Rust Maven Live presentations


Part of the Code Maven live events organized in the Code Mavens Meetup group.

Planned events

When event who register
2025.03.18 crum: Complex Numbers and Complex Matrices in Rust Frans Slabber register
2025.03.20 Rust and embedded programming Leon Vak register

Call for Participation

I would like to invite you to be a guest on one of these live events. There are several "tracks" or ideas on how:

  • Show me your crate! How to use it? (various use cases). Why did you write it? What is missing? How to contribute? Maybe go over the implementation as well.

  • Teach me how to X in Rust? Where X can be anything. Eg. build a web api, a web site, a web scraper, a crypto currency, a cli, tui, gui app. Etc.

  • If you gave a presentation at your local in-person event we could have the same presentation, or an extended version of it, on our live event.

  • Talk to Gabor if you are interested.

Past events

When Video recordings and notes who event
2024.06.06 Your first contribution to an Open Source Rust project event
2024.06.09 GitHub pages for Rust developers event
2024.06.16 Web development in Rust using Rocket event
2024.06.25 Using the Liquid template system in Rust event
2024.06.27 Accepting parameters on the command line using Rust Clap event
2024.07.11 Reading JSON files in Rust event
2024.08.06 Web development in Rust using Rocket - part 2 event
2024.08.28 Command Line Tools: Implementing wc in Rust event
2024.12.17 Rust Source Code Reading: The thousands crate Gabor Szabo event
2025.01.08 BlockMesh Network implemented in Rust Ohad Dahan event
2025.01.15 An introduction to WASM in Rust Márk Tolmács event
2025.01.30 Are We Embedded Yet? - Implementing tiny HTTP server on a microcontroller Maor Malka event
2025.02.11 Meet Elusion: New DataFrame Library powered by Rust 🦀 Borivoj Grujicic event
2025.03.04 Parsing with Winnow in Rust (cancelled) Kenny Flegal event
2025.03.06 Ratatui - Terminal User Interface in Rust Orhun Parmaksız event
2025.03.09 Creating A Mock Blockchain in Rust Sourav Mishra event