🎓 Zakończyliśmy pierwszą część stażu Summer Neuro Workout! Nasi młodzi adepci spędzili intensywny czas na zgłębianiu fascynującego świata neuronauki. Stażyści to: maturzyści z liceum S. Batorego i S. Kisielewskiego, studenci psychologii z Uniwersytetu SWPS oraz Amsterdam University. Kluczowym punktem programu było spotkanie z naszym CEO, prof. Rafal Ohme, który wprowadził ich w świat zjawiska Say-Do Gap oraz metodologii iCode. Stażyści dowiedzieli się, że pomiar czasu reakcji pozwala odkrywać, na ile ludzie są pewni swoich odpowiedzi, co ma ogromne znaczenie, szczególnie w badaniach nad markami i skutecznością kampanii marketingowych. Wiedzę zdobytą podczas stażu wykorzystali do stworzenia własnych ankiet, badających tematy społeczne, które szczególnie ich interesują. Już niedługo podzielimy się wynikami i spostrzeżeniami młodych badaczy! Stażyści mieli również okazję poznać i przetestować na własnej skórze jedną z naszych metod badawczych - bioNavi, która służy do pomiaru reakcji psychofizjologicznych organizmu człowieka w odpowiedzi na testowany bodziec. Dziękujemy Agnieszka Kuźmicz za przeprowadzenie szkolenia z platformy iCode, Julia Kluska za wsparcie merytoryczne podczas całego stażu i nieocenioną pomoc przy tworzeniu ankiet oraz Oliwia Tralewska za opiekę nad stażystami. Cieszymy się, że mogliśmy dzielić się naszą wiedzą i obserwować, jak młodzi badacze odkrywają tajniki neurokognitywnych metodologii. To był prawdziwy trening dla umysłu! 💡 ENG: 🎓 We have completed the first part of the Summer Neuro Workout internship! Our young students spent an intensive time exploring the fascinating world of neuroscience. A key highlight of the program was a meeting with our CEO, Professor Rafal Ohme who introduced them to the world of the Say-Do Gap phenomenon and the iCode methodology. The interns learned that measuring response time allows us to discover how confident people are in their answers, which is of great importance, especially in research on brands and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. They applied the knowledge gained during the internship to create their own surveys, exploring social topics of particular interest to them. We will share the results and insights of the young researchers soon! The interns also had the opportunity to learn about and test first-hand one of our research methods - bioNavi, which measures the psychophysiological reactions of the human body in response to a tested stimulus. We would like to thank Agnieszka Kuźmicz for providing training on the iCode platform, Julia Kluska for her substantive support throughout the internship and invaluable help with survey development, and Oliwia Tralewska for supervising the trainees. We are glad that we were able to share our knowledge and watch young researchers discover the secrets of neurocognitive methodologies. It was a real workout for the mind! 💡 #NeuroScience #SummerNeuroWorkout #bioNavi #iCode #SayDoGap #Innovation #ConsumerResearch #YouthInsights
iCode Say-Do Gap
Technologia, informacja i media
Warszawa, Woj. Mazowieckie 1381 obserwujących
consumer neuroscience | say-do gap unlock | human behavior research | technology and software provider
We evolve concentrating on what's the biggest challenge of research and providing a solution that revolutionizes the research equation. iCode is the foundation, fulfillment, and continuator of over 20 years of Neurohm's scientific and technological work legacy. Continuous development of solutions in the field of neuro-cognitive research supported by scientific rigor and constantly improving technological and AI solutions allowed the transformation of the former Neurohm into a science and technology hub responding to key challenges related to the study of human emotions and motivation with a particular focus on the phenomenon of the SAY-DO Gap enigma, the omnipresent discrepancy between what is declared and real action existing in life and so much visible in classical methodologies tackling on human behavior and motivations. A paradigm that keeps the vast majority of research agencies awake at night. The question is really simple: Have you ever gotten stuck/been stuck analyzing your research data? Frustrated by meaningless or flat results? Lacked actionable insights in your reports? Considered hidden biases among your respondents? Learn about iCode, a cutting-edge DIY Platform that will help you unlock the Say-Do Gap. Get bias-free data, present insights that can be easily translated into strategic actions for your clients, and capitalize on growth opportunities.
