Visual Studio Code for
Uno Platform Development
Develop and Debug .NET Mobile, Web and Desktop Apps
without leaving Visual Studio Code.
without leaving Visual Studio Code.

XAML and C# Hot Reload
Speed up your development process by allowing you to modify XAML in a running app without leaving the efficiency of VS Code.
XAML Code Completion
Uno Platform VS Code extension uses our XAML Language Server for editing XAML files with code completion for controls, properties, events, enums, and more.
Mobile Debugging
The only VS Code plugin to allow mobile debugging of .NET mobile apps.

Dev productivity
Hot Reload
Iterate quickly on your app UI and features while instantaneously seeing the impact of your changes.

Fast and responsive
Debug on Physical Device or Emulator
Enjoy IDE-like features such as setting-up Breakpoints, Exceptions and Conditional Breakpoints, as well as VS-code specific Logpoints and Variable settings.
Download Visual Studio
Code Extension
Install the Uno Platform extension for VS
Code from the marketplace.