„High recommendation for Pawel! We have worked together as license partners for many years. ”
Pawel Bochniarz
Warszawa, Woj. Mazowieckie, Polska
12 tys. obserwujących
500+ kontaktów
With over 20 years of experience in various sectors and roles, I am a seasoned investor…
How do you diversify your portfolio while staying focused?
I agree that diversification should be maintained throughout the entire life cycle of the fund, but I would caution against excessive flexibility. Investors expect GPs to know what they are doing when they promote a particular investment strategy over another. When you deviate from it too frequently, citing the pursuit of diversification, you erode trust.
How do you diversify your portfolio while staying focused?
How can an investment portfolio look that is diversified yet faithful to the investment thesis? Try breaking down your thesis into sub-theses and strive to allocate sensibly according to them. For example, if the fundamental investment thesis of your fund is focused on the transformation of the retail sector, consider what processes will occur during this transformation. You will surely discover that among the important challenges for companies in this sector are: digitization of sales and customer service, improvements in the supply chain, or automation of customer service in stores. When building your portfolio, you can ensure that the startups you invest in address several of these challenges rather than focusing solely on one of them.
A very powerful speech by a member of the French Senate - Claude Malhuret is a French physician, former President of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)…
A very powerful speech by a member of the French Senate - Claude Malhuret is a French physician, former President of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)…
Udostępnione przez: Pawel Bochniarz
Late Ronald Reagan being prophetic.
Late Ronald Reagan being prophetic.
Udostępnione przez: Pawel Bochniarz
Co łączy spółki takie jak CD PROJEKT RED, Allegro, ElevenLabs, Booksy i Fresh Inset S.A. ? Wszystkie one są częścią kampanii promocyjnej "We did it…
Co łączy spółki takie jak CD PROJEKT RED, Allegro, ElevenLabs, Booksy i Fresh Inset S.A. ? Wszystkie one są częścią kampanii promocyjnej "We did it…
Polecane przez: Pawel Bochniarz
Licencje i certyfikaty
Comprehensive Portfolio Modelling Masterclass
WydanyIdentyfikator poświadczenia euvc_recrD2CQDpr97hZqZ
Board Member
Koalicja na rzecz Polskich Innowacji
– obecnie 11 lat 3 miesiące
Nauka i technika
Coalition for Polish Innovations is a Polish think tank set up with the aim to spur the growth of the Polish innovation ecosystem.
Board Member
– obecnie 7 lat 7 miesięcy
Tato.net helps dads discover the value and fun of being a father and prepares them for the challenge.
LaunchX: High School Entrepreneurship Programs
– 1 rok 6 miesięcy
LaunchX gives students the skills and mindset to start real companies.
Our programs help students leverage their talents and tenacity to build a viable startup. We’ll train you in the skills and innovative thinking that allow founders to create successful businesses, challenging you to take a real startup from idea to execution and impact. -
Mentor to a young scientist-inventor
– obecnie 10 lat
Nauka i technika
I have the privilege of mentoring a brilliant young scientist who recently.won several competitions in Poland and abroad on the issues related to commercialization.
Member - Global Review Panel
MIT Technology Review
– obecnie 5 lat 7 miesięcy
Nauka i technika
MIT Technology Review Global Panelis a group of thought leaders, innovators, and executives asked to share their expertise on technology and business.
Member of the Global Pan
MIT Technology Review
– obecnie 5 lat 3 miesiące
Nauka i technika
The Global Panel is an online community of members who have an interest in technology and its impact on business.
LaunchX Entrepreneurship Program
– obecnie 6 lat 3 miesiące
LaunchX gives students the skills and mindset to start real companies. Our signature summer program prepares high school students for real world success through entrepreneurship.
Poland 2030 Report
Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland
The Poland 2030 Report was created by the Board of Strategic Advisors to the Prime Minister of Poland and edited by Minister Michal Boni.
For the past 20 years the direction and the dynamics of Poland’s development was driven by transformations and European aspirations. Political changes triggered increase in democracy and introduction of market economy, whereas integration with the European Union positioned Poland as a major member of the Community. Today, our country is in need of another…The Poland 2030 Report was created by the Board of Strategic Advisors to the Prime Minister of Poland and edited by Minister Michal Boni.
