2048-c | | Console version of the game 2048 |
3dsconv | | Script to convert Nintendo 3DS CCI (.cci, .3ds) files to the CIA format |
4ti2 | | Solve algebraic, geometric, combinatorial problems on linear spaces |
7-zip-zstd | | 7-zip with support for additional codecs |
7z-bin | | Extract, list, and test files in 7z archives (Linux binary) |
8bc | | B compiler for the PDP-8 |
8cc-git | | Small C Compiler |
a2ps-sharatype | | Cyrillic fonts for a2ps (a part of sharatype project) |
abc | | System for Sequential Logic Synthesis and Formal Verification |
accountsservice | | Set of D-Bus interfaces for accessing account information |
acl | | Commands for Manipulating POSIX Access Control Lists |
acme-client | | Secure Let's Encrypt client |
acme-dns | | Simplified DNS server to automate ACME DNS challenges |
acpiclient | | Displays information about ACPI devices |
acpid | | Linux ACPI event handler |
act | | Run your GitHub Actions locally |
actionlint | | Static checker for GitHub Actions workflow files |
actor-framework | | Open Source Implementation of the Actor Model in C++ |
ad2vcf | | Add allelic depth info from a SAM stream to a VCF file |
ada_gnat | | Tools for ada lang |
ada_xmlada | | Adacore XML suite for the ada lang |
adamem | | Emulator for the Colecovision game console and Adam computer system |
adasat | | Implementation of a DPLL-based SAT solver in Ada |
adept | | Combined automatic differentiation and array library for C++ |
adguardhome | | Network-wide ads- and trackers-blocking DNS server |
adjustmtu | | Detect MTU size and set MTU size of routing table |
adms | | Verilog to C code compiler |
admsmb | | Security scanner for Samba |
adobe-source-sans-pro-ttf-otf | | Adobe Source Sans Pro TTF fonts |
advancemame | | Arcade game emulator with advanced video support |
ae-fonts-decorative | | Other collection of PCF fonts that include Arabic glyphs |
aegis-devel | | Infrastructure meta-package to develop on Aegis |
aegisub | | Free, cross-platform tool for creating and modifying subtitles |
aespipe | | AES encryption pipe from the loop-aes project |
afflib | | Advanced Forensic Format library |
afl-cov | | Produce code coverage results with gcov from afl-fuzz test cases |
agile | | Interface for a variety of Fortran-based Monte Carlo generators |
ags | | Adventure Game Studio runtime engine |
aichat | | All-in-one AI CLI tool |
air | | Live reload for Go apps |
aircrack-ng | | WiFi security auditing tools suite |
alac_decoder | | Apple Lossless Audio Codec files decoder |
alacritty-dev | | Cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator |
alberta | | Adaptive hierarchical finite element toolbox |
aldo | | Morse code training program |
aldumb | | Allegro support for audio/dumb |
alertmanager | | Prometheus Alertmanager |
alive | | Login software for Swedish Telia ADSL/Comhem cable Internet users |
alsa-lib-git | | Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) |
alsa-plugins | | Advanced Linux Sound Architecture plugins |
alsa-plugins-jack | | Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) - OSS plugin |
alt-ergo | | Automatic theorem prover for program verification |
am-utils | | Berkeley automounter suite of utilities |
am-utils-git | | Berkeley automounter suite of utilities |
amavis-logwatch | | Amavis log reporting utility |
amlogic-meson-fwtools | | Trusted Firmware packaging tools for the Amlogic Meson family of SoCs |
analizo | | Extensible source code analysis and visualization toolkit |
angelscript | | The AngelScript programming language |
ansible-junos-stdlib | | Ansible library for JunOS routers |
anthy-dic-jis34 | | Dictionary of JIS level 3 and 4 for Anthy |
antlr | | ANother Tool for Language Recognition |
antlr3-c | | ANother Tool for Language Recognition, C bindings |
anvil | | Plan 9 acme-like editor written in Go |
aoi | | Open source 3D modelling and rendering studio based on Java |
aokell | | AOKell is a Java implementation of the Fractal component model |
aols-freetds | | FreeTDS database access module for aolserver |
aols-openssl | | OpenSSL module for aolserver |
aols-postgres | | Postgres database access module for aolserver |
aolserver4 | | America Online's open source web server |
ap2-auth-imap | | Module to allow apache2 authentication against an IMAP server |
ap2-auth-pam | | Apache2 module for PAM authentification |
ap2-evasive | | Evasive maneuvers module for Apache |
ap2-jk2 | | Apache2 JK2 module for connecting to Tomcat using AJP1X |
ap2-macro | | Apache module for using macros in config files |
ap2-mpm-itk | | Apache module that allows to run each vhost under a separate uid and gid |
ap2-passenger | | Passenger module for Apache 2.x |
ap2-zeroconf | | Allows apache2 to register on a Zero Configuration network |
apache-arrow | | Cross-language development platform for in-memory analytics |
apache-commons-beanutils | | Utility for manipulating JavaBeans |
apache-commons-codec | | Encoder and decoders such as Base64 and hexadecimal codec |
apache-commons-collections | | Set of abstract data type interfaces and implementations |
apache-commons-configuration | | Java based library providing a generic configuration interface |
apache-commons-dbcp | | Database Connection Pooling Services |
apache-commons-digester | | Rule based XML Java object mapping tool |
apache-commons-io | | Common useful IO related classes |
apache-commons-lang | | Extension of the java.lang package |
apache-commons-logging | | Commmon wrapper interface for several logging APIs |
apache-commons-pool | | Pooling implementation for Java objects |
apache-log4j | | Logging facility for Java |
ape | | Another Programmer's Editor |
apel-git | | Portable Emacs library |
apinger | | IP/icmp based device monitoring tool |
apk-tools | | Alpine Package Keeper Tools |
apple-codesign | | Code signing for Apple platforms |
apstget | | This is an apt-get like tool for pkgsrc |
apvlv | | PDF/DJVU/UMD/TXT Viewer which behaves like Vim |
aqemu | | GUI for virtual machines using QEMU as the backend |
aquaria | | Aquaria Open Source Edition |
aquatone | | Tool for domain flyovers |
ar7 | | Diagnosis tool for certain ADSL modems |
mk | | Subfolder |