Adaptive KYC for 360° customer risk management

Combine insights from across your business
Financial criminals don’t work in your silos or respect compliance rules: they use them against you. But you already have all the data you need to catch even evasive criminal behaviors—our artificial intelligence just makes sense of it. Identity Forensics fuses that information to provide the context and knowledge your teams need to make fast, accurate decisions.
Answer the two most fundamental questions in risk
Are your new customers really who they say they are?
Are your existing customers still behaving the way you would expect?
All capabilities in one: friction-free, perpetual KYC
Combining fraud detection and prevention during new customer onboarding with behavioral and transaction monitoring over time, Identity Forensics is more than Document Forensics and Transaction Forensics at once: it's the ability to know each customer's story—as it's being written.
Document forgery detection
Analyze each PDF or image submitted as part of KYC/CDD or EDD in over 500 different ways to catch signs of forgery—even on never-before-seen documents.
Serial forgery detection
Behavioral analysis
Transaction analysis
Identity Clustering
Document forgery detection
Analyze each PDF or image submitted as part of KYC/CDD or EDD in over 500 different ways to catch signs of forgery—even on never-before-seen documents.