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Z Wikipedii, wolnej encyklopedii
To jest stara wersja tej strony, edytowana przez Malarz pl (dyskusja | edycje) o 16:41, 13 mar 2011. Może się ona znacząco różnić od aktualnej wersji.

Uwaga: aby zobaczyć zmiany po opublikowaniu, może zajść potrzeba wyczyszczenia pamięci podręcznej przeglądarki.

  • Firefox / Safari: Przytrzymaj Shift podczas klikania Odśwież bieżącą stronę, lub naciśnij klawisze Ctrl+F5, lub Ctrl+R (⌘-R na komputerze Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Naciśnij Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R na komputerze Mac)
  • Edge: Przytrzymaj Ctrl, jednocześnie klikając Odśwież, lub naciśnij klawisze Ctrl+F5.
  • Opera: Naciśnij klawisze Ctrl+F5.
// Original code written by [[User:Ilmari Karonen]]
// Rewritten & extended by [[User:DieBuche]]. Botdetection and encoding fixer by [[User:Lupo]]
// Full list of authors of the original version: 
// Adapted from Commons for Polish Wikipedia by [[User:Lampak]]
// Docs can be generated using JsDoc Toolkit:
// Ajax-based replacement for [[commons:MediaWiki:Quick-delete-code.js]]
// TODO: better error handling/reporting
// <source lang="JavaScript">

if (typeof (AjaxQuickDelete) == 'undefined' && wgNamespaceNumber >= 0) {

 * Main class of AjaxQuickDelete gadget.
 * The gadget provides a user-friendly interface for making deletion requests.
 * Dependencies: jquery, jquery.ui.dialog
 * @constructor
function AjaxQuickDeleteClass()
      * Set up the AjaxQuickDelete object and add the sidebar link.  
      * Called when the page is loaded.
      this.install = function () {
          // Abort if the user opted out, or is using an antique skin & load the legacy version
          if (window.AjaxDeleteOptOut || (skin != 'vector' && skin != 'monobook')) {
              //importScript('MediaWiki:Quick-delete-code.js'); //not adpoted for
          // Import stylesheet

          //jQuery UI is not loaded on all pages:
          if (jQuery.ui == undefined){
              importStylesheetURI( wgServer + '/w/extensions/UsabilityInitiative/css/vector/jquery-ui-1.7.2.css' );
              importScriptURI( wgServer + '/w/extensions/UsabilityInitiative/js/js2stopgap/jui.combined.min.js');
          // Set up toolbox link
          if (wgNamespaceNumber != 14) {
            addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:AjaxQuickDelete.nominateForDeletion();', this.i18n.toolboxLinkDelete, 't-ajaxquickdelete', null);
          } else {
            addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:AjaxQuickDelete.discussCategory();', this.i18n.toolboxLinkDiscuss, 't-ajaxquickdiscusscat', null);
          // Check user group. Attention: Array.prototype.indexOf does not exist on IE! See also
          // .
          if (wgUserGroups && (' ' + wgUserGroups.join(' ') + ' ').indexOf(' sysop ') != -1 ) {
          } else if (wgUserGroups && (' ' + wgUserGroups.join(' ') + ' ').indexOf(' filemover ') != -1 ) {

       * Open a dialogue window and set up basic variables.  
       * Called when the user clicked the sidebar link. 
      this.nominateForDeletion = function () {
          this.startDate = new Date ();

          // set up some page names we'll need later
          //this.requestPage = this.requestPagePrefix + '/' + this.formatDate("YYYY:MM:DD:") + wgPageName;
          //this.dailyLogPage = this.requestPagePrefix;

          this.img_summary = 'Zgłoszenie do usunięcia';
          this.talk_summary = "Strona [[:" + wgPageName + "]] została zgłoszona do usunięcia";
          this.section_line = '<!-- Nowe zgłoszenia wstawiaj poniżej tej linii. Nie usuwaj tej linii -->';

          // first schedule some API queries to fetch the info we need...
          this.tasks = [];  // reset task list in case an earlier error left it non-empty

          this.addTask( 'showProgress');
          this.addTask( 'findCreator' );
          this.addTask( 'resolveRedirects' );

          // ...then schedule the actual edits
          this.addTask( 'prependTemplate' );
          this.addTask( 'createRequestSubpage' );
          this.addTask( 'listRequestSubpage' );
          this.addTask( 'notifyUploaders' );
          this.addTask( 'notifyWikiproject' );

          // finally reload the page to show the deletion tag
          this.addTask( 'reloadPage' );

          // open the dialogue
          this.prompt ();
       * Add another HTML select item so the user can choose one more 
       *   wikiproject to be notified.
       * Called when the user clicked (+) button in the dialogue window.
	  this.addWikiproject = function()
	  * Commence a process of adding a speedy deletion temptate to the
	  *   page. 
	  * Called when the Speedy deletion button has been clicked.
	  this.speedyDeletionClicked = function(sender) {
		var reason = this.getAjaxQuestionAnswer("reason", true); 
		this.tag = '{{e'+'k|' + reason + '}}\n';
		this.tasks = []; //clean current tasks