For the past 20 years the direction and the dynamics of Poland’s development was driven by transformations and European aspirations. Political changes triggered increase in democracy and introduction of market economy, whereas integration with the European Union positioned Poland as a major member of the Community. Today, our country is in need of another civilisational project – a new compass of development. To address this need, the report „Poland 2030. Development challenges” was drawn up by a team of strategic advisors to PM Donald Tusk. The report was presented on 17 June 2009 in the modern settings of Warsaw University Library.
„Poland 2030. Development challenges” lists 10 key challenges to be faced by Poland over the next two decades – growth and competitive edge of the economy, demographic developments, high professional activity and adaptability of labour resources, adequate infrastructural potential, energy and climatic safety, knowledge-based economy and development of intellectual capital, solidarity and regional cohesion, enhancement of social cohesion, efficient state, and increase in the social capital. Response to those challenges will drive the country’s development, the pace of economic growth, the status of Poles and the position of Poland on the economic and the social map of Europe.
The report features an analysis of the current standing of Poland in those areas and indicates guidelines for the state policy to meet development challenges – evade threats and fully capitalise on the emerging prospects and chances. It also identifies the path for sustainable development of Poland aligned to the polarisation diffusion model.Inni autorzyZobacz publikację -
Report on the National Intellectual Capital of Poland
Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland
At the beginning of the year 2008, when the Board of Strategic Advisors to the Prime Minister was appointed, I was invited by the founder and head of the team, Minister Michał Boni, to coordinate work on the Report on Intellectual Capital of Poland. This initiative was intended to call the attention of politicians, the media and opinion leaders to the roleand importance of the quality and level of intellectual capital in the long-term development of Poland.
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Budowanie i pomiar kapitału ludzkiego w firmie
Lata 90. XX wieku przyniosły długo oczekiwaną przez praktyków HR akceptację strategicznej roli zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi. Czy jednak sukces nie został ogłoszony zbyt wcześnie? Co prawda wszyscy chętnie podpiszą się już pod stwierdzeniem, że to ludzie są najistotniejszym aktywem przedsiębiorstwa, jednak w praktyce nie doczekało się ono urzeczywistnienia. Szczytem możliwości dyrektora HR jest dziś włączenie w poczet członków zarządu i możliwość wpisania planowanych działań w zakresie…
Lata 90. XX wieku przyniosły długo oczekiwaną przez praktyków HR akceptację strategicznej roli zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi. Czy jednak sukces nie został ogłoszony zbyt wcześnie? Co prawda wszyscy chętnie podpiszą się już pod stwierdzeniem, że to ludzie są najistotniejszym aktywem przedsiębiorstwa, jednak w praktyce nie doczekało się ono urzeczywistnienia. Szczytem możliwości dyrektora HR jest dziś włączenie w poczet członków zarządu i możliwość wpisania planowanych działań w zakresie zarządzania personelem w strategię biznesową przedsiębiorstwa. Autorzy książki wskazują, że w gospodarce opartej na wiedzy dział HR ma swoją własną strategiczną misję, która polega na budowaniu kapitału ludzkiego firmy. Powinna ona być traktowana na równi z innymi celami strategicznymi przedsiębiorstwa. Ażeby jednak, dział HR rzeczywiście spełniał funkcję kluczową, musi wypracować i opanować nowy warsztat narzędzi podejmowania decyzji, analizy ryzyka i mierzenia efektów działań. Książka z jednej strony prezentuje znaczenie najważniejszych pojęć związanych z budowaniem i pomiarem kapitału ludzkiego, a z drugiej pokazuje na przykładach, jak można stosować te narzędzia, by w zarządzaniu personelem osiągać wysoki poziom profesjonalizmu. Autorzy książki - Paweł Bochniarz i Krzysztof Gugała - od początkulat 90. zajmują się zarządzaniem zasobami ludzkimi w charakterze menedżerów, i doradców i trenerów firm. Dysponują szerokim wachlarzem doświadczeń obejmujących wszystkie aspekty zarządzania ludźmi, a więc rekrutację, motywowanie i rozwój pracowników. Współpracują od lat z czołowymi międzynarodowymi firmami doradczymi zajmującymi się zagadnieniami HR.
