show episodes

The Cine-Files

Steve Morris & John Rocha

Each week on The Cine-Files we enter the world of great film and explore its themes, history, filmmakers and the influences it has on movies today Support this podcast:
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What’s new in filmmaking technology this week? News, reviews, education, insights, opinions and ideas - from the CineD newsroom, mostly with Nino Leitner and Johnnie Behiri. This is Focus Check - the weekly cine tech podcast. New episodes every Thursday.
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The Cine-men movie podcast

the cine-men movie podcast

the podcast of all podcasts we breakdown all kinds of movies discuss entertainment news talk big box office juggernauts shows drop Monday nights we also deliver a entertaining segment every week dubbed the top5. dont forget to check out our episodes
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CINE ENTERTAINMENT TALK ist der zweiwöchentlich erscheinende Podcast des Entertainment Blog rund um das Thema Film und Fernsehen mit Schwerpunkt auf Action- und Genre-Produktionen von den 80ern bis heute. Seit 2015 haben wir eine Vielzahl an Episoden mit meist über zwei Stunden Laufzeit sowie zahlreiche weitere Specials produziert. Thematisch ist (fast) nichts vor uns sicher. Bis dato haben wir u.a. Tribute an Meisterregisseure wie Wes Craven, Richard Donner und George A. Romero oder die Vit ...
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Somos el mejor podcast de cultura pop que pueden escuchar. Aquí discutimos de todo: cómics, cine, televisión, videojuegos y todas las cosas nerds y geeks que puedan imaginar. Nuestro selecto cast de nerds tienen un incommensurable conocimiento en todos estos temas y mucho más. Este es un podcast hecho por nerds para nerds. Espero que disfruten de nuestras largas conversaciones acerca de los temas que nos apasionan. Conducido por Héctor "X-Treme", Julio "Falange", Christopher "Phoenix", Uriel ...
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Moy Herrera

Cosas interesantes del cine Cover art photo provided by R M on Unsplash:
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Human Radio

Mondo Cabezo

¡Cada viernes hay episodio nuevo! Un poco de todo… cine 🍿 música 🎧 🎶 tecnología 📱🖥 TV 📺, datos curiosos que a nadie le importan pero que aquí escucharás 👂 Todo con un toque de ironía y sátira, aderezado con sarcasmos, burlas 🤣 y otras formas de humor. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️ ✅Sígueme en TikTok/Twitter/Instragram/Facebook con el usuario 🌐@thradio25 ✅Puedes escribirme al e-mail 📧[email protected] Y no olvides usar los hashtags #️⃣ #MondoCabezo #THRadio25 #humanradio
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Cine Pillalu

Team Incognito

Podcasts by Team Incognito- Please Like Us on Instagram,Facebook&Subscribe to our Youtube Channel- Promotions available on Instagram&Facebook- Feel Free to Contact us at the Provided LinksII
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CineSmack is a podcast about films by filmmakers. We take similarly themed flicks and throw them into our ring to see which one walks out. Great, Good, Bad or Horrible no one is safe.
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Cinema Bing Bong

