Keen Hawksby, the head of the police, fancies himself a detective genius on the lines of Mons. Lecoq or Sherlock Holmes, in short, he is regarded by himself and his fellow townsmen as a Napoleon in the world of detection. His two most ...See moreKeen Hawksby, the head of the police, fancies himself a detective genius on the lines of Mons. Lecoq or Sherlock Holmes, in short, he is regarded by himself and his fellow townsmen as a Napoleon in the world of detection. His two most adoring followers are Barker and Sullivan. He hears that a man who is supposed to have committed a bomb outrage, with a bomb which not only blew things up but dispersed stupefying fumes, and be resolves to catch the criminal. Farmer Flannigan receives a present of a case of Limburger cheese. He resolves to send a few pounds of it to his sister, who lives on the outskirts of the town of Mr. Hawksby. His son Tim takes it to his aunt. Hawksby sees Tim changing cars at a junction, and as his description tallies with that of the bomb thrower, and as he carries what he thinks is a suspicious looking box, he resolves to track him. He gets into conversation with Tim, but Tim takes him for a confidence man, and runs from him. He reports to Hawks and that gentleman with Barker starts on the trail. They follow Tim to his aunt's cottage. When Tim reaches it he finds a notice on the door that his Aunt Nora has gone to visit a sick neighbor and will not be home till nine. He makes himself comfortable with a pipe on the steps and falls asleep watched by the trio of detectives, who wish to take him in the act. A rainstorm comes on and wakes Tim. As it still wants half an hour to his aunt's return, he resolves to try and get into the house. The detective follow. He forces a bolt of a window and enters. They follow, seize him and bind him in a chair. Tim struggles, thinking he is in the hands of thieves. When questioned he does not know what they are talking about. In the midst Nora returns, and finding the way her nephew has been treated gives Hawksby her opinion of him, and turns him and his assistants out of the house. They walk back dejectedly through the rain, while Tim and his aunt enjoy a supper of Limburger, bread and ale, and talk over the events of the day. Written by
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