Bobby Dunn has been shipped out of one city by the sheriff, for the reason that he absolutely refuses to work and is therefore considered undesirable as a citizen. He arrives in a mail sack and the sheriff immediately tries to see to it ...See moreBobby Dunn has been shipped out of one city by the sheriff, for the reason that he absolutely refuses to work and is therefore considered undesirable as a citizen. He arrives in a mail sack and the sheriff immediately tries to see to it that he gets work, but Bobby is successful in eluding job after job until finally, in his attempt to escape, he lands in a training camp where a heavy-weight. prize fighter is getting ready for a championship battle. The fighter, badly in need of sparring partners, takes Bobby on and knocks him out with the first punch. While out, Bobby dreams that he is so successful that he becomes the fighter's manager and trains him for the fight. The fighter has a very attractive sister with who Bobby falls in love. On the day of the fight the fighter falls and breaks his arm and Bobby says that he will go into the ring in his stead. He does, when to his horror he finds that his opponent is the official who has been causing him so much trouble. He gets very much the worst of the fight until he succeeds in grabbing a hammer and stuffing it into his glove, promptly knocks out everybody in the ring and the entire audience. The girl, very much impressed, embraces him and he wakes up to find that it was only a dream and the disgusted sheriff puts him back in the mail sack and ships him back to the city from which he came. Written by
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