Amelia Berry & Rebecca K Reilly

Amelia Berry and Rebecca K Reilly are moviegoers. They can't stop, won't stop going al cine, ins Kino, thī̀ rong h̄nạng. Cinema Bing Bong is a film magazine that came to Amelia in a dream and that dream is now a reality as a monthly podcast about what's on, what's good and what might be the worst movie you've ever seen.
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This podcast is about movies, TV shows, books and much more that I have loved and admired over the years. You may call it a movie and TV recommendation and discussion podcast. Cover Art by Amitanshu Pattanaik.
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A show for and by film lovers. Lauren Tagliafierro and Quinn Letendre break down the latest in film, television and everything in between. Celebrate cinema with us! Movies!!!
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show series
On this episode of The Cine-Files LIVE, hosts John Rocha and Steve Morris offer up their retrospective and tribute to GENE HACKMAN. The two time Oscar winner recently passed and left a legacy of incredible characters and films for Steve and John to explore. They'll discuss their favorite Hackman moments, discuss his legacy as an actor and his impac…
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Aufgepasst, liebe Horrorfilmfreunde, der Gruftwächter ist aus seinem Mausoleum gestiegen, um mit dem CINE ENTERTAINMENT TALK seine Filmtrilogie zu reanimieren! Trilogie? Ja, denn neben RITTER DER DÄMONEN und BORDELLO OF BLOOD gibt es auch noch den Voodoo-Horror RITUAL, welcher viel zu oft vom Radar vieler Genre-Freunde verschwindet. Doch kann der S…
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Panasonic LUMIX S1RII I SIGMA BF I News from CP+ - CineD Focus Check Ep 53 The season of new camera releases has begun, bringing two exciting new models—one from Panasonic and a particularly special one from Sigma. Join us as we dive into the rolling shutter performance of the Panasonic S1R II and get exclusive updates from CP+ in Japan, where John…
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Te cuento el problema que ha sucedido con muchos Chromecast y Chromecast Audio que han dejado de funcionar... porue han dejado obsoleto su firmware. INFORMACIÓN Y DATOS DE CONTACTO Twitter: @SansaTwit Grupo Telegram Unicorn ST Suscríbete …
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Continuamos con la discusión de Captain America: Brave New World, repasando algunos puntos que nos faltaron la semana anterior, y hablamos de cómics con un repaso a qué están haciendo nuestros favoritos Joshua Williamson en Superman y Tom King en Black Canary, junto con algunos Absolutes, y hablamos de cine y monos.…
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On this episode of The Cine-Files, Steve Morris and John Rocha RERELEASE their episode on THE BIRDCAGE with special guest The Geek Buddies's Michael Vogel in honor of the passing of Gene Hackman. Steve and John record a new intro for their discussion of this 1996 American comedy film produced and directed by Mike Nichols from an Elaine May screenpl…
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⬇️⬇️🔗Responde la encuesta de este episodio🔗⬇️⬇️ Dale like 👍 , fav ❤️, deja tu comentario ✍️ en mis redes @thradio25 Suscríbete al podcast 🔔✅ Usa mis # HASHTAGS #MONDOCABEZO #HumanRadio #THRADIO25 y participa en las preguntas y dinámicas. NOTA: NO POSEO LOS DERECHOS DE LA MÚSICA. Los derechos de las canciones co…
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On this episode of The Cine-Files, Steve Morris and John Rocha RERELEASE their episode on MISSISSIPPI BURNING Part 2 in honor of the passing of Gene Hackman. Steve and John record a new intro for this 1988 American crime thriller film directed by Alan Parker and written by Chris Gerolmo that is loosely based on the 1964 investigation into the death…
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On this episode of The Cine-Files, Steve Morris and John Rocha RERELEASE their episode on MISSISSIPPI BURNING Part 1 in honor of the passing of Gene Hackman. Steve and John record a new intro for this 1988 American crime thriller film directed by Alan Parker and written by Chris Gerolmo that is loosely based on the 1964 investigation into the death…
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On this episode of The Cine-Files, Steve Morris and John Rocha REPOST their episode on UNFORGIVEN Part 1 in honor of the passing of Gene Hackman. Steve and John record a new intro for this classic Western remembering Hackman's performance as Little Bill Daggett. Sit back after our new introduction and enjoy Steve and John going scene by scene thru …
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In this episode, we are honored to welcome a distinguished guest: Jakob Ballinger, founder and CEO of Lightbridge. With over a decade of experience as a Gaffer alongside Director of Photography Christian Berger, Jakob co-developed the innovative CRLS – Cine Reflectors – introduced in 2017. This groundbreaking approach to lighting emphasizes the use…
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On this episode of The Cine-Files, Steve Morris and John Rocha REPOST their episode on UNFORGIVEN Part 1 in honor of the passing of Gene Hackman. Steve and John record a new intro for this classic Western remembering Hackman's performance as Little Bill Daggett. Sit back after our new introduction and enjoy Steve and John going scene by scene thru …
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Olá e bem-vindo ao Cinema do Binge Bong – It's the night before the Oscars and Rebecca is crying because I'M STILL HERE has a predicted 2% chance of winning Best Picture. Amelia has finally woken up to the South American continent like a reverse Paddington. The gals had a rough week so there is a stark reckoning on the state of New Zealand cinema. …
