„Codrin has demonstrated a strong sense of responsibility and is a high achiever. His PR skills are outstanding and he is capable to create extraordinary advocacy projects. I am highly impressed by Codrin, I know that his ability and skills will fit well in a business development strategy and setting, and would be an excellent addition to be his client.”
Codrin Scutaru
Bucureşti, Bucureşti, România
14 K urmăritori
Peste 500 de contacte
Codrin Scutaru served as Managing Director of McGuireWoods Romania since 2018. As of…
Digital transformation is reshaping the financial sector, with Open Banking and AI at the forefront. In a recent joint interview with Dana Dima…
Digital transformation is reshaping the financial sector, with Open Banking and AI at the forefront. In a recent joint interview with Dana Dima…
Apreciat de Codrin Scutaru
În cadrul forumului Dezvoltăm România, specialiști și decidenți s-au întâlnit pentru a discuta despre viitorul economic al țării. Printre speakeri…
În cadrul forumului Dezvoltăm România, specialiști și decidenți s-au întâlnit pentru a discuta despre viitorul economic al țării. Printre speakeri…
Apreciat de Codrin Scutaru
🇷🇴 La Washington pentru un dialog direct cu partenerii americani 🇺🇸 Zilele acestea m-am aflat în capitala Statelor Unite unde am avut numeroase…
🇷🇴 La Washington pentru un dialog direct cu partenerii americani 🇺🇸 Zilele acestea m-am aflat în capitala Statelor Unite unde am avut numeroase…
Apreciat de Codrin Scutaru
For more than 70 years since it was first organized by the Aspen Institute in the USA, the Aspen Seminar on leadership, values, and the good society has challenged leaders in every field to think more critically and deeply about the good society.
Since the foundation of Aspen Institute Romania 15 years ago, the Aspen Seminar has also been the backbone of our Leadership Programs. -
Activități și societăți:Major Degree in Political Science Minor Degree in Sociology
Experiență în voluntariat
Public Affairs and Advocacy Coordinator
Asociatia OvidiuRo
- 3 ani
Civil Rights and Social Action
Fiecare Copil în Grădiniță incentivizes poor parents to send their 3-5 year old children to preschool and kindergarten (gradinita). FCG targets the very poorest children – those living in overcrowded, inadequate housing in isolated areas without normal access to potable water, heating or health care. In the winter, the unemployment rate is close to 100% due to the reduced need for unskilled labor and low education level of the adults. Through FCG these families receive €11/mo in food coupons if…
Fiecare Copil în Grădiniță incentivizes poor parents to send their 3-5 year old children to preschool and kindergarten (gradinita). FCG targets the very poorest children – those living in overcrowded, inadequate housing in isolated areas without normal access to potable water, heating or health care. In the winter, the unemployment rate is close to 100% due to the reduced need for unskilled labor and low education level of the adults. Through FCG these families receive €11/mo in food coupons if they take their child to gradinita every day. This significantly increases the amount a destitute family has for food. Teachers take daily attendance at 9:00 and post the attendance chart on the classroom wall. OvidiuRo representatives conduct random spot checks of the attendance reports to ensure they are filled out correctly and on time–so parents develop the habit of bringing their children before 9:00 am.
Vice President
Asociatia OvidiuRo
- Prezent 8 ani
In partnership with the Ministry of National Education and county school inspectorates, OvidiuRO mobilizes public and private resources to ensure that quality early education is available to Romania’s poorest children, through interventions that expand young children’s vocabulary and improve their language skills.
Since its inception in 2004, over 100 companies and countless individuals have contributed to sustaining and broadening OvidiuRO’s reach throughout Romania. Some donors have…In partnership with the Ministry of National Education and county school inspectorates, OvidiuRO mobilizes public and private resources to ensure that quality early education is available to Romania’s poorest children, through interventions that expand young children’s vocabulary and improve their language skills.
Since its inception in 2004, over 100 companies and countless individuals have contributed to sustaining and broadening OvidiuRO’s reach throughout Romania. Some donors have transformed their initial contributions into major, sustained, long-term investments in early education. This sustained support resulted in the passage of the “Preschool Law” (No. 248/2015), and also has led to major advancements in the national preschool curriculum and to vastly improved educational resources in kindergartens in disadvantaged areas.
OvidiuRO trains teachers and provides kindergartens with literacy-building resources and children with books at home. In 2019, OvidiuRO provided over 100,000 picture books to poor rural and urban kindergartens and disadvantaged children’s homes. Fifteen hundred kindergarten teachers received intensive training to prepare them to ‘pay it forward’ by conducting literacy-based trainings for their fellow teachers.
In 2022, OvidiuRO continues to build infrastructure to widen the ‘early literacy net’ so that virtually all of Romania’s kindergarten teachers have quality teaching tools and preschools have plenty of age-appropriate books. OvidiuRO is committed to working closely with public sector officials and kindergarten staff to provide teacher training and educational resources of the highest quality, and to help poor villages spawn additional kindergarten groups so no child is turned away from grădiniță because of “lack of space”. -
Member and Alumnus 2022
Aspen Institute Romania
- Prezent 3 ani 3 luni
Aspen Institute Romania is a non-profit, non-governmental association dedicated to promoting enlightened leadership in Romania and its region and to encouraging open-minded and informed debate among leaders about the challenges facing our societies.
Aspen Institute Romania came about through the serendipitous meeting of likeminded individuals keen on developing an environment for fundamental debates and substantive contribution to Romania’s success as a democracy and open…Aspen Institute Romania is a non-profit, non-governmental association dedicated to promoting enlightened leadership in Romania and its region and to encouraging open-minded and informed debate among leaders about the challenges facing our societies.