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Bridge to MassChallenge - Warsaw
– obecnie
Bridge to MassChallenge Warsaw is an international startup competition that identifies and accelerates the top startups in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region, and connects those startups to the global market and MassChallenge network worldwide. We look for entrepreneurs who want to take their businesses to the next level and expand to global markets with support of MassChallenge’s global network of mentors, business experts and biggest companies.
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Bridge Mentor
Bridge Mentor was a unique project commissioned by the National Center for Research and Development whereby PwC was contracted to assess the commercial potential of several hundred technologies developed by Polish public research institutions in the course of R&D grants. PwC was to screen and select projects of highest potential, perform their due diligience and where appropriate, assist in their commercialization. We managed to bring eleven technologies to the market in the course of the…
Bridge Mentor was a unique project commissioned by the National Center for Research and Development whereby PwC was contracted to assess the commercial potential of several hundred technologies developed by Polish public research institutions in the course of R&D grants. PwC was to screen and select projects of highest potential, perform their due diligience and where appropriate, assist in their commercialization. We managed to bring eleven technologies to the market in the course of the project either through a direct license, a JV with a business partner or through a spin-out.
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Talentgame - an innovative tool for assessment of personal potential using gamification mechanisms
TalentGame was an exciting project that IDEA! undertook with an intention to develop and promote a new and unique tool for assessment of personal potential and vocational preferences among kids and teenagers. This project was run in partnership with Uselab Consulting and Frontier C/B Systems and was financed by the Ministry of Education. You can download the application at www.talentgame.pl. It is only available in Polish.
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CLEM Project - Cluster Learning Environment Model
CLEM was a cross-border project aimed at developing and transferring a model for learning and development within clusters.
The goal was to capture best practices in the area of knowledge sharing and training in mature clusters in Finland and Scotland and transfer these practices to emerging three clusters in Poland.
As part of the project an innovative blended learning content was developed to teach groups interested in clusters how to create, make use of, and develop clusters…CLEM was a cross-border project aimed at developing and transferring a model for learning and development within clusters.
The goal was to capture best practices in the area of knowledge sharing and training in mature clusters in Finland and Scotland and transfer these practices to emerging three clusters in Poland.
As part of the project an innovative blended learning content was developed to teach groups interested in clusters how to create, make use of, and develop clusters. Since clusters are seen as critical to increasing competetiveness at the regional level, but are a relatively new concept in Poland, we aimed to foster understanding of cluster growth dynamics and the factors critical to their success.
One of the tangible outcomes of the project was an introduction of knowledge sharing and learning exchange mechanisms within clusters via a collective learning facility (VLE). This platform was used by three clusters in NE Poland.
In this project we partnered with multiple institutions, among them University of Tampere (Finland) and Dundee College (UK). CLEM was partially financed with EU funds under the Leonardo da Vinci Program (Transfer of Innovation)Inni autorzyZobacz projekt -
Developing Human Resource Strategy for Office of Electronic Communications
Office of Electronic Communications (OEC) is widely recognized as one of the best managed public sector organizations in Poland. I had the pleasure of working with then OEC President Anna Streżyńska and the General Director Mariusz Czyżak to firstly: diagnose the existing HR practices and employee attitudes at OEC, and secondly to develop in collaboration with OEC top management a new HR strategy that would help OEC to address its key challenges related to talent, reward and performance…
Office of Electronic Communications (OEC) is widely recognized as one of the best managed public sector organizations in Poland. I had the pleasure of working with then OEC President Anna Streżyńska and the General Director Mariusz Czyżak to firstly: diagnose the existing HR practices and employee attitudes at OEC, and secondly to develop in collaboration with OEC top management a new HR strategy that would help OEC to address its key challenges related to talent, reward and performance management. The project was run in partnership with IDEA! Management Consulting.
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The leading Polish internet domain name aliasing system, running over 500.000 free internet domains, providing tools to webmasters and template webpages to end users. Sold to a new media segment investor.