	 * Get an edit token.  
	 * Only for speedy deletion. Reporting for discussion obtains the token 
	 *   while performing other tasks.
    this.getEditToken = function () {
        var query = {
            action  : 'query',
            prop    : 'info|revisions',
            rvprop  : 'timestamp',
            intoken : 'edit',
            titles  : wgPageName
        this.doAPICall( query, 'getEditTokenCB' );

     * Callback function of getEditToken(), called when the API call has
     *   been completed. 
     * @param result Result returned by API 
     this.getEditTokenCB = function (result) {
        var pages = result.query.pages;
        for (var id in pages) {  // there should be only one, but we don't know its ID
            // The edittoken only changes between logins
            this.starttimestamp = pages[id].starttimestamp;
            this.timestamp = pages[id].revisions[0]['timestamp'];

        this.updateProgress( this.i18n.preparingToEdit.replace('%COUNT%', '') );

      * Edit the current page (wgPageName) and prepend the specified tag.  
      * Assumes that the page hasn't been tagged yet; if it has, a duplicate tag
      *   will be added.
      this.prependTemplate = function () {     
        var page = {};
        page.title = wgPageName;
        page.text = this.tag;
        page.editType = 'prependtext';
        if (window.AjaxDeleteWatchReportedPage) page.watchlist = 'watch';

        this.updateProgress( this.i18n.addingAnyTemplate );
        this.savePage(page, this.img_summary, 'nextTask');

      * Create a deletion request subpage 
      * If the page already exists, the new request will be appended.  
      * The request page will be watchlisted if window.AjaxDeleteWatchRequest
      *   is not set to true.
      this.createRequestSubpage = function () {     
        this.templateAdded = true;  // we've got this far; if something fails, user can follow instructions on template to finish

        var page = {};
        page.title = this.requestPage;
        page.text = "\n=== [[:" + wgPageName + "]] ===\n: {{lnDNU|" + wgPageName+ "}}\n";
        page.text = page.text.replace(/_/g, ' ');
        page.text += this.reason + " ~~"+"~~\n";
        if (!window.AjaxDeleteDontWatchRequests) 
        	page.watchlist = 'watch';
        	page.watchlist = "nochange";
        page.editType = 'appendtext';

        this.updateProgress( this.i18n.creatingNomination );

        this.savePage( page, "Nowa dyskusja nad usunięciem", 'nextTask' );

      * Transclude the nomination page onto the main deletion request page (pl:WP:DNU).
      * The log page will never be watchlisted (unless the user is already watching it).
      this.listRequestSubpage = function () {
        this.main_request_page = this.requestPagePrefix + '/' + this.request_type.subpage;

        this.updateProgress( this.i18n.listingNomination );

		this.fetchPage(this.main_request_page, 'listRequestSubpageCB'); 
	 * Callback function of listRequestSubpage() called when the page
	 *   text has been fetched.
	 * Processes the fetched text adding the new request after the text 
	 *   specified in this.section_line and saving the page. 
	 * @param result Result returned by API
    this.listRequestSubpageCB = function(result) {
		var text = result.query.pages[ result.query.pageids[0] ].revisions[0]['*'];
		var insert = "\n{{" + this.requestPage + "}}";
		var page = {}; 
		page.text = text.replace(this.section_line, this.section_line + insert);
		if (page.text != text)
			page.editType = 'text';
			//could not find the section line? simply append
			page.text = insert;
	        page.editType = 'appendtext';
		page.title = this.main_request_page;
        page.watchlist = 'nochange';
		this.savePage( page, "Dodano [[" + this.requestPage + "]]", 'nextTask' );

      * Notify authors of this page (everybody listed in this.uploaders array)
      * Currently on it is only the first author of a page 
      *   (or all uploaders of a file except we don't have files any more).    
      * TODO: follow talk page redirects (including {{softredirect}}) // Should we really append a commons template on some user page in another wiki? Probably wouldn't work.
      this.notifyUploaders = function () {
          this.talk_tag = "{{DNUinfo|" + wgPageName + '|' + this.requestPage + "|" + this.request_type.template_param + "}}";
          this.uploadersToNotify = 0;
          for (var user in this.uploaders) {
              if (typeof(this.uploaders[user]) == 'function') continue; //on IE wikibits adds indexOf method for arrays. skip it. 
              var page = {};
              page.title = this.userTalkPrefix + user;
              page.text = "\n\n== [[" + wgPageName + "]] ==\n"+ this.talk_tag +  "\n~~"+"~~\n";
              page.editType = 'appendtext';
              if (window.AjaxDeleteWatchUserTalk) page.watchlist = 'watch';
              this.savePage( page, this.talk_summary, 'uploaderNotified' );

              this.updateProgress( this.i18n.notifyingUploader.replace('%USER%', user) );

          if (this.uploadersToNotify == 0) this.nextTask();