Aspen Institute Romania came about through the serendipitous meeting of likeminded individuals keen on developing an environment for fundamental debates and substantive contribution to Romania’s success as a democracy and open society.
The Aspen Institute Romania mission is twofold: to foster values-based leadership, encouraging individuals to reflect on the ideals and ideas that define a good society, and to provide a neutral and balanced venue for discussing and acting on critical issues affecting Romanian society and the region.
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9 persoane au recomandat pe Codrin Scutaru
Înscrieți-vă acum pentru a vizualizaMai multe activități de Codrin Scutaru
Great to be a guest of this illustrious group. Many good friends and happy to join my McGuireWoods Consulting colleagues Joseph Beasley, MPA…
Great to be a guest of this illustrious group. Many good friends and happy to join my McGuireWoods Consulting colleagues Joseph Beasley, MPA…
Apreciat de Codrin Scutaru
🎙 Dan Tincu, FCCA, CFA, Chief Financial Officer al Grupului FAN Courier, este un finanțist dedicat, cu o pasiune profundă pentru cifre și…
🎙 Dan Tincu, FCCA, CFA, Chief Financial Officer al Grupului FAN Courier, este un finanțist dedicat, cu o pasiune profundă pentru cifre și…
Apreciat de Codrin Scutaru
On enjoying our diversity "Culture isn’t everything. But in a world that risks turning more insular, it’s important to remember that global…
On enjoying our diversity "Culture isn’t everything. But in a world that risks turning more insular, it’s important to remember that global…
Apreciat de Codrin Scutaru
Don't waste time trying to make others appreciate you. The people who truly matter will never make you question your value.
Don't waste time trying to make others appreciate you. The people who truly matter will never make you question your value.
Publicat de Codrin Scutaru
FM Logistic își consolidează angajamentul față de transportul durabil, cu ajutorul soluțiilor intermodale, disponibile în curând și în…
FM Logistic își consolidează angajamentul față de transportul durabil, cu ajutorul soluțiilor intermodale, disponibile în curând și în…
Apreciat de Codrin Scutaru
Să nu uitați că în profilul profesional angajatorul contează, nu jobul. Sau, altfel spus, o experiență pe un anumit tip de job, oricât de lungă, nu…
Să nu uitați că în profilul profesional angajatorul contează, nu jobul. Sau, altfel spus, o experiență pe un anumit tip de job, oricât de lungă, nu…
Apreciat de Codrin Scutaru
28 februarie 2025- O seară magică, plină de sensibilitate și energie! Balul Rotary Club Pipera, organizat în sprijinul Campusului Lumya, a fost un…
28 februarie 2025- O seară magică, plină de sensibilitate și energie! Balul Rotary Club Pipera, organizat în sprijinul Campusului Lumya, a fost un…
Apreciat de Codrin Scutaru
There’s a captivating story shared by Michael Moritz, a partner at Sequoia Capital, about Bill Gates and his relentless drive to build Microsoft. In…
There’s a captivating story shared by Michael Moritz, a partner at Sequoia Capital, about Bill Gates and his relentless drive to build Microsoft. In…
Distribuit de Codrin Scutaru
Thanks to Reba for sharing this post. Remember this well. Was struck by how consistent the Mister Rogers in person was to the Mister Rogers on tv…
Thanks to Reba for sharing this post. Remember this well. Was struck by how consistent the Mister Rogers in person was to the Mister Rogers on tv…
Apreciat de Codrin Scutaru
Așa am întâmpinat noi prima zi de primăvară și mărțișorul! ✨❤️🤍☺️ Da, ne plac și cadourile, dar cel mai frumos mărțișor a fost azi pentru noi…
Așa am întâmpinat noi prima zi de primăvară și mărțișorul! ✨❤️🤍☺️ Da, ne plac și cadourile, dar cel mai frumos mărțișor a fost azi pentru noi…
Apreciat de Codrin Scutaru
Looking for ways to break through in life and leadership? Sally Susman, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer at Pfizer and one of Forbes' most…
Looking for ways to break through in life and leadership? Sally Susman, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer at Pfizer and one of Forbes' most…
Apreciat de Codrin Scutaru
Thank you Poiana Brasov for great skiing, spectacular scenery, friendly people and beautiful weather!
Thank you Poiana Brasov for great skiing, spectacular scenery, friendly people and beautiful weather!
Apreciat de Codrin Scutaru
Astăzi, 1 Martie, sărbătorim Mărțișorul – vestitor al primăverii, al speranței și al unui nou început! Vă doresc o primăvară plină de lumină…
Astăzi, 1 Martie, sărbătorim Mărțișorul – vestitor al primăverii, al speranței și al unui nou început! Vă doresc o primăvară plină de lumină…
Apreciat de Codrin Scutaru
The quiet magic of March. 🪷 The month that doesn’t shout, but quietly asks: What do you want to grow this season? ❄️ Winter slows us down. ☀️…
The quiet magic of March. 🪷 The month that doesn’t shout, but quietly asks: What do you want to grow this season? ❄️ Winter slows us down. ☀️…
Apreciat de Codrin Scutaru
Echipa RAFINOR urează tuturor doamnelor și domnișoarelor o primăvară cu strălucire, reușite și inspirație! ✨ Să aveți parte de momente frumoase și de…
Echipa RAFINOR urează tuturor doamnelor și domnișoarelor o primăvară cu strălucire, reușite și inspirație! ✨ Să aveți parte de momente frumoase și de…
Apreciat de Codrin Scutaru