Hadrian Polewczak

Hadrian Polewczak

Kraków, Woj. Małopolskie, Polska
204 obserwujących 202 kontakty


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  • intive – grafika


    Cracow, Małopolskie, Poland

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    Kraków, Woj. Małopolskie, Polska

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    Kraków Area, Poland

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    Kraków Area, Poland

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    Cracow, Lesser Poland District, Poland

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    Kraków Area, Poland

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    Kraków Area, Poland

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    Kraków Area, Poland



  • SPG - Serwis Prawno Gospodarczy

    – obecnie

    Project Team: 3-4 Java Programmers (+ testers, etc)
    Project Description:
    Technology: Spring, Vaadin, JavaScript
    Main project features:
    ○ Transfer spg.lexisnexis.pl project on Java,
    ○ Advanced search engine with information that companies publish into National Court,
    ○ Allows users to search the status of a company at specific point in time,
    ○ Allows browsing the links of legal entity in the form of graph,

    My Responsibilities:
    ● Creating Project…

    Project Team: 3-4 Java Programmers (+ testers, etc)
    Project Description:
    Technology: Spring, Vaadin, JavaScript
    Main project features:
    ○ Transfer spg.lexisnexis.pl project on Java,
    ○ Advanced search engine with information that companies publish into National Court,
    ○ Allows users to search the status of a company at specific point in time,
    ○ Allows browsing the links of legal entity in the form of graph,

    My Responsibilities:
    ● Creating Project Specification,
    ● Managing distributed developer team,
    ● Weekly meetings with internal customer, confirming that the project complies the specification,
    ● Managing task:
    ○ Creating Project Charter,
    ○ Creating & Controlling scope, timeline, schedule.

    Inni autorzy
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  • SWIP - System Wewnętrznej Informacji Prawnej - PGL Lasy Państwowe

    Project Team: 2 Perl Programmers, 1 Java Programmer (+ testers, instructors, etc)
    Project Description:
    Technology: Perl, Java, Lucene
    Largest and most expensive project for LexisNexis, completely managed by me. Project was created for public tender for PGL Lasy Państwowe.
    Main project features:
    ○ advanced search engine (Lucene),
    ○ management of internal legal documents,
    ○ implementing relations between legal documents (‘repeals’, ‘waived by the’, etc.),
    ○ access…

    Project Team: 2 Perl Programmers, 1 Java Programmer (+ testers, instructors, etc)
    Project Description:
    Technology: Perl, Java, Lucene
    Largest and most expensive project for LexisNexis, completely managed by me. Project was created for public tender for PGL Lasy Państwowe.
    Main project features:
    ○ advanced search engine (Lucene),
    ○ management of internal legal documents,
    ○ implementing relations between legal documents (‘repeals’, ‘waived by the’, etc.),
    ○ access management,
    ○ publicity mechanism to BIP.

    My Responsibilities:
    ● Maintaining good relationship with customer,
    ● Weekly meetings with customer, confirming that the project complies the specification,
    ● determine the timing and scope of training (more than 20 in entire Poland)
    ● CR negotiation,
    ● Managing task:
    ○ Creating Project Charter,
    ○ Creating & Controlling scope, timeline, schedule.

    Inni autorzy
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