       * Callback function of notifyUploaders()
       * If we've run out of people to notify, proceed to other tasks. 
      this.uploaderNotified = function () {
          if (this.uploadersToNotify == 0) this.nextTask();

     * Notify all the wikiprojects the user's selected.
     * The wikiprojects to be notified should be listed in this.selected_wikiprojects.
     * Depending on the "type" of the wikiproject (see this.wikiprojects), the 
     *   notification may be inserted after a comment line or appended as a new
     *   section.   
	this.notifyWikiproject = function () {
		if (this.selected_wikiprojects.length == 0)
		this.current_wikiproject = this.selected_wikiprojects.shift();
		this.updateProgress( "Powiadamiam wikiprojekt " + this.current_wikiproject.label ); 
		case 'section':
			this.fetchPage(, 'notifyWikiprojectCB');
		case 'talk':
				var page = {};
				page.title =;
				page.editType = 'appendtext';
				page.text = '\n\n==DNU: [[' + wgPageName + ']] ==\n' + this.talk_tag + '\n~~'+'~~';
				page.text = page.text.replace(/_/g, ' ');
				this.savePage(page, this.talk_summary, 'notifyWikiproject');
		default:"Nieznany typ wikiprojektu: " + this.current_wikiproject.type);
	 * Callback function of notifyWikiproject() called when the 
	 *   wikiproject page text has been fetched.
	 * Called only when the wikiproject type was "section". Searches the page 
	 *   for a specified comment line and inserts the notification beneath it. 
	 * As a fallback, simply appends the notification. 
	 * @param result Result returned by API
	this.notifyWikiprojectCB = function (result) {
		var section_line = "<!-- Nowe zgłoszenia wstawiaj poniżej tej linii. Nie usuwaj tej linii -->"; 
		var text = result.query.pages[ result.query.pageids[0] ].revisions[0]['*'];
		var page = {};
		page.title =;
		page.text = text.replace(section_line, section_line + '\n' + this.talk_tag); 
		if (text != page.text)
			page.editType = 'text'; 
			//could not find the section line? simply append
			page.editType = 'appendtext';
			page.text = this.talk_tag; 
		this.savePage(page, this.talk_summary, 'notifyWikiproject'); 

     * Find the author of the page. 
     * In case of a deletion request for a file, compile a list of uploaders to
     *    notify. Users who have only reverted the file to an earlier version 
     *    will not be notified.
     * Behaviour of the gadget for files has not been tested on, though 
     *   there's a chance it will work.
    this.findCreator = function () {
    	var query; 
        if (wgNamespaceNumber == 6) {
            query = {
              action : 'query',
              prop : 'imageinfo|revisions|info',
              rvprop: 'content|timestamp',
              intoken : 'edit',
              iiprop : 'user|sha1|comment',
              iilimit : 50,
              titles : wgPageName
        } else {
            query = {
              action  : 'query',
              prop    : 'info|revisions',
              rvprop  : 'user|timestamp',
              rvlimit : 1,
              rvdir   : 'newer',
              intoken : 'edit',
              titles  : wgPageName
        this.doAPICall( query, 'findCreatorCB' );
     * Callback function of findCreator(). Compiles the list of authors
     *   from the data returned by API. 
     * @param {} result Result returned by API. 
    this.findCreatorCB = function (result) {
        this.uploaders = [];
        var pages = result.query.pages;
        for (var id in pages) {  // there should be only one, but we don't know its ID            
            // The edittoken only changes between logins
            //First handle non-file pages
            if (wgNamespaceNumber != 6) {
              this.pageCreator = pages[id].revisions[0]['user'];
              this.starttimestamp = pages[id].starttimestamp;
              this.timestamp = pages[id].revisions[0]['timestamp'];

              this.uploaders[this.pageCreator] = true;
            } else {
              var info = pages[id].imageinfo;
              var content = pages[id].revisions[0]['*'];
              var seenHashes = [];
              for (var i = info.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {  // iterate in reverse order
                  if (info[i].sha1 && seenHashes[ info[i].sha1 ]) continue;  // skip reverts

                  // Now exclude bots which only reupload a new version:
                  this.excludedBots='FlickreviewR, Rotatebot, Cropbot, Picasa Review Bot';
                  if(this.excludedBots.indexOf(info[i].user) != -1) continue;

