great strength and power and he was named Pṛthu. At the time of his birth there dropped from heaven the divine bow Aja- gava and many powerful arrows and a divine armour. All animate objects of the world were happy at his birth. Vena attained svarga for having delivered such a brilli- ant son. For the coronation of Pṛthu the oceans brought very many precious diamonds and the rivers holy water. Brahmā along with Āṅgirases came and crowned Pṛthu as the emperor. Brahmā saw the line of Candra in his right hand and was, therefore, pleased to know that he was part of Mahāviṣṇu. Thus Pṛthu, valiant and brill- iant, was crowned their emperor by the virtuous people of Bhārata.

He united his people by his love for them. When he travelled through the ocean the water stood still and when he travelled on land the mountains gave way and his flag-pole was never obstructed anywhere.

3) Sūta-Māgadhas. Brahmā performed a yāga as soon as Pṛthu was born. From that yāga was born a very wise and intelligent demon named Sūta. A scholarly Māgadha also was born from the yāga. The maharṣis commanded the Sūta-Māgadhas to praise Pṛthu and they then said “Oh revered sages, we do not know anything good or bad about this king just born. He has not earned a name or fame. Then on what basis are we to sing praises about him?” The maharṣis said that they should praise him for the qualities he should have in future. Pṛthu heard that and feeling elated decided to become a very virtuous emperor. When Pṛthu was thinking like that the Sūta-Māgadhas sang in melodious tones thus: “This king speaks the truth always, is charitable, is one who keeps his promises, is valiant and full of all good qualities.” Thus with the blessings and good wishes of all, Pṛthu started his reign.

4) Pṛthu attacks the Earth. The people were hungry for want of proper food crops. They approached Pṛthu and told him that during the short interval between Vena's death and Pṛthu's assuming charge the goddess of earth drew inside all her vegetations and so the peo- ple were put to great difficulties. They requested him to generate vegetations again.

Pṛthu got angry on hearing this and taking his bow Ajagava and several arrows went in search of the god- dess of earth. The goddess got frightened and fled taking the form of a cow. She went to all lokas but Pṛthu fol- lowed her with his bow and arrows everywhere. At last desiring to escape from the arrows of such a valiant king Bhūmidevī went to him and trembling with fear said “Oh king, why do you make such a persistent attempt, to kill me which would be the great sin of Strīvadha? (killing a woman).” The Rājā replied that there was no sin in killing wicked persons. The goddess asked what refuge was there for the people if the earth was destroyed. The king said that he would protect his people by the power of his yoga. Bhūmidevī was fright- ened and she said “Oh king, I shall give you back all I have destroyed in the form of milk. Therefore, virt- uous as you are, if you are really interested in the wel- fare of the people I shall allow you to milk me and take back everything you want. Do bring a calf.”

5) Pṛthu milks the Earth. Pṛthu by the end of his bow put in arrangement at one place the thousands of mountains which were lying scattered over the country. The grounds were not even and so there were formerly no divisions into villages and towns. There were no grain-plants like paddy or wheat, no agriculture, no cow-protection and no trade. It was since the time of Pṛthu that all these came into being. People desired to live in places where the grounds were even. Then the people lived on fruits, leaves and roots. When they were all destroyed people found it difficult to live.

Therefore Pṛthu making Svāyambhuva Manu as calf milked for the welfare of his people all plants from the earth. People do live even today by what was milked then. Pṛthu, because he gave life to Bhūmidevī, became her father and she got the name Pṛthvī.

The brahmin sages milked the cow of earth again. Then Agastya became the calf and Bṛhaspati milked. When the planets milked, Candra became the calf and again Bṛhaspati milked. The devas even now feed on the Ūrjjakṣīra (milk rich in food value) they got then. All the animals live because of their virtue and truth. The ṛṣis milked truth and virtue. The manes made Yama the calf and Antaka the milker. They milked Svadhā in a silver pot. The cobras and serpents making Takṣaka the calf milked poison making Dhṛtarāṣṭra the milker. They live by their poison which is their great defence also. The daityas and dānavas using Virocana as calf and making the two- headed Ṛtvik Madhu as the milker milked jointly courage, valour and the sarvaśatruvināśinī māyā (māyā, the destroyer of all enemies). They milked in an iron pot. All their knowledge, bodily health, strength, vigour, brilliance and valour are made from this and that is why they are adepts in the art of māyā even now.

Yakṣas milked in an iron pot milk that disappeared from the earth. Rajatanābha milked using Vaiśravaṇa as calf. That Yakṣarājaputra was sarvajña (knowing all) and Sarvadharmajña (conversant with all charitable things) with two heads and eight hands. The rākṣasas, piśācas and wicked maruts using Rajatanābha as milker and Sumālī as the calf milked blood in a pot made of a skull. They live on this.

