./finance/p5-Finance-Quote, Perl module to get stock quotes from various exchanges

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 1.61nb2, Package name: p5-Finance-Quote-1.61nb2, Maintainer: damon

Finance::Quote provides access to time-delayed stock quotes from
a number of sources.

Required to run:
[www/p5-CGI] [www/p5-HTML-TableExtract] [www/p5-libwww] [lang/perl5] [time/p5-DateTime] [converters/p5-JSON]

Required to build:

Master sites: (Expand)

Filesize: 261.668 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2024-11-16 13:08:07 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2504)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for perl 5.40
   2024-08-16 08:18:03 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
p5-Finance-Quote: add missing p5-LWP-Protocol-https dependency

   2024-04-28 10:18:00 by Wen Heping | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update to 1.61

Upstream changes:
1.61      2024-04-18 21:34:24-07:00 America/Los_Angeles
        * SIX.pm - Changed lookup for currency, added lookups for symbol and \ 
last. Issue #380
        * YahooJSON.pm - URLs to retrieve required cookies and crumbs were \ 
changed to allow EU based users to use the module. Issue #373

1.60      2024-04-15 17:34:46-07:00 America/Los_Angeles
        * Removed not working modules. Issues #346, #366, and #368.
                Fidelity.pm, Cdbfundlibrary.com, Fundata.pm, and Fool.pm.
        * YahooJSON.pm - Added code to retrieve cookies and a "crumb" \ 
                to continue to utilize the v11 API. Issue #369.
                The YahooJSON.pm currency module was changed to use the v8 API.
        * Added initial version of CONTRIBUTING.pod that metacpan.org utilizes.
                It will completely replace the Hacker's Guide in the future.
        * Bloomberg.pm - Changed module to extract data from JSON structure \ 
embedded within the HTML - Issue #360
        * NSEIndia.pm - Eliminated need to use temp folders by storing file data \ 
from URL into a variable
   2024-01-04 01:03:04 by David H. Gutteridge | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
p5-Finance-Quote: update to 1.59

1.59      2023-12-31 14:52:12-08:00 America/Los_Angeles
	* Fixed XETRA, Tradegate and SInvestor after webpage was restructured - Issue #350
	* Fidelity.pm temporarily disabled - Issue #346
	* Finanzpartner.pm - Fix scraper, did not work if quote was higher than the \ 
previous day's quote.
	* GoogleWeb.pm - Updated to retrieve mutual fund and BATS prices - Issue #355
	* BSEIndia.pm - Updated to use standardized data file at URL
	  Eliminated need to use temp folders by storing standardized file data from \ 
URL into a variable.
	  Updated names of source fields to conform to those in the standardized data file
	* IndiaMutual.pm - Eliminated need to use temp folders by storing nav file data \ 
from URL into a variable.
	* TMX.pm - Correct a self-reference in documentation - PR #345
	* Stooq.pm - Added new currencies and a fix for commodities' prices
	* YahooWeb.pm - Skip rows in the price table where the prices are "-".
	  This seems to happen sometimes with TIAA (and perhaps other) securities
	  including TILIX and QCILIX
	* TSP.pm - Was not returning hash when the HTTP GET failed completely
	  or the content did not contain the expected CSV file. - Issue #338
	* BSEIndia.pm - Removed print when symbol not found - Issue #335
   2023-09-28 07:46:15 by Paul Goyette | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Add a couple more new dependencies.  Bump package revision.
   2023-09-27 04:13:05 by David H. Gutteridge | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
p5-Finance-Quote: as of 1.58, also requires p5-HTTP-CookieJar
   2023-09-25 09:29:29 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
p5-Finance-Quote: add missing dependency

   2023-08-13 19:56:01 by David H. Gutteridge | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
p5-Finance-Quote: update to 1.58

1.58      2023-08-12 10:59:05-07:00 America/Los_Angeles
	* Consorsbank.pm - New module - PR #329
	* Stooq.pm - New module - Issue #203
	* Bloomberg.pm - Changed modules to utilize cookie jar - PR #331 - Issue #324
	* AlphaVantage.pm - Apply currency scaling (GBp -> GBP) when symbol
	  had additional ".X" suffix - Issue #281
	  Fixed check for "Information" JSON usually returned when daily API
	  limit has been reached.
	* YahooWeb.pm - Fixed incorrect pricing for single character symbols
	  and changed URL to get trade date - Issues #314 #319
	* Another fix to the URL in YahooJSON and CurrencyRates/YahooJSON - Issue #318