                  // Now exclude users with a {{nobots}} template as well as the user itself:
                  this.excludedUsers='Arch dude, Avicennasis, BetacommandBot, Blood Red Sandman, Blurpeace, Captmondo, Coffee, Connormah, Denis Barthel, Editor at Large, Elvey, File Upload Bot (Kaldari), Grillo, Guandalug, IngerAlHaosului, Iune, Kbh3rd, Load, LobStoR, Megapixie, Michiel1972, Noodle snacks, OhanaUnited, Peteforsyth, Qwerty0, RenéV, Robinsonsmay, Rocket000, Sarkana, Shereth, Shoy, Sicherlich, Stepshep, The Earwig, V85, William S. Saturn, WJBscribe' + wgUserName;
                  if(this.excludedUsers.indexOf(info[i].user) != -1) continue;

                  // Handle some special cases, most of the code by [[User:Lupo]]
                  if (info[i].user == 'File Upload Bot (Magnus Manske)') {
                      // CommonsHelper
                      match = /transferred to Commons by \[\[User:([^\]\|]*)(\|([^\]]*))?\]\] using/.exec(info[i].comment);

                      // geograph_org2commons, regex accounts for typo ("transferd") and it's possible future correction
                      if (!match) match = /\]; transferr?e?d by \[\[User:([^\]\|]*)(\|([^\]]*))?\]\] using/.exec(info[i].comment);

                      // flickr2commons
                      if (!match) match = /\* Uploaded by \[\[User:([^\]\|]*)(\|([^\]]*))?\]\]/.exec(content);

                      if (match) match = match[1];
                      // Really necessary?
                      match = this.fixDoubleEncoding (match);
                   } else if (info[i].user == 'FlickrLickr') {
                      match = /\n\|reviewer=\s*(.*)\n/.exec(content);
                      if (match) match = match[1];
                   } else if (info[i].user == 'Flickr upload bot') {
                      // Check for the bot's upload template
                      match = /\{\{User:Flickr upload bot\/upload(\|[^\|\}]*)?\|reviewer=([^\}]*)\}\}/.exec(content);
                      if (match) match = match[2];
                   } else {
                      // No special case applies, just continue;
                      this.uploaders[ info[i].user ] = true;
                    if (match){
                        this.uploaders[ match ] = true;

        // FIXME: How do we get the length of an associative array?
        this.updateProgress( this.i18n.preparingToEdit.replace('%COUNT%', '') );

     * Now query the redirect status of all user talk pages, and, if 
     *   necessary, replace them in this.uploaders. 
     * Otherwise we would appendText to redirected pages, thus breaking them..
    this.resolveRedirects = function () {
        var pages = [];
        for (var user in this.uploaders)
            if (typeof(this.uploaders[user]) == 'function') continue; //on IE wikibits adds indexOf method for arrays. skip it. 
            pages.push( this.userTalkPrefix + user );
        var query = {
            action : 'query',
            redirects : '',
            titles : pages.join('|') };
        this.doAPICall( query, 'resolveRedirectsCB' );

     * Callback function of resolveRedirects()
     * @param {} result Result returned by API
    this.resolveRedirectsCB = function (result) {
        if (result.query && result.query.redirects) {
            for (var i in result.query.redirects) {
                redirect = result.query.redirects[i];
                delete this.uploaders[redirect['from'].replace(this.userTalkPrefix, '')];

                this.uploaders[ redirect['to'].replace(this.userTalkPrefix, '') ] = true;

     * Submit an edited page.
     * @param {} page An object containing following fields: 
     *   - text - a new text of the page
     *   - title - the title of the page to be edited. 
     *   - editType - whether the new text should replace the old one ('text'), 
     *       be appended ('appendtext'), prepended ('prependtext') or whatever 
     *       is allowed by API. 
     *   - watchlist - whether the page should be watched or not. Accepted values
     *       as specified by API: "watch", "unwatch", "preferences", "nochange".
     *       "preferences" is used as default when nothing else is specified.
     * @param {string} summary Edit summary
     * @param {string} callback A string specifying the method to be called when the query
     *   is completed. 
    this.savePage = function (page, summary, callback) {
        var edit = {
            action : 'edit',
            summary : summary,
            watchlist : (page.watchlist || 'preferences'),
            title : page.title,
            token : this.edittoken

        this.doAPICall( edit, callback );
    * Get the page text.
    * @param {string} page The title of the page to be fetched.
    * @param {string} callback A string specifying the method to be called when the 
    *   query is completed. 
    this.fetchPage = function (page, callback) {
    	var query = {
    		action : 'query', 
    		prop : 'revisions', 
    		rvprop : 'content', 
    		titles : page, 
    		indexpageids : '1'
    	this.doAPICall(query, callback);

     * Does a MediaWiki API request and passes the result to the supplied callback (method name).
     * Uses POST requests for everything for simplicity.
     * TODO: better error handling
     * @param {object} params Query parameters.
     * @param {string} callback A string specifying the method to be called when the 
     *   query is completed. 
    this.doAPICall = function ( params, callback ) {
        var o = this;
          url: this.apiURL,
          cache: false,
          dataType: 'json',
          data: params,
          type: 'POST',
          success: function(result, status, x) {
            if (!result) return "Receive empty API response:\n" + x.responseText );

