Martin David

Martin David

Warszawa, Woj. Mazowieckie, Polska
1 tys. obserwujących 500+ kontaktów


I am an Assistant Manager at Forensic & Integrity Services in EY, Warsaw office, Poland…


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  • EY – grafika


    Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland

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    Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland

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    Warsaw, Masovian District, Poland

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    Warsaw, Masovian District, Poland

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    Warsaw, Masovian District, Poland

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    Slovak Republic

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  • Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave – grafika

    Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava

    JUDr. - juris utriusque doctor
    April 2015 – I was awarded doctoral degree in law, I wrote doctoral thesis on Forbidden agreements pursuant Article 101 of the Treaty on the functioning of the EU; exam consisted of questions from two areasof law: commercial law and international law

  • Aktywność i stowarzyszenia:European Student Conference JASR, Madrid, Spain, in July 2002, Civic Monitoring of Courts, May-July 2005 (Society for Open Courts, NGO supported by UNDP)

    I was ranked twice amongst top 5% of my year during my studies.
    I cooperated with Society for Open Courts (NGO) on their project of Civic monitoring of courts. Its goal was to identify legal proceeding errors of court hearings

Licencje i certyfikaty


  • Blood donor

    Národná transfúzna služba SR (National blood transfusion service of SR)

    – obecnie 17 lat 9 miesięcy


    blood donor

  • Tour guide

    The Government Office of the Slovak republic

    1 miesiąc

    Kultura i sztuka

    Day of open doors at The Government Office of the Slovak republic - pro bono work for employer, tour guide through historical premises of employer, assisting visitors

  • Court proceedings observer (volunteer)

    Society for Open Courts

    6 miesięcy

    Prawa obywatelskie i działalność społeczna

    In 2005, the Society for Open Courts undertook the first effort to monitor the court system in Slovakia. The project was financed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and was implemented in close cooperation with the Anti-Corruption Unit of the Government Office of the Slovak Republic (SR) and the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic.

    The long-term goal of this project was to strengthen the principles of a fair legal process in the functioning of the Slovak court…

    In 2005, the Society for Open Courts undertook the first effort to monitor the court system in Slovakia. The project was financed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and was implemented in close cooperation with the Anti-Corruption Unit of the Government Office of the Slovak Republic (SR) and the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic.

    The long-term goal of this project was to strengthen the principles of a fair legal process in the functioning of the Slovak court system and support independent, unbiased and reliable legal decision making.

  • volunteer

    Citi (The Kronenberg Foundation - Citi Community Day)

    – obecnie 9 lat 11 miesięcy

    Dobro dzieci

    Landscaping and reconstruction of garden belonging to rehabilitation and educational center for disabled children.


  • HearPoint

    audio guide application for smartphone which provides users with narrated stories or legends about various interesting places or characters; negotiating agreements with clients, AdWords, Facebook Ads - preparing campaigns, analysing data, co-managing the project

    Inni autorzy
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Wyróżnienia i nagrody

  • Jan Jánsky bronze medal


    frequent blood donor


  • Slovak

    Język ojczysty lub biegłość dwujęzyczna

  • English

    Pełna biegłość zawodowa

  • Czech

    Biegłość na poziomie zaawansowanym

  • Polish

    Biegłość na poziomie zaawansowanym

  • French

    Biegłość na poziomie średniozaawansowanym

  • German

    Biegłość podstawowa

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