They are newly married and all is as merry as a marriage bell until wifey leaves some sewing, and a needle, upon the chair and hubby sits down and gets up hurriedly. Hubby forgets himself and says a word which wifey says stamps him as no ...See moreThey are newly married and all is as merry as a marriage bell until wifey leaves some sewing, and a needle, upon the chair and hubby sits down and gets up hurriedly. Hubby forgets himself and says a word which wifey says stamps him as no gentleman. Hubby leaves the room in a huff and wifey, deciding that life henceforth is a perfect blank, practices hysterics. Hubby gets nervous and wifey keeps it up for the brute's benefit until he discovers she is perfecting her art for his edification. He resolves to teach her a lesson and going to the dressing room he washes out a bottle with "Poison" on it and pours some soothing syrup into it. He drinks it and staggers out. Wifey seeing the bottle runs for the first doctor, makes him alter his regular visiting list and drags him and his stomach pump to the beach. She likewise commandeers two officers, and they track hubby to the beach. Hubby repents too late, and after the officers have shrunk two perfectly good costumes "rescuing" him from the ocean, the doctor gives a vigorous performance with hubby and the stomach pump as the chief actors. Hubby confesses upon an empty stomach and wifey takes him home, indignant at the remarks made by the crowd, the officers and the doctor. Written by
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