- Witryna
Link zewnętrzny organizacji iCode Say-Do Gap
- Branża
- Technologia, informacja i media
- Wielkość firmy
- 11–50 pracowników
- Siedziba główna
- Warszawa, Woj. Mazowieckie
- Rodzaj
- Spółka prywatna
- Data założenia
- 1997
Warszawa, Woj. Mazowieckie 00-585, PL
Pracownicy iCode Say-Do Gap
Say-Do Gap is a broad concept. It covers the relatively straightforward difference between #declaration and actual #readiness to act and can also describe more complex relationships. For example, #decision versus #intention, which is to some extent a clone of the previous linear correlation, may concern much narrower areas - for example, management decisions. The cited study tries to demonstrate this relationship, but the potential benefits of studying this process using iCode Engine™ would be interesting. This would enable an even deeper analysis of discrepancies and their potential causes in the decision-making process - both in management and at the simple level of post-tests, e.g. consumer decisions, which could have a huge impact on shaping the entire #marketing process. The research mentioned above is not the latest, but it opens a new field for #CodeSayDoGap applications. The cited data upholds and extends the initial discovery and provides an additional reason to apply the neuro-cognitive methodology of iCode to dive deeper into the semantic view that, ordinarily understood, deciding does not entail intending. Decisions made without real intention are a higher degree of the Say-Do Gap conundrum. #decisionprocess #leadership #SayDoGap #iCode #management
Can marketing effectively shape consumer attitudes and build desired brand experiences based solely on traditional declarative research methods? #saydogap #socialmasking #hiddenbias #cognitivebias #iCode
If what Ogilvy said is true then can traditional research methods be trusted?
iCode Say-Do Gap na LinkedIn
For the next three days, Minneapolis will be the center of the brightest and the most engaged minds discussing #sustainabletransformation and the role of brands and people in it during Brand-Led Culture Change by #SustainableBrands. Today Tomasz (Tom) Pawlikowski and Rafal Ohme will talk about #iCode, our game-changing methodology unlocking mindset barriers in employees and consumers. The world of #ESG taxonomy is getting more and more sophisticated. However, the ‚end-to-end’ solution should have an asterisk because it is missing in-depth measurement of the so-called ‚human-factor’ largely impacting sustainable, ESG-compliant, transformation. Sustainability is strictly related to # human #perceptions, #motivations, and #biases. iCode provides additional, complementary #insights into the transformation process, allowing the removal of barriers and blocks that slow it down. The human #mindset inside and outside any company is the key to managing and efficiently accelerating any change for good. Unlocking the discrepancy between words and deeds using iCode SDG is the best management tool to be combined with hard data analysis. Join us at 12am CDT/7pm CET! #iCode #sustainablebrands #biasfree #saydogap #mindsetunlocked
iCode is a versatile research tool that can be utilized across various fields such as #marketing, #humanresources, #politics, #psychology, and #publicopinion studies. Recently, we partnered with the Central European Institute to conduct a research project focusing on public opinion in the Three Seas countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia) regarding Russia and the war in Ukraine. Using the combination of CAWI method and iCode methodology, we delved into obtaining profound insights into respondents' genuine attitudes, rather than just their stated opinions, which represents an innovative approach to public opinion research. Traditional research methods often lead respondents to provide socially acceptable answers, rather than expressing their true thoughts and feelings. As a result, the predicted behaviors based on stated opinions often diverge from respondents' actual actions, influenced by their concealed beliefs. This data allows us to better understand the feedback loop between public opinion and the internal and international policies pursued by political decision-makers in the 12 Three Seas countries at that time. The study was conducted from July 1st to July 13th, 2023, with a sample of 13,000 respondents, and panels from 12 countries were sourced from Cint, ensuring the quality of the sample. 🤔 If you're interested in learning more about the detailed research findings and how iCode enriched the obtained data, please feel free to reach out to us. We'd be delighted to share more with you. #Research #PublicOpinion #iCode
📣 There are only 2 days left of the Week of Market Research! You can still register and take advantage of these exciting webinars, discussions, pitches and interactive workshops about the latest trends and insights from the world of data analytics and interpretation. We couldn't be more thrilled to be a part of it with a keynote presentation you won't want to miss 🌟 Join us as we dive into the realm of unlocking the power of hidden emotions for brand research. Led by industry experts Dirk Frank Head of Strategy at Bonsai GmbH, and our very own CEO and Founder, Prof. Rafal Ohme, this session promises to be enlightening and thought-provoking💡 In today's dynamic marketplace, understanding consumer behavior is key to driving targeted marketing strategies and building strong brands that stand the test of time. During our presentation, we'll introduce you to a cutting-edge approach that goes 👉beyond traditional cognitive assessments👈, delving deep into the implicit and explicit representations of brand personality. But that's not all! We'll also unveil the latest advancements in our neuro-cognitive testing technology, showcasing its evolving capabilities and how it can revolutionize your approach to brand research. 🔔 Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to gain invaluable insights and stay ahead of the curve. Secure your spot now by registering for this free event through the link in the first comment. 🌟 #MarketResearch #DataAnalytics #BrandResearch #Innovation #iCode #NeuroCognitiveTesting
