Paweł Karolewski
Wrocław, Woj. Dolnośląskie, Polska
206 obserwujących
203 kontakty
An experienced Java developer, always keen to learn new technologies with a broad…
I'm happy and proud to share my story of working at Controlant 🇮🇸
I'm happy and proud to share my story of working at Controlant 🇮🇸
Polecane przez: Paweł Karolewski
The interview I gave some time ago before pandemic started. I'm talking about managed services and things related to our services in this area.
The interview I gave some time ago before pandemic started. I'm talking about managed services and things related to our services in this area.
Polecane przez: Paweł Karolewski
Ruszaj w Polskę
Start-up co-founder and co-owner. Designing, implementing and developing portal, which holds over 1000 accommodation's objects from Poland and is well-recognized brand in the Internet.
Wyróżnienia i nagrody
IV place in nationwide competition "Tamino Academy"
Software AG
Participants had to implement Java, XML, XSLT application based on Tamino XML database
Biegłość na poziomie zaawansowanym
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