Friends: FONAREV DJ Feel BOBINA DJ JIM (Evgeny Glotikov) Dj Sveta COSMONAUT ALEXEY ROMEO Johnny Beast SERGEY RIGA DJ СЕРГЕЙ РИГА саксофонист SYNTHETICSAX Ivan Spell Max River Moonbeam Roma Pafos Mister Monj DJ KOLYA DJ TAGA Dj Ivan Frost VIKTOR STROGONOV DJ RICH-ART 4Mal DJ Renat Smash SWANKY TUNES DJ NATASHA BACCARDI Sergey Flash (DJ Flash) 4DJS Alexey Viper Dj NaDi UTMOST DJS (Michel Amberg & Koluchiy) all
Fans: саксофонист SYNTHETICSAX DJ ALEX TSVETKOV J-Factory DJ Adoris Alice Boogie (джинглы, дикторы, аудиореклама) Dj Sagidullin Sergei lavrinenko ДЖИНГЛЫ от PRIMEAUDIO Trance Century Radio stahRR DJ Perov MC Alexis korowkin trutnev Beats By De FROiZ Numall Fix !"id"!_Vocalist_Day_ DEMY CHRIS Alex Keen Unts! Bajjio DJ Feell Последний музыкальный магнат BENGALSKY DJ potomuchto KASPERMIX [Official Page] Alex Byrka Арам Киракосян DJ Rost kerem yılmaz all
· Tasteful House – was founded in 2006;
Consists of 2 musicians: Liya and Levan;
· The format:
Dance music
(Vocal-House – Club-dance);
· Tours in Russia and overseas started from
· In the club history of St. Petersburg showed up as the only musical project involved in the grand opening of the legendary club projects: Pacha(2006) and Nikki Beach (2007), and the only project from St. Petersburg that performs constantly in Moscow;
· From 2009 tracks started to release at British and German record labels ;
· First radio rotation was in 2008 at megapolis FM and radio Monte Carlo St. Petersburg – Nobody Knows;
· First track on European radio wave was in Ibiza in 2009 – You make me high;
· In 2011 in radio rotation 5 dance songs: Love you for loving me, Rhythm of life, Release me, You And I and the only Russian track Believe in your dreams;
· Autumn 2011 - first video You And I came out on TV’s
· Tasteful house supports animal welfare charities
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