Simon Salameh

Simon Salameh

الشرقية السعودية
٢ ألف متابع أكثر من 500 زميل

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A Business Leader with a proven track record of successful business startups and…


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  • Policy Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The case of the Lebanese Electric Power Sector.

    International Journal on Energy Conversion and Management 42 (2001) 373-392.

    The energy sector in Lebanon contributes 85% of all CO2 emissions and 96% of all SO2 emissions. In addition, the consumption of electricity in Lebanon is relatively low compared with most industrialized countries, but it is high compared with many developing countries of similar conditions (2200 kW h/capita in 1998). This high electricity intensity suggests that there is a low efficiency in both, the generation and end use. For this reason, two aims have been defined for this paper. The first…

    The energy sector in Lebanon contributes 85% of all CO2 emissions and 96% of all SO2 emissions. In addition, the consumption of electricity in Lebanon is relatively low compared with most industrialized countries, but it is high compared with many developing countries of similar conditions (2200 kW h/capita in 1998). This high electricity intensity suggests that there is a low efficiency in both, the generation and end use. For this reason, two aims have been defined for this paper. The first aim is to develop a baseline scenario that reflects the government policies and plans with regard to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to the electricity sector, and the second aim is to propose mitigation scenarios for reducing GHG emissions in the electricity supply sector. These mitigation scenarios will explore the merits of options not considered by the government to deduce an optimal planning strategy that will lead to a generation expansion plan at minimum cost and minimum emissions. It will be shown that the choice of natural gas as a future fuel is highly recommended and that the promotion of renewable energy technologies is also recommended and should be given priority when these technologies become economically competitive. Other measures such as network loss reduction will positively contribute to GHG mitigation in Lebanon. However, the achievement of such a goal requires no recommendation, as it should be a normal utility practice.

    عرض المنشور
  • Optimization Of Electrical Distribution Networks Fed By Conventional And Renewable Energy Sources

    International Journal of Energy Research, 23, 751-763 (1999).

    This paper provides a methodology for the optimization of an existing electrical distribution network when upgraded by renewable energies. The contribution of renewable energy in electricity generation is decided upon through both network design optimization and proper load management whereby applications that can be satisfied by non‐electrical means are separated from the main load. The remaining load will then be satisfied by an optimal mix of renewable energy which will be injected to the…

    This paper provides a methodology for the optimization of an existing electrical distribution network when upgraded by renewable energies. The contribution of renewable energy in electricity generation is decided upon through both network design optimization and proper load management whereby applications that can be satisfied by non‐electrical means are separated from the main load. The remaining load will then be satisfied by an optimal mix of renewable energy which will be injected to the existing grid. The proposed problem will be formulated using multiobjective linear programming in conjunction with fuzzy logic. It will be shown that optimization using fuzzy logic can provide decision makers with more flexibility that would assist them in the allocation of various energy resources to optimally meet the various end uses and solve the problem of renewable energy connection to existing distribution networks. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    عرض المنشور
  • Environmental and Operational Assessment of Electrical Distribution Systems Fed by Conventional and Renewable Energy

    Thesis available at the American University of Beirut Library.

    Thesis (M.E.)--American University of Beirut, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1998.;"Advisor: Dr. Riad Chedid, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering--Member of Committee : Dr. Munir Yehia, Associate Professor,

    عرض المنشور

التكريمات والمكافآت

  • Abd -El -Al Prize for 1997-1998 for best thesis helping in solving Lebanese electrical problems.



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    إجادة اللغة الأم أو إجادة لغتين إجادة تامة

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