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Wyróżnienia i nagrody
Member of the Jury - E(x)plory Competition for young scientists
Fundacja Zaawansowanych Technologii
The E(x)plory Science Fair is an unprecedented event for young people who are passionate about science, as well as best universities and innovative companies. E(x)plory is a great feast of science: this is the place where young scientists meet their colleagues who share the same interests, and have opportunity to present their projects in front of academics and scholars, business representatives and new technology…
The E(x)plory Science Fair is an unprecedented event for young people who are passionate about science, as well as best universities and innovative companies. E(x)plory is a great feast of science: this is the place where young scientists meet their colleagues who share the same interests, and have opportunity to present their projects in front of academics and scholars, business representatives and new technology creators.
https://pl-pl.facebook.com/Explory -
Edison Awards Judge
Edison Awards
Originally established in 1987 by the American Marketing Association, but an independent organization since 2008, the Edison Awards™ have recognized and honored some of the most innovative products and business leaders in the world and is among the most prestigious accolades honoring excellence in new product and service development, marketing, design and innovation.
Biegłość podstawowa
Biegłość podstawowa
Język ojczysty lub biegłość dwujęzyczna
Pełna biegłość zawodowa
Licensing Executives Society
Member of the Poland branch
– obecnieLicensing Executives Society (LES) is an international organization of people involved in licensing and various forms of transfer of intellectual property rights as well as its commercialization.
– obecnieEurope’s premier association of knowledge transfer professionals. ASTP has two decades of experience in educating, connecting and advocating for the profession. https://www.astp4kt.eu/
AUTM - Association of Univeristy Technology Managers
– obecniehttp://www.autm.net/Home.htm
IESE Alumni Association
– obecnie
Otrzymane rekomendacje
13 osób poleciło użytkownika Pawel Bochniarz
Dołącz teraz, aby wyświetlićWięcej działań użytkownika Pawel Bochniarz
🚀 Radix Ventures at Hello Tomorrow Global Summit! 🌍 This week, Wojciech Ratymirski and Michal Olszacki are heading to Paris for Hello Tomorrow –…
🚀 Radix Ventures at Hello Tomorrow Global Summit! 🌍 This week, Wojciech Ratymirski and Michal Olszacki are heading to Paris for Hello Tomorrow –…
Polecane przez: Pawel Bochniarz
A friendly Sunday reminder from the proud 🇵🇱Polish nation to our 🇺🇸American allies: ➡️ Poland is the largest per capita NATO defense spender…
A friendly Sunday reminder from the proud 🇵🇱Polish nation to our 🇺🇸American allies: ➡️ Poland is the largest per capita NATO defense spender…
Polecane przez: Pawel Bochniarz
🌍 Navigating Geopolitical Uncertainty at the Kongres 60 Milionów - 60 Million Congress in Miami In times of global turbulence, engaging in…
🌍 Navigating Geopolitical Uncertainty at the Kongres 60 Milionów - 60 Million Congress in Miami In times of global turbulence, engaging in…
Udostępnione przez: Pawel Bochniarz
👍 Hola, España! Cześć, Polsko! Great job! 👍 📈 Poland and Spain have emerged as leaders in economic growth among OECD European countries. In…
👍 Hola, España! Cześć, Polsko! Great job! 👍 📈 Poland and Spain have emerged as leaders in economic growth among OECD European countries. In…
Polecane przez: Pawel Bochniarz
I have just received my ESIL Certificate of Participation in MasterClasses on Effective Angel Investing! Thank you Luigi Amati, Jenny Tooth OBE and…
I have just received my ESIL Certificate of Participation in MasterClasses on Effective Angel Investing! Thank you Luigi Amati, Jenny Tooth OBE and…
Polecane przez: Pawel Bochniarz
Robimy drugi raz hackathon obronny. Wiemy jak dostarczyć wartościowych mentorów, wiemy jak pomóc dalej. Poślijcie wiadomość w Polskę. Talenty dla…
Robimy drugi raz hackathon obronny. Wiemy jak dostarczyć wartościowych mentorów, wiemy jak pomóc dalej. Poślijcie wiadomość w Polskę. Talenty dla…
Polecane przez: Pawel Bochniarz
Nevomo in the international news! 📺 Our CEO Przemek Ben PACZEK joined TVP WORLD’s #Business #Arena 🎙️ to present how #MagRailBooster 🚄 is…
Nevomo in the international news! 📺 Our CEO Przemek Ben PACZEK joined TVP WORLD’s #Business #Arena 🎙️ to present how #MagRailBooster 🚄 is…
Polecane przez: Pawel Bochniarz
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Paweł Bochniarz
Software Architect at Powel AS
Pawel Bochniarz
Paweł Bochniarz
Paweł Bochniarz
Asystent Serwisu Toyota AUTO PARK Lublin
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