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On this episode of The Cine-Files, Steve Morris and John Rocha REPOST their episode on HOOSIERS in honor of the passing of Gene Hackman. Steve and John record a new intro for this 1980s classic sports film exploring Hackman's performance as Coach Norman Dale. Sit back after our new introduction and enjoy Steve and John going scene by scene thru thi…
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On this episode of The Cine-Files, Steve Morris and John Rocha REPOST their episode on THE FRENCH CONNECTION in honor of the passing of Gene Hackman. Steve and John record a new intro for this film exploring Hackman's performance as Popeye Doyle as a tribute to his work. Sit back after the introduction and enjoy Steve and John going scene by scene …
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De regreso en jueves, hablamos de las noticias de DC y cómo se va desarrollando el plan del maestro James Gunn, de la inexplicable controversia sobre el diseño de Shrek en su quinta película y luego desciframos los malvados designios de la mente maestra detrás de los eventos de la más reciente película del Cap en Captain America: Brave New World.…
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On this episode of The Cine-Files LIVE, hosts John Rocha and Steve Morris bring you the 1st ANNUAL CINE-FILES AWARDS SHOW! Steve and John are joined by some special guests to reveal what the Cine-Files fans have selected as the winners for their version of the Oscars. Using the nominees from a selected number of Oscars categories, the guys reveal w…
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El evento de prensa privado del pasado viernes nos ha dejado dudas sobre proyectos anunciados, nuevos proyectos, temor sobre el futuro de «The Batman 2» y muchas más cosas. Además se ha publicado la primera imagen oficial de «Lanterns». ❇️ Si quieres saber más de El Sótano de Planet os dejamos todos los enlaces de interés: 🔷 PÓDCAST IVOOX: https://…
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En este episodio 🗣️ hablamos de los requisitos para obtener la ciudadanía Estadounidense 🇺🇸. Además, escucharás datos interesantes sobre tu salud intestinal. ⬇️⬇️🔗Responde la encuesta de este episodio🔗⬇️⬇️ Dale like 👍 , fav ❤️, deja tu comentario ✍️ en mis redes @thradio25 Suscríbete al podcast 🔔✅ Usa mis # HAS…
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On this episode of The Cine-Files, Steve Morris and John Rocha wrap up their exploration of MAD MAX: FURY ROAD and welcome back WTF with Marc Maron producer Brendan McDonald for this final discussion on the film. This groundbreaking return of the Mad Max franchise from director George Miller was nominated for 10 Academy Awards including Best Pictur…
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Después de muchos años, por fin grabo este capítulo dedicado a mi iPad Pro de 9,7” ENLACES RELACIONADOS Unicorn ST 14 - La era post PC Cabreo con Apple y adaptador lighting-HDMI YTD 67- Chromebooks vs iPad_Contestando a Converso72 y Mahjong Unicorn ST 41 - Ideas para el iPad mini (el capítulo perdido) Podcrastinando YTD 252 - Visita al SAT Samsung …
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It's Oscars season! The Cine-Files hosts John Rocha and Steve Morris continue their exploration of the 2024 Best Picture nominees in their Oscars Best Picture Series with this conversation and review of THE SUBSTANCE. Written and directed by Coralie Fargeat, it follows a fading celebrity, Elisabeth Sparkle (Demi Moore), who, after being fired by he…
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James Gunn publica una fotografía junto a Zack Snyder y las redes arden. Comienzan las conjeturas de todo tipo. ¿Qué significa esa fotografía? Hoy conocerás nuestra opinión. ❇️ Si quieres saber más de El Sótano de Planet os dejamos todos los enlaces de interés: 🔷 PÓDCAST IVOOX:…
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It's Oscars season! The Cine-Files hosts John Rocha and Steve Morris continue their exploration of the 2024 Best Picture nominees in their Oscars Best Picture Series with this conversation and review of DUNE PART TWO. The sequel to Dune (2021) from director Denis Vilenueve is the second of a two-part adaptation of the 1965 novel Dune by Frank Herbe…
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It's Oscars season! The Cine-Files hosts John Rocha and Steve Morris continue their exploration of the 2024 Best Picture nominees in their Oscars Best Picture Series with this conversation and review of NICKEL BOYS. The film from first time director RaMell Ross and based on the 2019 novel The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead. The film stars Ethan He…
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Como preludio al tema de la próxima semana, hablamos de todas esas escenas del Marvel Cinematic Universe que fueron presentadas con emoción después de los créditos para después…no llegar a nada, y tenemos muchas escenas post-créditos huerfanas en las fases recientes de Marvel. Y para irlos preparando, hablamos de la historia de los Fantastic Four e…
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It's Oscars season! The Cine-Files hosts John Rocha and Steve Morris continue their exploration of the 2024 Best Picture nominees in their Oscars Best Picture Series with this conversation and review of I'M STILL HERE. The film from Brazilian director Walter Salles (Central Station) based on Marcelo Rubens Paiva's 2015 memoir of the same name. It s…
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Te cuento un problema qeu tuve con la pantalla de mi Galaxy S24 Ultra y cómo me ayudó ChatGPT a resolverlo. Copio aquí la conversación con Chat GPT ___________ "_Sansa: HolaTengo un Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra.Algo ha pasado y ahora, todo sale en la pantalla como simétrico.Los iconos que estaban a la derecha, ahora o están a la izquierda, los textos y…
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