Nothing in days has so affected the people of the United States as the raid of the bandit Villa and his blood-spillers of the Mexican revolution into the town of Columbus, New Mexico, and the subsequent rush of the United States troops ...See moreNothing in days has so affected the people of the United States as the raid of the bandit Villa and his blood-spillers of the Mexican revolution into the town of Columbus, New Mexico, and the subsequent rush of the United States troops across the border, in pursuit of the murderers. To avenge the death of the seventeen citizens killed in the massacre, a most thrilling man hunt is under way, and the Hearst-Vitagraph cameraman has secured scenes of this incident for this release. Lively scenes of the Greek troops leaving Salonika and the occupation of the city by the Allies are also shown. Another view shows the curious splendor of the New Orleans Mardi Gras, and when the torpedo boat destroyer Portland had its first test in a gale at Rockland, Me., a Hearst-Vitagraph man was there to picturize the trip. Down in Tampa. Florida, a Hearst-Vitagrapher overtook Joe Tinker and his Chicago Nationals and sent in a pre-season line of the activities of the Cubs. When Secretary McAdoo and other high officials started for a trade promotion trip to South America, a Hearst-Vitagraph cameraman "got" them as they sailed from old Point Comfort. George Herriman and his funny Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse in an error in a study on bugology lend a hearty laugh to the reel, and a choice lot of afternoon gowns, tailored suits evening gowns, hats and footwear of the very latest New York creations furnish the interest for the women. In addition to this gunners on the cruiser San Diego being award a naval marksmanship trophy, and the boy scouts of Cleveland in a novel river hunt are shown. Written by
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