New York, N.Y: The Rules Committee of the National House o£ Representatives hold first hearings as to the alleged leak to Wall Street of President Wilson's peace note. Washington, D.C: Rear Admiral William G. Benson is appointed to succeed...See moreNew York, N.Y: The Rules Committee of the National House o£ Representatives hold first hearings as to the alleged leak to Wall Street of President Wilson's peace note. Washington, D.C: Rear Admiral William G. Benson is appointed to succeed late Admiral Dewey as President of the General Board of the Navy. Denver, Col: The Y.M.C.A. conducts a department where women are being taught remedies for motor troubles. Berkeley Hills, Cal: Fresh air devotees, who believe open air life is not only healthful, but that it broadens the mind and expands the soul, meet at the home of Mrs. C. C. Boynton. Seattle, Wash: The Takoma, the first of the big four-masted schooners constructed here, is launched. St. Paul, Minn: Town and Country Club members unite in making the Winter Carnival the most joyous occasion. New York, N.Y: Miss Louise Sachen, aged 19 years, travels 15 days by dog sled out of northland on her first lap of a New York journey to complete her education. Boston, Mass: The annual ice harvest produces thousands of tons. Belleville, France: Targets for months for heavy artillery fire, very few buildings remain unscathed, and practically the entire civil population has fled from the city. Verdun, France: Dugouts furnish warm and not uncomfortable quarters for French artillerymen. Newport News, Va: Our new battleship Mississippi is launched in the presence of a distinguished company of spectators, including Secretary Daniels of the Navy, and the sponsor, Miss McBeach, of Meridian, Miss. Written by
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