            // In case we get the mysterious 231 unknown error, just try again
            if (result.error &&'231') != -1) return setTimeout(function(){o.doAPICall(params, callback);},500);
            if (result.error) return "API request failed (" + result.error.code + "): " + );
            if (result.edit && result.edit.spamblacklist) return "The edit failed because " +  result.edit.spamblacklist + " is on the Spam Blacklist");
            try { o[callback](result); } catch (e) { return; }
          error: function(x, status, error) {
            return "API request returned code " + x.status + " " + status + "Error code is " + error);

      * Simple task queue. 
      * addTask() adds a new task to the queue, nextTask() executes
      * the next scheduled task.  Tasks are specified as method names to call.
      this.tasks = [],
       * current task, for error reporting
      this.currentTask = '', 
       * Adds a new task to the queue.
       * @param {string} task String containting the name of a method to be added to the
       *   queue. 
      this.addTask = function ( task ) {
          this.tasks.push( task );
       * Executes the next scheduled task
      this.nextTask = function () {
          var task = this.currentTask = this.tasks.shift();
          try { this[task](); } catch (e) {; }

       * Once we're all done, reload the page.
      this.reloadPage = function () {
          var title = encodeURIComponent(this.destination || wgPageName).
              replace(/\%3A/g, ':').replace(/\%20/g, '_').
              replace(/\(/g, '%28').replace(/\)/g, '%29').
              replace(/\%2F/g, '/');

          location.href = wgServer + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", title);

      * Double encoding fixer by Lupo. This is necessary for some older uploads of Magnus' bot.
      this.fixDoubleEncoding = function (match) {
          if (!match) return match;
          var utf8 = /[u00C2-u00F4][u0080-u00BF][u0080-u00BF]?[u0080-u00BF]?/g;
          if (!utf8.test(match)) return match;
          // Looks like we have a double encoding. At least it contains character
          // sequences that might be legal UTF-8 encodings. Translate them into %-
          // syntax and try to decode again.
          var temp = "",
          curr = 0,
          hex_digit = "0123456789ABCDEF";
          var str = match.replace(/%/g, '%25');
          utf8.lastIndex = 0;
          // Reset regexp to beginning of string
          try {
              while ((m = utf8.exec(str)) != null) {
                  temp += str.substring(curr, m.index);
                  m = m[0];
                  for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
                      temp += '%'
                      + hex_digit.charAt(m.charCodeAt(i) / 16)
                      + hex_digit.charAt(m.charCodeAt(i) % 16);
                  curr = utf8.lastIndex;
              if (curr < str.length) temp += str.substring(curr);
              temp = decodeURIComponent(temp);
              return temp;
          } catch(e) {
          return match;

       * Preprocess the reason for deletion before submitting. 
       * Trims whitespaces from the begining and the end and removes a signature.  
       * @param {string} uncleanReason The reason as input by the user. 
       * @returns {string} Cleaned reason. 
      this.cleanReason = function (uncleanReason){
          // trim whitespace
          uncleanReason = uncleanReason.replace(/^\s*(.+)\s*$/,'$1');
          // remove signature
          uncleanReason = uncleanReason.replace(/(.+)(--)?~{3,5}$/,'$1');
          return uncleanReason;

      * Displays a dialogue informing the user what the script is doing on their behalf.
      * @see updateProgress()
      this.showProgress = function () {
 = 'wait';

          $progress = $j('<div></div>')
          .html('<div id="feedbackContainer">'+ this.i18n.preparingToEdit + '</div>')
              width: 450,
              height: 90,
              minHeight: 90,
              modal: true,
              resizable: false,
              draggable: false,
              closeOnEscape: false,
              dialogClass: "ajaxDeleteFeedback"



       * Updates the message in the progress dialogue window.
       * @param {string} message A new message. 
       * @see showProgress()
      this.updateProgress = function (message) {

       * HTML select element listing available wikiprojects
      this.wikiproject_select = null;
      * Display the main dialogue window for the user to insert 
      *   a deletion reason etc. 
      this.prompt = function() { 
      	//question paragraph
      	var $question_paragraph = $j('<p></p>').append('Wyjaśnij dokładnie, czemu strona ta nie nadaje się do Wikipedii:');

		//textarea paragraph
		//workaround for Opera - the textarea must be inserted to a visible element
		var $textarea_paragraph = $j('<p id="ajax-delete-textarea-paragraph"></p>');
		//var $textarea_paragraph = $j('<p></p>').append('<textarea id="AjaxQuestion" style="width: 98%;" rows="4" value=""></textarea>');

		//page type paragraph
		var $page_type_paragraph = $j('<select id="ajax-delete-request-type"></select>').css('vertical-align', 'middle'); 
		for (var i in this.request_types)
			if (typeof(this.request_types[i]) == 'function') continue; //on IE wikibits adds indexOf method for arrays. skip it. 
			$j('<option value="' + i + '">' + this.request_types[i].label + '</option>')
		$page_type_paragraph = $j('<p></p>').html('Określ typ strony: ').append($page_type_paragraph);

