Polly, the nurse, is very absent-minded and at times even forgets to take the baby out walking. On this particular morning Polly is in a great hurry to get downtown to attend a bargain sale, and the cook is forced to impress upon her mind ...See morePolly, the nurse, is very absent-minded and at times even forgets to take the baby out walking. On this particular morning Polly is in a great hurry to get downtown to attend a bargain sale, and the cook is forced to impress upon her mind the necessity of giving the baby fresh air several times before she takes the hint. Harry, the town sport, is also out taking the air and on his way downtown, meets a very pretty young lady, who is bound for the sale. Harry accompanies her to the store and promises to wait until she comes out. Polly arrives with the baby and upon discovering Harry, asks him to look after the young one until she returns. The baby starts to cry and Harry picks it up to comfort it; suddenly out comes the young lady, but when she sees him with the baby in his arms, she will have nothing more to do with him. Off she goes in a fury while Harry, carrying the baby, follows vainly trying to explain. As the baby will not stop its crying Harry, thinking it is hungry, goes to a lunch room and orders steak, but, strange to say, the desired result are not forthcoming. Harry in despair, borrows a nursing bottle and immediately all is serene; greatly relieved he finds a quiet spot and falls asleep. Polly in the meantime reaches home and the cook misses the baby, much running, much excitement, and many policemen follow. Harry is at last discovered dreaming that he is taking care of five small babies. His dreams are brought to a sudden close, but everyone is satisfied, even the young lady, and she and Harry are again united. Written by
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