It would only be a matter of a few months, perhaps weeks, before he would be able to send for her, so Tom Jordan assured his wife, as he set out for the west to invest their savings in a small ranch. And, indeed, ere six months had passed,...See moreIt would only be a matter of a few months, perhaps weeks, before he would be able to send for her, so Tom Jordan assured his wife, as he set out for the west to invest their savings in a small ranch. And, indeed, ere six months had passed, Lucy received a letter, telling her to come. Accordingly, with little Ned and baby Annie, the delighted wife started at once, and was almost at her journey's end, when a hostile band of Indians attacked the stagecoach. As the driver stopped to return their fire (the passengers were well armed), little Ned, screaming with terror, jumped to the ground and fled into the woods, while Lucy, with the baby still in her arms, ran after him. Hearing his mother's voice, the child turned as Lucy, who had been struck in the head by an Indian's bullet, sank to the ground. In vain did the boy implore her to speak to him; then, more frightened than ever, he hurried on, but this time in the direction of the stagecoach. Here, thanks to the wild chase which the boys of Bar S Ranch had made to the stage's rescue, for they had seen the Indian attack from an adjoining peak, the redskins had been driven back. So, hastily lifting Ned inside, the men gave the signal to start, and it was not until they reached their destination and Tom sprang forward to greet his wife and children, that they realized Mrs. Jordan was not there. Between his sobs, the little chap confirmed their worst fears; Lucy Jordan had been killed by the Indians. Such, however, was not the case, as the young wife, with Annie still clutched to her breast, had already staggered to her feet, when Nathan Anderson, called White Beard, the hermit, found her and assisted her to his cabin. But her memory was a blank: from whence she came or where she wished to go, Lucy was unable to tell him. Believing the mother and child to be the only surviving members of a family that bad been massacred, Nathan promptly offered them what hospitality lay in his power. So the weeks lengthened into months, and months into years, until Annie was fifteen years old, and it was she, who, running through the woods to bring aid to "grandfather" Nathan, who had been taken with a fainting spell, met her father and brother riding to the adjoining ranch. Once at the cabin, where they found Nathan bad recovered, Tom Instantly recognized his wife, while she gazed at him in wonder, then slowly, but surely, the veil was lifted, her long-lost reason returned and she sprang joyfully into his arms. Written by
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