Wasfi Safadi

Wasfi Safadi

الرياض السعودية
١٦ ألف متابع أكثر من 500 زميل

نبذة عني

20+ years navigating the dynamic frontiers of technology, from telecommunications and…


مقالات Wasfi

  • Urgently hiring Graphic Designer

    Urgently hiring Graphic Designer

    Graphic Designer is urgently needed for an internet service provider in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan. we are looking for…

  • #Just Thinking

    #Just Thinking

    Traditional way of market research, and marketing intelligence is not any more sufficient and efficient for corporate…

    ١ تعليق واحد
  • Looking Back

    Looking Back

    Day after day and years have past so quickly, today, I decided to have a look back since I started my work with…

    ٥ تعليق



انضم الآن لعرض كل النشاط


  • رسم بياني ArtiKeys


    Saudi Arabia

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    Amman, Jordan

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    Amman Governorate, Jordan

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    Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan-Iraq

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    Amman, Jordan

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    Amman, Jordan

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    Amman, Jordan

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    Amman, Jordan

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    Cairo, Egypt

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    Amman, Jordan


  • رسم بياني INSEAD



    INSEAD’s International Marketing Programme is an intensive five-day programme designed to meet the needs of busy executives. The new five-day, intensive format provides cutting-edge insights into the strategic elements of the marketing process and helps participants rise to today’s biggest challenges, including social media.

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التراخيص والشهادات

  • International Marketing programme



الدورات التعليمية

  • International Marketing Programme International Marketing



  • LTEAdvanced Successfully launched the 2nd LTEAdvanced network in Kurdistan, Iraq.


  • Launching ArmyCell


    The ArmyCell is a specialized offering designed to meet the unique requirements of the Jordanian armed forces. ArmyCell is regarded as a crucial strategic partner for Orange Jordan.

    عرض المشروع
  • Youth Club


    The youth segment in Jordan represent 57% of total population which has a specific needs that are varies from communication to lifestyle services. The youth Club which called stars afterwards was made to meet such requirements by this segment through 3rd parties partners for free and as long as your line is active, you enjoy the discounts at 3rd parties outlets for free and for life time

    عرض المشروع
  • 3G launch


    being part of the commercial team to be the first operator to launch the 3G+ services in Jordan was an amazing experience that's put orange at a leading edge from competition, bringing new value to customers and has increased brand value.

    عرض المشروع


  • Arabic

    إجادة اللغة الأم أو إجادة لغتين إجادة تامة

  • English

    إجادة كاملة

التوصيات المستلمة

14شخصا قدموا توصية لـWasfi

انضم الآن لعرض

المزيد من أنشطة Wasfi

عرض ملف Wasfi الشخصي الكامل

  • مشاهدة الأشخاص المشتركين الذين تعرفهم
  • تقديم تعارف
  • تواصل مع Wasfi مباشرة
انضم لعرض الملف الشخصي الكامل

ملفات شخصية أخرى مشابهة

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