The Gandharvas and nymphs using lotus as their pot, Suruci as milker and Citraratha as calf milked music from her. The mountains making Mahāmeru as milker and Himālayas as the calf milked diamonds and medicines. The sacred trees made Sāla the milker and plakṣa the calf and milked in a pot of palāśa Chinna- dagdhaprarohaṇa (the power of growing again even if cut or burnt). The siddhaguhyakacāraṇavidyādharas also milked her each using different pots, calves and milkers and they all got what they wanted.

6). Aśvamedha. Pṛthu's land became rich and prosperous. Then he performed an Aśvamedha. The Yāga horse was led by Vijitāśva, son of Pṛthu. Indra did not like Pṛthu conducting the yāga. Indra hid at a place on the path of the yāga horse. The sage Atri helped Indra. Indra bound the horse and a fight ensued between Indra and Vijitāśva in which Indra was deplorably defeated and confessing his guilt he craved for pardon and Pṛthu granting him pardon became his great friend. (4th Skandha, Bhāgavata).

7) Pṛthu's rule. In the history of Bhārata the period of Pṛthu's rule is considered a golden period. When Pṛthu became the emperor, Brahmā divided the uni- verse into several kingdoms and made a separate ruler for each of them. Soma was appointed King of the stars, planets, brahmins, plants, yāgas and austerities. He appointed Kubera as the lord of Kings, Varuṇa as the lord of all waters, Viṣṇu, as the lord of all ādityas and Pāvaka as the lord of all Vasus. Dakṣa was given lordship over prajāpatis, Indra over maruts, and Prahlāda over all daityas and dānavas. Yama, the Dharmarāja was made lord of the manes. Airāvata was made King of all elephants and Garuḍa King of all birds. Uccaiśśravas was made King of all horses and Vṛṣabha of all cattle. The lion was made King of all beasts and Himavān the lord of all immovable things. Kapila became chief of all sages and the tiger the leader of all beasts with nails and snouts. Plakṣa was made the King of all trees.

After distributing kingdoms thus, Brahmā appointed Dikpālakas (guardians of the zones). In the east he posted Sudhanvā, son of Vairājaprajāpati, in the south he posted Śaṅkhapāda son of Kardamaprajāpati, in the west he put Ketumān, son of Rajas and in the north Hiraṇyaromā. Thus Brahmā organised a universe with suitable emperors to control and super- vise. (Chapter 22, Aṁśa 1, Viṣṇu Purāṇa).

8) The end of Pṛthu. After several years of benign rule Pṛthu became old. He then entrusted the affairs of the state to his son Vijitāśva and left for penance with his wife Arccis. After doing severe penance for a long time he merged with Parabrahman. Arccis who was all along serving her husband with devotion ended her life by jumping into the funeral pyre of her husband following her husband like Lakṣmī following Viṣṇu.

9) Pṛthu's sons. Pṛthu had five sons named Vijitāśva, Haryakṣa, Dhūmrakeśa, Vṛka and Draviṇa. The eldest of these Vijitāśva, with the help of his brothers ruled the country. Haryakṣa ruled over the east, Dhūmrakeśa over the south, Vṛka, west and Draviṇa, north. (Padma Purāṇa).

*11th word in left half of page 608 (+offset) in original book.

PṚTHU II : A virtuous brahmin of good conduct. Once when Pṛthu was travelling he met five ugly devils. They became devils for their sins of not doing any charity and behaving rudely with beggars. Pṛthu gave them advice on āhāra (food), ācāra (conduct) and vrata (vow) so that they might get salvation from their devil-lives. (Chapter 27, Sṛṣṭi Khaṇḍa, Padma Purāṇa).

*1st word in left half of page 610 (+offset) in original book.

Vedic Index of Names and Subjects


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Pṛthu. See Pṛthi. Ludwig[] also finds a mention of the Pṛthus as a tribe, allied with the Parśus, in one passage of the Rigveda[] as opponents of the Tṛtsu Bharatas. But this interpretation is certainly incorrect.[] See Parśu.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

पृथु वि.
विस्तृत, बौ.शु.सू. 1.5।

  1. Translation of the Rigveda, 3, 196 et seq.
  2. vii. 83, 1.
  3. Zimmer, Altindisches Leben, 134 et seq.;
    433, 434;
    Geldner, Vedische Studien, 2, 184, n. 3;
    Bergaigne, Religion Védique, 2, 362, n.
"https://sa.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=पृथु&oldid=501050" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्