		//wikiproject paragraph
		this.wikiproject_select = $j('<select class="ajax-delete-wikiproject"></select>').css('vertical-align', 'middle');
		this.wikiproject_select.append('<option value="none">żaden</option>');
		for (var i in this.wikiprojects)
			if (typeof(this.wikiprojects[i]) == 'function') continue; //on IE wikibits adds indexOf method for arrays. skip it. 
			$j('<option value="' + i + '">' + this.wikiprojects[i].label + '</option>').appendTo(this.wikiproject_select); 

		var $wikiproject_paragraph = $j('<span id="ajax-delete-wikiproject-container"></span>').append(this.wikiproject_select.clone()); 

		$wikiproject_paragraph = $j('<p></p>').append('Jakie wikiprojekty powiadomić: ').append($wikiproject_paragraph)
			.append('<a href="javascript:AjaxQuickDelete.addWikiproject()">(+)</a>');

		//rules paragraph
		var rules_path = wgServer + wgArticlePath.replace('$1', 'Wikipedia:Zasady_ekspresowego_kasowania');
		var $rules_paragraph = $j('<p></p>').html('<small>Jeżeli strona jest oczywistym wandalizmem, zamiast rozpoczynać nad nią dyskusję możesz zgłosić ją do <b>natychmiastowego usunięcia</b>. Aby to zrobić, w polu powyżej podaj powód, a następnie kliknij przycisk „Ekspresowe kasowanie”. Pozostałe pola zostaną wtedy zignorowane. Więcej o tym, kiedy można z tej opcji skorzystać, znajdziesz <a href="' + rules_path + '" target="_blank" style="font-weight:bold;">tutaj</a>.</small>');       	

		//build the dialog
		var $dialog = $j('<div></div>').append($question_paragraph).append($textarea_paragraph).

		//main buttons
		var buttons = {
			"Poddaj pod dyskusję": function() {
				//get the reason
				response = AjaxQuickDelete.getAjaxQuestionAnswer(); 
				AjaxQuickDelete.reason = response; 

				//AjaxQuickDelete.tag = AjaxQuickDelete.tag.replace('%PARAMETER%', response);
				AjaxQuickDelete.img_summary = AjaxQuickDelete.img_summary.replace('%PARAMETER%', response);
				AjaxQuickDelete.img_summary = AjaxQuickDelete.img_summary.replace('%PARAMETER-LINKED%', '[[:' + response + ']]');

				//get the request type
				var i = $j('#ajax-delete-request-type').val(); 
				AjaxQuickDelete.request_type = AjaxQuickDelete.request_types[i];

				//get the wikiprojects
				var $projsel = $j('.ajax-delete-wikiproject');
				AjaxQuickDelete.selected_wikiprojects = [];
				$projsel.each( function(index)
					var val = $j(this).val();
					if (val != 'none')

				AjaxQuickDelete.requestPageTitle = AjaxQuickDelete.formatDate("YYYY:MM:DD:") + wgPageName;
				AjaxQuickDelete.requestPage = AjaxQuickDelete.requestPagePrefix + '/' + AjaxQuickDelete.request_type.subpage + '/' + AjaxQuickDelete.requestPageTitle;
				AjaxQuickDelete.tag = "{{DNU|" + AjaxQuickDelete.request_type.template_param + "|podstrona=" + AjaxQuickDelete.requestPageTitle + "}}\n";

				if (^Szablon:/) != -1) {
					AjaxQuickDelete.tag = "<noinclude>" + AjaxQuickDelete.tag + "</noinclude>";

			"Ekspresowe kasowanie" : function() { 
			"Anuluj" : function() {

		  width: 600,
		  modal: true,
		  title: 'Zgłaszanie strony do usunięcia',
		  draggable: true,
		  dialogClass: "wikiEditor-toolbar-dialog",
		  close: function() { $j(this).dialog("destroy"); $j(this).remove();},
		  buttons: buttons
		//insert the main textarea
		$j('#ajax-delete-textarea-paragraph').html('<textarea id="AjaxQuestion" style="width: 98%;" rows="4" value=""></textarea>');

		/*var submitButton = $j('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button:first');
		$j('#AjaxQuestion').keyup(function(event) {
		  if ($j(this).val().length < 4 && noEmpty) {
		  } else {
		  if (event.keyCode == '13');
	  * Get the text the user's typed in the dialog
	  this.getAjaxQuestionAnswer = function() {
		var response = $j('#AjaxQuestion').val(); 
		response = AjaxQuickDelete.cleanReason(response);
		return response;

	 * Close a dialogue window.
	 * @param {} object The dialogue to be closed. 
	this.closeDialog = function(object) {

