Mutt, limber of mind as well as of body, perceives a little tantalizing advertisement, sandwiched in the sporting columns of a newspaper, "Man wanted by attractive young widow to manage her $100,000 estate. No objection to poor man." ...See moreMutt, limber of mind as well as of body, perceives a little tantalizing advertisement, sandwiched in the sporting columns of a newspaper, "Man wanted by attractive young widow to manage her $100,000 estate. No objection to poor man." Without much ado, he writes to Rebecca, the attractive young widow. Jeff, whose cerebellum is astonishingly well developed, slowly realizes that something is wrong with his elongated friend. He tries to investigate, but to no avail. Mutt is cautious and the affair is strictly a personal one. Everything comes to him who waits, even if his name should be Jeff. In fact, the moment Mutt departs to mail his billet deux, the little fellow starts in investigation a la Sherlock Holmes. The tell-tale advertisement is soon subjected to Jeff's careful scrutiny. Manlike, he quickly decides to manage the young widow and her $100,000. Mutt's and Jeff's letters soon meet in the interior of the same mailbox and exchange confidences. In due time, Rebecca receives the notes, and alas! she also notes the address on each of them, "23 Joy Street." "Ah! Evidently a joker," thinks the lady. She promptly dispatches a warm invitation to the unknown gallants, arranging meanwhile with the cook, old Mammy, to meet them. Mutt, as usual, is the first on the scene, and while enjoying a delightful tete-a-tete with Mammy, Jeff quietly enters, and hides behind an armchair. Though Mammy is disguised under a coat of white paint, she coquettishly holds the fan between her fair visage and Mutt's Cyrano-like nose. Jeff gets somewhat nervous, and slightly moves the chair. Pandemonium breaks loose. Mammy runs out of the room, screaming for help. Rebecca adds her bird-like notes to the tumult, while Mutt is bent on venting his ire upon his unfortunate little partner. They are finally ejected from the premises. Back in their 2 x 4 hall-room, they gaze at one another's discolored countenance, and with a friendly hand-clasp, the ejaculate, "NEVER AGAIN." Written by
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