Drive Backup
The app often got crash once captured directly through app camera, instead of capture photo first then upload it from gallery. Please immediately link with main database of UDD, and it would be nice if app functionality improved, such as digital donor card so we could record it digitally rather than bring physical card that often get lost, get wet or tear up.
6 people found this review helpful

A Google user
I love this app. however, please keep updating the application, when will UTD PMI blood donate, where it is located. the next application that bachors has. always updated when and where blood donation. And, I'm sorry to give your app just 1-star, cause you have to see this review. And if you completely fix that's problem. I will change the review. Thanks
17 people found this review helpful

A Google user
impressed after watching @matanajwa... havent donated blood since 2017 (was an active donator since 2010), this app reminds me again how important this issue is... keep it up...
4 people found this review helpful