The pair are staying at a summer resort at the beach. They both "spot" the arrival of the "peach." Eddie attempts to flirt with her, and she is coy but willing. Lee, too, cannot make his eyes behave, and a breach is beginning to appear in ...See moreThe pair are staying at a summer resort at the beach. They both "spot" the arrival of the "peach." Eddie attempts to flirt with her, and she is coy but willing. Lee, too, cannot make his eyes behave, and a breach is beginning to appear in their friendship. Eddie finds that the girl is in her room and 'phones up to her, inviting her to take a stroll on the beach. She asks him if he is the one with "the winning smile" and he tells her he sure is. She agrees to meet him outside. Lee, meanwhile, has bribed the bellboy to spy on the girl, discovers the arrangement and beats Eddie to the girl. When Eddie comes in looking for the girl he sees her and Lee strolling on the beach. He hires a boy to feign drowning and when Lee bravely tries to rescue him, the kid jeeringly swims off. While Lee is playing the brave rescuer, Eddie gets the girl and takes her off for a stroll. Both the boys try to get the girl to marry, but she holds off and finally leaves for home, each of the pair getting identical letters, telling them that the boy that arrives at her house first will receive good news. There is a dash for the station, Eddie getting the lead by hiring the only auto in sight. Lee gets a motorcycle. There is a hot race between the two. Both catch the train and start on their journey glaring at each other. In a convict camp there is a row and convict 325 makes his getaway, catching the same train as the love-struck twins. The guards, seeing the convict catch the train, wire ahead to have him stopped. In the train, the convict removes the clothes of the sleeping Eddie and eludes the officers, while Eddie is taken for the crook. He escapes and in turn gets Lee's clothes. Lee is mistaken for the convict and Eddie haughtily denies that he is Eddie's friend. The melee ends by both getting free of the officer and with an even chance to reach the girl's house. Through a ruse, Eddie gets there first and is asking for the girl when Lee dashes up. The maid tells them that the girl has gone, and on seeing the woebegone expressions of the faces of the "pair," hands Eddie a letter saying her mistress left it for the young man that arrived first: Eddie gloatingly looks at his rival while he opens it to read the blissful news, but his expression quickly changes when he receives a curt note saying she has gone to marry "a real man." Written by
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