Henry Fortman's automobile comes to a sudden stop and it's a long way home. Fortunately, there is a young tramp in the vicinity. The tramp goes to work with a vim, and the car is soon able to go on its journey. Fortman hires the tramp as ...See moreHenry Fortman's automobile comes to a sudden stop and it's a long way home. Fortunately, there is a young tramp in the vicinity. The tramp goes to work with a vim, and the car is soon able to go on its journey. Fortman hires the tramp as his chauffeur. "Dick," as the ex-tramp chooses to be called, looks mighty handsome and distingué when thoroughly cleaned up and appareled in decent clothes. Thus transformed, he is presented to Mrs. Fortman. She soon becomes infatuated with the dashing young man, and later, what seemed to be but a passing fancy, changes into love. Mrs. Fortman's love and tenderness are wasted upon desert air, for "Dick," whose heart is in the right place, remembers his benefactor and gently but firmly repulses her caresses. The woman's unwelcome attentions finally come to her husband's notice. While he debates as to whether he should discard her, "Dick" leaves a note behind and returns to the country, the open air, and the life of Trampdom. Written by
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