      * Crude error handler. Just throws an alert at the user and (if we managed to
      *   add the deletion template) reloads the page.
      * @param {} err Error
      */ = function ( err ) {     	  
 = 'default';
          var msg = this.i18n.taskFailure[this.currentTask] || this.i18n.genericFailure;
          var fix = (this.templateAdded ? this.i18n.completeRequestByHand : this.i18n.addTemplateByHand );
          $j('#feedbackContainer').html(msg + " " + fix + "<br>" + this.i18n.errorDetails + "<br>" + err + "<br><a href=" + wgServer + "/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:AjaxQuickDelete.js>" + this.i18n.errorReport +"</a>");

          // Allow some time to read the message
          if (this.templateAdded) setTimeout(function(){this.reloadPage();}, 5000);

      * Very simple date formatter.  
      * Replaces the substrings "YYYY", "MM" and "DD" in a
      * given string with the UTC year, month and day numbers respectively.  Also
      * replaces "MON" with the English full month name and "DAY" with the unpadded day.
      * @param {string} fmt Date format string
      * @param {Date} date Date to be formatted
      * @returns {string} Formatted date. 
    this.formatDate = function ( fmt, date ) {
        var pad0 = function ( s ) { s = "" + s; return (s.length > 1 ? s : "0" + s); };  // zero-pad to two digits
        if (!date) date = this.startDate;
        fmt = fmt.replace( /YYYY/g, date.getUTCFullYear() );
        fmt = fmt.replace( /MM/g, pad0( date.getUTCMonth()+1 ) );
        fmt = fmt.replace( /DD/g, pad0( date.getUTCDate() ) );
        fmt = fmt.replace( /MON/g, this.months[ date.getUTCMonth() ] );
        fmt = fmt.replace( /DAY/g, date.getUTCDate() );
        return fmt;
     * Month names
    this.months = "styczeń luty marzec kwiecień maj czerwiec lipiec sierpień wrzesień październik listopad grudzień".split(" "),

     * Wikiprojects which should be notified. Selected by the user.
	this.selected_wikiprojects = [],

     * DR subpage prefix
    this.requestPagePrefix = "Wikipedia:Poczekalnia",
     * user talk page prefix
    this.userTalkPrefix = wgFormattedNamespaces[3] + ":",
     * MediaWiki API script URL
    this.apiURL = wgServer + wgScriptPath + "/api.php",

     * Translatable strings
    this.i18n = {
        toolboxLinkDelete     : "Zgłoś do usunięcia",
        toolboxLinkDiscuss    : "Zgłoś kategorię do usunięcia",

        // GUI reason prompt form
        reasonForDeletion     : "Czemu twoim zdaniem ta strona powinna zostać usunięta?",
        reasonForDiscussion   : "Why does this category need discussion?",
        submitButtonLabel     : "Zgłoś",
        cancelButtonLabel     : "Anuluj",

        // GUI progress messages
        preparingToEdit       : "Szykuję się do edytowania... ",
        creatingNomination    : "Tworzę stronę zgłoszenia... ",
        listingNomination     : "Dodaję zgłoszenie na stronę Poczekalni... ",
        addingAnyTemplate     : "Dodaję szablon na zgłaszanej stronie...",
        notifyingUploader     : "Powiadamiam użytkownika %USER%... ",

        // Extended version
        toolboxLinkSource     : "No source",
        toolboxLinkLicense    : "No license",
        toolboxLinkPermission : "No permission",
        toolboxLinkCopyvio    : "Report copyright violation",
        reasonForCopyvio      : "Why is this file a copyright violation?",

        // For moving files
        renameDone            : "Removing template; rename actioned",
        removingTemplate      : "Removing rename template",
        notAllowed            : "You do not have the neccessary rights to move files",
        reasonForMove         : "Why do you want to move this file?",
        moveDestination       : "What should be the new file name?",
        movingFile            : "Moving file",
        replacingUsage        : "Ordering CommonsDelinker to replace all usage",
        declineMove           : "Why do you want to decline the request?",
        dropdownMove          : "Move & Replace",