Numerous scientific studies show that prejudices that are considered absent or extinguished remain a "mental residue" in most of us. Most of us can consciously and intentionally try to behave without prejudice and still harbor hidden negative biases and stereotypes. 👉 iCode examines the relationship between these biases and our ability to take actions strictly resulting from the discrepancy between declarations and readiness to act, a phenomenon we call the Say-Do Gap. 👉 Powered by proprietary algorithms, iCode Engine can be useful in many areas such as marketing, sustainable transformation, mergers & acquisitions, culture-fit, and countless projects in which humans are the key agents of change. 👉 iCode shows the connection between implicit bias and actual behavior. That is, where implicit bias can manifest itself in action, especially when a person's efforts consciously falter under stress, distraction, relaxation, or competition. 👉 In all areas in which humans play a key role, closing the Say-Do Gap is the basic way to increase the effectiveness of action and enhance the effectiveness of either transformation or marketing communication. 👉 Our neuro-cognitive methodology allows us to determine the parameters needed for effective management within the organization and in contact with external recipients in an incomparably shorter time and with much greater precision. #efficiency #neurocognitivetech #smarttech #saydogap
📣 A Week of Market Research has started today 🚀 6 days of exciting webinars, discussions, pitches and interactive workshops about the latest trends and insights from the world of data analytics and interpretation. iCode of course will be there with very interesting keynote presented by Dirk Frank Head of Strategy Bonsai GmbH and our CEO and Founder prof. Rafal Ohme. They will talk about revealing the power of hidden emotions for brand research. A holistic understanding of consumer behavior has been and remains a central prerequisite for the development of targeted marketing strategies and strong brands are the best basis for successful innovation processes. During our presentation we will show you a contemporary approach capturing brand essence and brand codes which, in addition to mental availability, holistically measures the implicit and explicit representation of the brand personality and thus goes beyond the purely cognitive assessment of brand knowledge and brand representations. Our neuro-cognitive testing relies on a state-of-the-art technology. The tool is continuously evolving and we will show its latest possibilities in our presentation. 👉 You can still register for this free event! Link in a first comment. #ConsumerUnderstanding #Brand #ImplicitResearch #Emotions #Innovationprocess
Daniel Kahneman, a psychologist who pioneered theories in behavioral economics that heavily influenced the discipline, and won him a Nobel prize, has died at the age of 90. Kahneman, who wrote the bestselling book Thinking, Fast and Slow, argued against the notion that people’s behavior is rooted in a rational decision-making process – rather than it is often based on instinct. “Many areas in the social sciences simply have not been the same since he arrived on the scene,” Prof Eldar Shafir, a former colleague, said in a press release. “He will be greatly missed.” #thinking #behavioraleconomics #icode #saydogap
Today, #Purpose is one of the key dimensions of work motivation. A few years ago, sixty-three percent of employees surveyed by McKinsey said they wanted their employers to provide them with more opportunities to achieve purpose in their daily work. The problem is that the need to fulfill the purpose, in most cases, is declarative and is not followed by the possibility of actual #action. Identifying real #discrepancies between the declared desire to pursue #purpose and the actual possibility of implementing these desires is the starting point for the sustainable transformation of an organization. iCode SDG is guided by the principle that if you cannot precisely measure motivation and attitudes, you will not be able to implement processes leading to their change properly. By #unlockingthegap between Say and Do and reaching the hidden bias blocking the action, there is a chance to accelerate the transformation process significantly. Proper #diagnosis of #barriers and #blockages as well as real, positive #emotions, create opportunities that will help employees find more personal meaning in everyday work. Helping employees achieve their goals at work, will make them feel more fulfilled. And when work aligns with the company's purpose, the sense of fulfillment will also benefit the company. However, the condition is a thorough and reliable examination of what lies behind often politically correct #declarations. There comes #iCode. Say-Do Gap Unlocked. #purposeled #motivation #saydogap #growth