The third installment of the drama series that follows in this tradition, focusing on marital taboos, is titled "My Treasure," and its theme is "cuckoldry." "Cuckoldry" refers to the behavior seen in birds like cuckoos, where they lay ...See moreThe third installment of the drama series that follows in this tradition, focusing on marital taboos, is titled "My Treasure," and its theme is "cuckoldry." "Cuckoldry" refers to the behavior seen in birds like cuckoos, where they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds, leaving them to raise the hatched chicks. Because it's something they can never confess to those around them, it rarely comes to light, but there are women who have children with men other than their husbands and raise them while falsely claiming they are the husband's children. In this production, the protagonist played by Matsumoto is Kanzaki Miwa, a full-time housewife. Miwa, who once worked for a large company but quit her job because she wanted to have children, finds her love for her husband, Kanzaki Hiroki, fading amid their busy lives. Now she even has to endure abuse akin to moral harassment from him. During this difficult time, Miwa unexpectedly reunites with Fuyutsuki Ryo, a childhood friend she had secretly been in love with. They spend a night together, and she ends up becoming pregnant with his child. Miwa then decides to become a villain for the sake of her child, deceiving Hiroki into believing it's his child and making him raise it. Written by
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