        // Errors
        genericFailure        : "Wysŧąpił błąd podczas zgłaszania do usunięcia.",
        taskFailure : {
        	getEditToken            : "Wystąpił błąd podczas uzyskiwania żetonu edycji.",
            listUploaders           : "Wystąpił błąd podczas wyszukiwania autora artykułu.",
            loadPages               : "Wystąpił błąd podczas przygotowywania się do zgłoszenia strony.",
            prependDeletionTemplate : "Wystąpił błąd podczas dodawania szablonu {{DNU}} na zgłaszanej stronie.",
            createRequestSubpage    : "Wystąpił błąd podczas tworzenia strony zgłoszenia.",
            listRequestSubpage      : "Wystąpił błąd podczas dodawania zgłoszenia na stronę Poczekalni.",
            notifyUploaders         : "Wystąpił błąd podczas powiadamiania autora.",
            notifyWikiproject       : "Wystąpił błąd podczas powiadamiania wikiprojektu."
        addTemplateByHand     : "To nominate this " + wgCanonicalNamespace.toLowerCase() + " for deletion, please edit the page to add the {{del"+"ete}} template and follow the instructions shown on it.",
        completeRequestByHand : "Please follow the instructions on the deletion notice to complete the request.",
        errorDetails          : "Szczegółowy opis błędu:",
        errorReport           : "Zgłoś nieprawidłowe działanie"
     * Types of deletion requests
     * Objects containing following fields: 
     * - template_param - parameter which should be inserted into a deletion 
     *     template ({DNU})
     * - subpage - subpage of the deletion request page (WP:DNU)
     * - label - the text displayed in the dialogue
    this.request_types = [
			template_param : 'artykuł',
			subpage : 'artykuły',
			label : 'artykuł (niebędący biografią)'
			template_param : 'biografia', 
			subpage : 'biografie',
			label : 'biografia'          	
			template_param : 'technikalia', 
			subpage : 'kwestie_techniczne', 
			label : 'techniczna (np. szablon, kategoria)'
			template_param : 'naprawa', 
			subpage : 'naprawa', 
			label : 'nie do usunięcia, ale do naprawy'
     * List of wikiproject which will appear on the list of wikiprojects to be notified.
     * Objects containing following fields: 
     * label - text which will appear in the dropdown menu
     * page - location of the wikiproject. If type is 'talk', page should point to the 
     *        wikiproject talk page
     * type - 'section' or 'talk'
     *        - 'section' - the template will be put on the wikiproject main page, after a line
     *                    "<!-- Nowe zgłoszenia wstawiaj poniżej tej linii. Nie usuwaj tej linii -->" (without quotes)
     *        - 'talk' - the template will be placed in a new section on the wikiproject talk page.
     this.wikiprojects = [
			label : 'Anarchizm',
			page : 'Dyskusja Wikiprojektu:Anarchizm',
			type : 'talk'
			label : 'Astronomia',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Astronomia',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Biblia',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Biblia',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Botanika',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Botanika',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Chemia',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Chemia',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Chiny',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Chiny',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Chrześcijaństwo',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Chrześcijaństwo',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Dinozaury',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Dinozaury',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Euro 2012',
			page : 'Dyskusja Wikiprojektu:Euro 2012',
			type : 'talk'
			label : 'Fizyka',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Fizyka',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Formuła 1',
			page : 'Dyskusja Wikiprojektu:Formuła 1',
			type : 'talk'
			label : 'Genetyka i biologia molekularna',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Genetyka i biologia molekularna',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Geografia',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Geografia',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Gry komputerowe',
			page : 'Dyskusja Wikiprojektu:Gry komputerowe',
			type : 'talk'
			label : 'Góry Polski',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Góry Polski',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Hinduizm',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Hinduizm',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Igrzyska olimpijskie',
			page : 'Dyskusja Wikiprojektu:Igrzyska olimpijskie',
			type : 'talk'
			label : 'Ilustrowanie',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Ilustrowanie',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Infoboksy',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Infoboksy',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Informatyka',
			page : 'Dyskusja Wikiprojektu:Informatyka',
			type : 'talk'
			label : 'LGBT',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:LGBT',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Linie kolejowe',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Linie kolejowe',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Literatura',
			page : 'Dyskusja Wikiprojektu:Literatura',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Literaturoznawstwo',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Literaturoznawstwo',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Łódź',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Łódź',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Matematyka',
			page : 'Dyskusja Wikiprojektu:Matematyka',
			type : 'talk'
			label : 'Mikrobiologia',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Mikrobiologia',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Militaria',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Militaria',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Nauki medyczne',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Nauki medyczne',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Olsztyn',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Olsztyn',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Paleontologia',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Paleontologia',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Pallotyni',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Pallotyni',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Piłka nożna',
			page : 'Dyskusja Wikiprojektu:Piłka nożna',
			type : 'talk'
			label : 'Piłka siatkowa',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Piłka siatkowa',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Polityka',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Polityka',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Prawo',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Prawo',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Racibórz',
			page : 'Dyskusja Wikiprojektu:Racibórz',
			type : 'talk'
			label : 'Sport',
			page : 'Dyskusja Wikiprojektu:Sport',
			type : 'talk'
			label : 'Sporty zimowe',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Sporty zimowe',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Synagogi w Polsce',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Synagogi w Polsce',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Unia Europejska',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Unia Europejska',
			type : 'section'
			label : 'Zoologia',
			page : 'Wikiprojekt:Zoologia',
			type : 'section'

//load jquery.ui.dialog module via ResourceLoader if necessary
if (typeof(mw) != 'undefined' && typeof(mw.loader) != 'undefined')

var AjaxQuickDelete = new AjaxQuickDeleteClass();

//onload hook

} // end if (guard)

// </source>