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2048-c Console version of the game 2048
3dsconv Script to convert Nintendo 3DS CCI (.cci, .3ds) files to the CIA format
4ti2 Solve algebraic, geometric, combinatorial problems on linear spaces
7-zip-zstd 7-zip with support for additional codecs
7z-bin Extract, list, and test files in 7z archives (Linux binary)
8bc B compiler for the PDP-8
8cc-git Small C Compiler
a2ps-sharatype Cyrillic fonts for a2ps (a part of sharatype project)
abc System for Sequential Logic Synthesis and Formal Verification
accountsservice Set of D-Bus interfaces for accessing account information
acl Commands for Manipulating POSIX Access Control Lists
acme-client Secure Let's Encrypt client
acme-dns Simplified DNS server to automate ACME DNS challenges
acpiclient Displays information about ACPI devices
acpid Linux ACPI event handler
act Run your GitHub Actions locally
actionlint Static checker for GitHub Actions workflow files
actor-framework Open Source Implementation of the Actor Model in C++
ad2vcf Add allelic depth info from a SAM stream to a VCF file
ada_gnat Tools for ada lang
ada_xmlada Adacore XML suite for the ada lang
adamem Emulator for the Colecovision game console and Adam computer system
adasat Implementation of a DPLL-based SAT solver in Ada
adept Combined automatic differentiation and array library for C++
adguardhome Network-wide ads- and trackers-blocking DNS server
adjustmtu Detect MTU size and set MTU size of routing table
adms Verilog to C code compiler
admsmb Security scanner for Samba
adobe-source-sans-pro-ttf-otf Adobe Source Sans Pro TTF fonts
advancemame Arcade game emulator with advanced video support
ae-fonts-decorative Other collection of PCF fonts that include Arabic glyphs
aegis-devel Infrastructure meta-package to develop on Aegis
aegisub Free, cross-platform tool for creating and modifying subtitles
aespipe AES encryption pipe from the loop-aes project
afflib Advanced Forensic Format library
afl-cov Produce code coverage results with gcov from afl-fuzz test cases
agile Interface for a variety of Fortran-based Monte Carlo generators
ags Adventure Game Studio runtime engine
aichat All-in-one AI CLI tool
air Live reload for Go apps
aircrack-ng WiFi security auditing tools suite
alac_decoder Apple Lossless Audio Codec files decoder
alacritty-dev Cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
alberta Adaptive hierarchical finite element toolbox
aldo Morse code training program
aldumb Allegro support for audio/dumb
alertmanager Prometheus Alertmanager
alive Login software for Swedish Telia ADSL/Comhem cable Internet users
alsa-lib-git Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)
alsa-plugins Advanced Linux Sound Architecture plugins
alsa-plugins-jack Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) - OSS plugin
alt-ergo Automatic theorem prover for program verification
am-utils Berkeley automounter suite of utilities
am-utils-git Berkeley automounter suite of utilities
amavis-logwatch Amavis log reporting utility
amlogic-meson-fwtools Trusted Firmware packaging tools for the Amlogic Meson family of SoCs
analizo Extensible source code analysis and visualization toolkit
angelscript The AngelScript programming language
ansible-junos-stdlib Ansible library for JunOS routers
anthy-dic-jis34 Dictionary of JIS level 3 and 4 for Anthy
antlr ANother Tool for Language Recognition
antlr3-c ANother Tool for Language Recognition, C bindings
anvil Plan 9 acme-like editor written in Go
aoi Open source 3D modelling and rendering studio based on Java
aokell AOKell is a Java implementation of the Fractal component model
aols-freetds FreeTDS database access module for aolserver
aols-openssl OpenSSL module for aolserver
aols-postgres Postgres database access module for aolserver
aolserver4 America Online's open source web server
ap2-auth-imap Module to allow apache2 authentication against an IMAP server
ap2-auth-pam Apache2 module for PAM authentification
ap2-evasive Evasive maneuvers module for Apache
ap2-jk2 Apache2 JK2 module for connecting to Tomcat using AJP1X
ap2-macro Apache module for using macros in config files
ap2-mpm-itk Apache module that allows to run each vhost under a separate uid and gid
ap2-passenger Passenger module for Apache 2.x
ap2-zeroconf Allows apache2 to register on a Zero Configuration network
apache-arrow Cross-language development platform for in-memory analytics
apache-commons-beanutils Utility for manipulating JavaBeans
apache-commons-codec Encoder and decoders such as Base64 and hexadecimal codec
apache-commons-collections Set of abstract data type interfaces and implementations
apache-commons-configuration Java based library providing a generic configuration interface
apache-commons-dbcp Database Connection Pooling Services
apache-commons-digester Rule based XML Java object mapping tool
apache-commons-io Common useful IO related classes
apache-commons-lang Extension of the java.lang package
apache-commons-logging Commmon wrapper interface for several logging APIs
apache-commons-pool Pooling implementation for Java objects
apache-log4j Logging facility for Java
ape Another Programmer's Editor
apel-git Portable Emacs library
apinger IP/icmp based device monitoring tool
apk-tools Alpine Package Keeper Tools
apple-codesign Code signing for Apple platforms
apstget This is an apt-get like tool for pkgsrc
apvlv PDF/DJVU/UMD/TXT Viewer which behaves like Vim
aqemu GUI for virtual machines using QEMU as the backend
aquaria Aquaria Open Source Edition
aquatone Tool for domain flyovers
ar7 Diagnosis tool for certain ADSL modems
mk Subfolder